
The Returnee's Guide to Survive the Magic Academy

Adrian had found himself in another world while he was studying for his final exams. He was summoned to the world of Arcadia to protect the world from the outer gods that were going to destroy the world. However, Adrian hated the world there. Why? Well the world was primitive so there wasn't really any toilet or Wi-Fi but most importantly there were no goddamn video games! It was a disaster! However, once he beat the outer gods he was given the option to go back to his world. But there was a condition. He had to abandon his powers. "Yea fuck that!" With a new spell he created he went back to his own world and was able to keep his powers. But there was a problem. Through a string of murders, Adrain found out that his original world had supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves. But then he was dragged into going to the magic academy of Evergarden. Yet there was something the teacher forgot to inform him of. The Academy's state between the nobles and commoners. Also his family heritage. If they found out how talented he was he was probably be forced to join on dangerous missions that could cost him his life. Now he had to survive an academy filled with horny teenagers with magical powers whilst hiding his true abilities

WorldEater_11 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Murder Case

(I changed a few things please read the previous chapter)

Yawning I made my way through the school hallways while I tried to find my locker. Due to the amount of time I spent there I forgot most of the stuff like my school layout and my neighbourhood. 

Making it to my business class I sat on the chair and started to look through the news. The only news I actually looked at was the news about the world. I mean for all I knew for the 2 days I had gone missing there probably was a zombie apocalypse. 

As I looked through the news more my city a frown appeared on my face.


Looking through the article my ears then perked up at the conversations the other students were having.

"Yea, apparently a woman was found in that warehouse near that abandoned building," 

"That's scary, what are the police doing? There have already been 12 victims in 2 days!"

"Honestly I'm scared, I don't think I want to go to the next exam"

'12 kills in 2 days?'

I thought about the situation. At first, I thought there were supernatural abilities to this, being able to kill 12 people in 2 days and not be caught was impressive. However, that probably wouldn't be the case. If they did kill someone wouldn't just they burn the corpse with fire magic? Maybe they are doing a ritual of some kind?

I quickly paused my thoughts 'Why do I give a damn?' 

I have magic and I can already use space and time magic. There probably isn't anyone who can match me right? Unless they are also a mage that is a higher tier than me. 

'But what if there were other races?'

In Arcadia, there were several other races like vampires, elves, daemons, etc. So what if there were races like vampires here? I mean it is a possibility.

But I was then dragged out of my thoughts when the teacher came in. 

When we had to put our phones in the phone box I used illusion magic to make it seem like my phone was there whilst it was actually in my hand, of course, I also used illusion magic to hide it too. 

As the test started I immediately started to google the answers. 

After a while, I finished the test. In the end, I saw that there was an essay-type answer. Considering I had forgotten mostly everything, I knew that I was probably screwed so I instead used many of the AI-generating apps. Now I wasn't stupid enough to copy it word for word instead I used aspects from the test and some knowledge I retained to make the essay my own. 

With a breath, I handed in my test and pretended to get my phone. 

"Well, that's all over," taking out my phone I started to use the map and made my way to a restaurant. 

I had applied to many jobs as the game was updating because…well, I need the money. This morning I had one reply which asked for an interview. 

As I followed the direction I made it in front of a restaurant which seemed to be pretty extravagant and that's not to mention the bar that was attached to it. 

'I'm 16 though I don't think I can work at a bar, can I?' 

With a deep breath, I entered the store.


Meanwhile, the man from the previous night was staring at the restaurant in a daze. 

"I guess I found my culprit for last night's mana disturbance but is that kid really the murderer?"

Remembering the news the man shook his head "Unlikely but it seems he is good a using magic, I guess he is one of those people who don't know about the supernatural world"

But he frowned "However, his magic control and casting ability are excellent for his age. Too bad he isn't attending the academy."

Scratching his head a sudden idea hit him.

The man's name is Rolland Dulius and he is a teacher at Evergarden Academy. It was one of the most prestigious academies in the world. The academy of course taught magic and swordsmanship. 

However, despite being a prestigious institute that implements the ideas of humility the students were rather arrogant and prideful often looking down on people in a lower class than them. This also made it a pain in the ass for the teachers due to the many fights it causes between the commoners and nobles. 

"ugh seriously isn't it supposed to be the opposite?"

Walking away he started to call someone "Yeah it's me, listen I need a favour"


Walking into the establishment I looked around to see that there were only a few people in the restaurant area. I was impressed with the decor but I also noticed most people were in the bar. 

"hello sir can I help you?" A girl then approached me. She was beautiful for sure, with long brown hair that went down to her waist and golden eyes. She had what I could only describe as an hourglass figure However, I wasn't exactly impressed after all, I saw elves. 

Putting on a polite smile I started to speak "I'm supposed to have a job interview around this time, ah my name is Adrain Grenvil"

"Ah right please follow me," she said 

"Mom this is one of the applicants," Walking me toward a woman who seemed to be in her early 20s she then walked away. 

Smiling at me she walked toward me "Hello Adrain please follow me," Walking me toward the back I was in what appeared to be an office. 

Sitting down on a chair she started to speak 

"Now I'm gonna be straight with you, you pretty much already have the job so I'm just going to ask you a few basic questions,"

"ok," I nodded

I was first surprised but I then realized that it was probably due to the string of murders. The restaurant probably had workers who were victims too or quit fearing for their life. 

After asking me some normal questions she told me that she needed to go over some things tomorrow and I could then start my training. I then started to leave but she then called 

"ah right, please memorize these rules." Giving me a paper I started to read through it. 


If there are customers that give a black card (please refer to the image) please scan it. If approved please give it to the bartender on shift [image]

If the card is declined please notify the manager on shift or Gary. Please make sure that you do not engage with the customer if the card is declined. DO NOT LET OTHER GUESTS SIT IF THE GUEST HASN'T LEFT. (Please read the evacuation manual if there is an evacuation procedure if it gets violent)

If Servers are invited by VIP guests, they are to reject it and report it to management 

If any of these 7 people come in please show them to Gary

You will be provided a fake name once on shift and please use that fake name with colleagues and guests. Do Not In Any Circumstance let the customer know your real name. If guests persist on asking you your real name or want to meet up after work please contact management (as well as if you suspect that you are being followed)

Do not make eye contact with guests.

If any of this information is leaked the employee is to be terminated


I looked at the page in confusion 

'What creepypasta-type shit is this?'

Reading my face the owner, Anna answered my question "These rules are for your personal safety. As the owner, I need to make sure all my staff are safe. While there are some who are exceptions to rules, you are not one of them," 

I nodded 'I guess that's understandable' 

However, as I looked into her golden eyes everything clicked.

'Holy shit she's a vampire!' 

Vampires weren't really rare in Arcadia, hell they even had their own kingdom. But this was my first time seeing a vampire in this world. 

'Am I really back in my original world?' 

I knew that was a stupid question. There were no calculations involved in fact I just needed my mana signature to get back to my world. Every living being has a mana signature even if they can't use mana.

'Then I guess vampires and other supernatural creatures existed after all'

Thanking her I immediately also understood what the rules were for or rather who. When I made it back home using teleportation magic I read through the rules again and used a memorization spell. 

While I could've done that to study for my exams I figured that it would be a pain. 

"Welp time to play some Apex,"

What you thought I was going to overthink everything again? Nah I'll save it for tomorrow morning.


[Back at the shop]

"Do you really think hiring a human in this situation is a good idea," Anna's daughter Clara asked her mother

"There really isn't much we can do," she replied "Besides you think those mutts or any other vampire would wanna work here?"

Clara let out a sigh, "I guess you're right,"

"Besides if he follows the rules he'll be fine," Anna added 

However, then Clara remembered something "Right his name is Grenvil right? You think he is also working on the murder case,"

But at this, Anna shook her head "Unlikely, I couldn't sense any magical energy from him, probably one of those who couldn't use magic"


Like it? Add to library!If you want, I also changed a few things so please read the previous chapter

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