
The Returner Dad Is S-Rank

A new Hunter gets whisked away to another world on the way back home. Leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves in a world filled with malice and violence both from humans and monsters. With a skill that can only be used for healing, he will fight in this strange new world with every ounce of strength he can muster. Even though there is no possible way back home he will gamble with his life and plunge forward into the unknown, to his beloved wife and daughter, no matter the cost.

ShujaatAmin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Come Back Soon

Sylvia thought about it for some time and finally reached a conclusion. There are two ways to get magically healed in this world. One way is for a Hunter with a healing skill to heal you. But this way was not something that her husband could afford to do. If they could afford it they would have healed him already.

When he was injured they had tried to ask for a few healers to heal her husband. In response to their request, they had been given a ridiculous amount of money as the fees for healing Jake. They were way too expensive for them to even consider.

Most of the money they had saved up and the additional debt that they had taken had gone into the fees for the surgeries and hospital. Even after the operations, they had to buy a large number of expensive medicines and pay for his physical therapy. After that, they just gave up on the idea of getting healed by a Hunter.

The second way of getting healed was not really a way but rather a naturally occurring phenomenon. This phenomenon was called the Hunter Awakening. In this world where dungeons and monsters were the norms of society, people of different ages and genders would awaken from time to time.

This concept of awakening meant that a human would be given immense power which would allow them to be able to fight against the monsters that invade from these said dungeons. These superhuman and super-powerful men and women were called Hunters. Who would take on the mission of defending humanity from monsters?

No one knew why or how these people would awaken. Ever since the first dungeon had formed a little over fifty years ago. These people started awakening with strange new powers. Powers beyond their imaginations, Strength to fight these monsters on equal grounds. Some scientists theorized that maybe they were given these powers in response to the monsters. After a while, it mattered not where these powers came from but the people were thankful for them anyway. Because it gave them the power to stand against these foreign invaders.

Now one of the key characteristics of these newly awakened Hunters was that their bodies would go through a process which was coined Cleansing. Whenever a Hunter awoke all of their bodies' wounds, trauma, and diseases would get healed in an instant. Their body would be renewed and strengthened, making them more healthy and sturdy than a normal humans.

There have even been some recorded cases where people on the brink of their death would awaken. In this case instead of dying their reason for imminent death would be removed and they would be healed. A seriously injured person would just shrug his injuries off and would get up like they were never dying in the first place.

This was the phenomenon that Sylvia was reminded of when thinking of her husband's sudden improvement in health. This was the only way that she could explain how her husband was suddenly healed.

"Yes yes, Sylvia I have Awakened. That's why all burns on my hands and chest were healed. Then when I stood up after that I found out that my back and legs had also gotten better. I couldn't believe it myself if not for the visible signs and changes."

"Believe it yourself? Honey, I can't believe it myself. I mean what are the chances of your awakening? At your age, the chances of awakening are very low."

"I know right? I mean I was just so excited about it and was running around after my leg was healed. Then my office workers congratulated me and asked me what skill I had gotten. That's when I realized I hadn't even checked my skills yet."

"Well then did you check? What skills did you get?" Sylvia was getting excited thinking about what skill he had gotten. The type of skill that you would gain would tell you your role in fighting monsters.

"Yes, I checked my skills although I only have one skill right now and it is a very rare skill. It is a Healing Skill."

Being a healer was a very rare skill to have in the Hunter community. To every two to three hundred Hunters, there would be only one or two healers. That was why it was such a rare skill to have. That is also why it was a very profitable skill. Hunters being people that would get injured almost every day needed healers to keep them going. That is why healers were very expensive. Just like the healer who demanded a huge sum for healing Jake.

"That is amazing. To think that you would get a healer's skill. Now you can help those people that need help but can't afford it just like yourself. You will heal those people for free you hear me? I will not let you abuse your power like all those other petty Hunters."

Sylvia was very happy when she heard that her husband had gotten a healer skill. This meant that he would not be directly involved in combat and he would be able to help other unfortunate people like himself. This skill really suited Jake's personality. She was worried for her husband who had never fought even a fly in his life. He was a caring man and avoided fighting.

"Aha, don't worry I won't abuse my power and would help others just like you said. But this is really great Sylvia, after I join a guild and do a few missions we should be able to get rid of all our debt in no time. I will buy you a bigger house and we can buy ourselves that cafe that we always talked about, and we will buy a real luxury car for you and a sports one for me and…..for Ellen….."

Sylvia was happy to see how her husband was going off the rails about buying all these things before having made a single cent of the money that he was talking about. She stopped him before he would start saying that he would buy the moon for her.

"Alright alright I get it you would buy all these things for us. Get home first and then we will talk okay."

"I'm sorry I got all excited. I just have to go pick up Ellen's gift and then I will be back we have much to celebrate."

They were both about to say goodbye when Jake stopped her again. With a wide grin on his face, he whispered slowly into the phone.

"Oh and make sure to prepare yourself for tonight. My back just got healed giving me the free rein of movement that I used to have. You know what that means don't you, Mrs. Ingram, hehe… We will have a lot of fun tonight."

"Oh Shut up Jake. Have I not told you not to say things like that aha! What if someone heard you? Well, you come back and we will see what you can do Mr. Ingram hehe."

Sylvia had gotten bright red like a tomato from Jake's teasing words. It had been a while since Jake had teased her like this. He just hadn't been happy enough or pain-free to say something like that to her. She had forgotten how he used to say these corny lines to her all the time.

"Aha Yes, mam. I will be back soon. Love you, bye!"

After Sylvia put the phone down she stood still for a moment. She could not believe just how content she felt right now. She never thought she could feel as happy as she was feeling right now. Tears were rolling down her rosy cheeks as she thought of all the things that their family had been through in the last few years.

She cried for a moment but was soon jolted by the burning smell coming from the kitchen. She ran to the kitchen just in time and removed the pan from the fire. She cleaned her face and with a giggle and a hop in her step started getting lunch ready.

For now, was not the time to cry but a time to rejoice. Spending this time happily with her family. As she was preparing lunch her daughter came in busting through the door.

"Hi mom, is daddy back yet? He said he would come back on time to bake the cake with us. He even promised." Ellen asked her mother as she ran towards the kitchen after entering the house.

"Ellen, how many times have I said to change after you come back from school? Besides I just talked with your father he said that he would be back on time. Now go change and freshen up and let's eat."

"Mom, why does it smell like something burned in here? Did you forget something on the stove while watching TV again hehe?"

"You little rascal no I didn't forget anything, now go hurry up and change."

Ellen ran to her room giggling after teasing her mother. She changed out of her uniform and had lunch with her mother. They spent the afternoon watching TV. Now it was time to prepare the cake batter and put it into the oven. Looking back at the clock Sylvia dialed her husband's number a few times but there was no answer.

"Mom is Dad gonna be back on time?"

"Well, I guess he is running late again. How about we get the batter ready and put it in the oven? It will be fun even without Dad. And when he comes back we can scold him and get him to buy us as much as snacks as we want."


Ellen agreed to her mother's request and then they got busy baking a cake.

They made the cake and the other dishes and got ready for the party. After the cake was baked they both decorated it with bright-colored cream and chocolate and then they waited for Jake to come back and waited.

"Hi this is Jake, I am sorry I can't come to the phone right now please leave a message….."

Sylvia kept calling her husband's number again and again and it kept going to voicemail. After a while of waiting and watching the door, Ellen fell asleep on her lap she was sure that she would wake up when her dad came back. Whenever you open their main door it makes a weird noise. It was weird and loud enough that a person would wake up from their sleep.

Sylvia kept looking towards the door. She was getting worried for her husband. He was not just late he was too late. She kept calling his cell in hopes of reaching him. She waited and waited but the door never opened, He never picked up his phone, the weird and loud noise did not wake Ellen up and Jake never came back.