
The Returner Dad Is S-Rank

A new Hunter gets whisked away to another world on the way back home. Leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves in a world filled with malice and violence both from humans and monsters. With a skill that can only be used for healing, he will fight in this strange new world with every ounce of strength he can muster. Even though there is no possible way back home he will gamble with his life and plunge forward into the unknown, to his beloved wife and daughter, no matter the cost.

ShujaatAmin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


"You son of a bitch! Get him, guys!"

The rest of the group was now angry at Jake. When their boss went down they thought he might be playing around like before but now they saw their superior getting the same treatment and falling down limp. According to Jake, they were only tired and sleeping which enraged them even further. They wanted to take revenge for their boss and stepped forward but stopped for a moment as Jake first criticized them and continued his lecture.

"Not one of you guys knows how to slap someone? How are you guys part of the night watch if you can't even slap someone? Did you not hear it when I was trying to teach your boss? Do I have to do it separately for all of you? Well come here and I will teach you."

They looked at each other for a moment confused at this man's mockery. Was he really that strong that he could fight all of them? After all, they were 8 and he was alone, so why was he still so confident? They should have had this type of thought after they saw Jake hit their boss but alas they were drunk. Jake simply continued his lecture in front of the class.

"Now if you would observe this guy you would notice that he fell on the same spot as your boss. Now, why is that? As I said before and you must have observed as well when I slapped the shit out of both of them is that it depends on your style. My style is that I wind my hand vertically so that instead of falling backward as they do when you slap them horizontally, they fall right where they were standing. It kind of feels like they suddenly started kneeling in front of me right?

If you have had enough by now then take these bags of trash and go back to your patrol or you could come up here and I would give each of you a lesson as well. After all, if you guys are strong then our streets will be much safer considering you all are part of the night watch, right?"

Normally when you see someone that confident after he has already knocked two guys you would and should stop right there and try not to attack him. Maybe it was the alcohol in their system or they were just simply that stupid but they chose to attack him regardless.

After that, it was like a comedy routine from old movies. One of the goons hell-bent on revenge approached Jake and tried to attack him. He froze in his place and was slapped by Jake and passed out cold over the bodies of other goons. This continued two more times when Jake suddenly decided to change his slapping hand.

"Well there is a pile of sleeping people on my left side and my right hand is getting tired so let's make a pile on my right side."

Then a pile of sleeping men started forming on his right side as he slapped them with his left hand. Somewhere between teaching them how to slap someone he had thought to himself.

'That felt really good for some reason. I was feeling pretty down moments ago but now I feel fit as a fiddle. I guess venting does feel good, doesn't it? Alright, let's continue teaching this lesson.'

This scene was repeating itself like a movie. They would step in front of Jake trying to hit him, they would freeze just in front of him, surprised and scared not knowing why, and then Jake would slap them making them go nighty night and sleepy tight, hoping the bed bugs won't bite. This repeated nine times and now there were two piles of bodies in front of Jake sleeping soundly on either side with the last member of the group standing still in front of him in fear.

The last member of the group looked at Jake and knew that they had lost and did not want to charge at him willy-nilly and meet the same fate as them.

"Not coming? Are you sure? It is five on one side and four on the other if you come then I can balance it out to five on each side." Jake smirked as he asked the last survivor of the group.

The reason might have been that he had either sobered up or he might have never drunk as much as them or he was simply not that stupid. He immediately put his hands in the air and surrendered. Jake looks at his defeated expression and thinks that was the right decision or else he would have been sleeping with them right now.

A sudden thought occurred to Jake when he thought about this whole scenario. Jake thought about it for a second and realized that this whole situation started because they were asking for money that he did not have. He was back on Earth now and he needed money to survive. He was not sure how long it would take until he found Andy and his family and he needed money to continue his search. Right then he got an idea of where to acquire some money immediately.

"Well it must be destiny that you made the right decision and did not take the lesson I was providing or else I would be the one going through pockets right now." The last goon looked a little puzzled but then put two and two together.

"Unfortunately my lesson was not completely free. The first one was a demo, as such it was completely free of charge but what followed was not free. Now they cannot pay me right now as they are sleeping but you can help me. How about you check their pockets and see if they can pay me back for my lessons."

The survivor was obviously angry at Jake at first, he knocked them all out and was now shamelessly extorting money from them. No matter his feelings on the subject he could not really call the kettle black as they were the ones that started this mess. He was relieved that he only had to check their pockets and give him the money. Giving him money right now was easier and better than what would happen if his pockets were searched.

He went through the pockets of every sleeping member and collected whatever he could find. It took him a while to do it because they were all piled on top of each other. All the while Jake was swinging on the swings while whistling. He collected all the money he found and handed it over to Jake. Jake took the money which amounted to a couple of hundred Dv(Doves/currency) bills, some chewing gum, a few flasks of alcohol, sunglasses, mobiles, and some chocolate.

Jake only took the money and snacks and threw everything else on the ground. He felt a little nostalgic seeing the bar of chocolate. He opened the wrapper, took a bite, and got lost in the sweet flavor.

Just how long it had been since he last enjoyed a delicious piece of chocolate. The taste was so rich and sweet that he thought he might just get diabetes from that one bite. The initial heavenly sweetness just rots your teeth followed by the blinding bitterness that attacks your tongue as if to justify the sweetness you just felt. He enjoyed the chocolate thoroughly and then he looked up at the survivor and asked him a very important question.

"You did good work here you know. You can keep these things." He threw the rest of the stuff toward him. "I don't really need them. Oh, and why did you not search the last man?"

The last man? The survivor was confused as to who was Jake talking about. He had searched everyone in front of Jake and had given him everything. Seeing the puzzled expression on his face Jake smiled and pointed at the last man standing in front of him. The one man who was still conscious and standing.

"I have given you everything they had," he said as he unconsciously tried to protect his jacket pocket with his hand. "Is this not enough? Just let me go I don't have anything on me."

"Oh, I will let you go after you show me the insides of your pockets. You were happy when you robbed their pockets were you not? So why resist now? Hurry up I have to go somewhere." Jake noticed him covering his jacket pocket and was curious about what he was hiding.

He was hesitant to do it but he had no other choice in the matter. Reluctant and with a big frown on his face he slowly emptied his pockets and placed the contents in Jake's hand. It was a brown bag that contained a big wad of cash. Jake was surprised and curious as to why was this man carrying so much money even though the boss had nothing compared to him. He quickly counted the money to find how much it was.

"Seriously? Twenty thousand DVs (doves)? Who carries this much cash on themselves especially a thug like you? Is this not a lot of money even for a thug like you? Since when did the night watch start carrying this amount of money?"

The thug stares at Jake grinding his teeth wanting to kill him. His face and ears are red as he slowly whispers to him.

"Well, this… this is….you know."

"What?" Jake could not hear his mumbling so he shouted at him and the survivor hurriedly answered.

"This is protection money that we gathered today."

"Pfft! Haha, protection money? Haha, who the hell wants you guys to protect them? How will you protect others when you cannot even protect yourselves? This is not protection money this is the money you extorted from others. Since this money is not yours in the first place I will take it."

"You are strong from what I can tell. You might even be an awakened or a pro hunter but remember this, you messed with the wrong people here today. Our boss will hear of this and he will come for you. Then you will regret this decision after all our boss is a hunter as well."

"Yeah, yeah I should be very careful from now on and look out for myself because I have messed with the wrong people right? Don't you worry about me, I have heard this before a thousand times and will probably hear it again. I am touched that you are worried for me but don't be, I have a solution for this problem."

"What would that solution be? Begging me not to tell on you?" the survivor said. "Too late for that one buddy."

"Oh no nothing like that, even if I did beg you I don't think that you will be helping me." Jake starts walking towards him. " I will make you forget everything that happened here tonight. Then it won't be a problem for me right?"

"Make me forget, what are you talking about?" The survivor takes a step back as Jake approaches too close.

Before he can say anything else or move, Jake gives him a new and exclusive lesson just for him, for free, on how to make someone forget everything. He winds his arm back and slaps him. The survivor goes down on the ground to become a victim like the others.

'Thanks for helping me vent out and the money as well.'