
The return of the sorcerer king and his loyal subjects

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Chapter 1 The great purge

Chapter 1

The great purge

"Ainz rules all" speech.

'Bow down to lord ainz' thoughts.

Lord ainz is the leader of the supreme beings. Actions and others.

This was a very great day, a very lively day for the people of the new world.

The whole world was celebrating, partying and having fun all over.

At the academy of the new re-estize kingdom.

'Today we will go over the events of the great purge that happened one hundred years ago." said David.

David was a fairly elderly man in his late 30s. This man was a teacher. He had been teaching this class since he was in his 20s and was picked to be this class's permanent teacher as this class was special unlike the usual civilian classes where the students simply graduated and lived on with their lives doing as they please.

This class as a warriors and mages class as you see after the events that had happened many years ago and when the kingdom was remade the academy was not only for warriors however there was now the magicien path and it was no longer looked down upon while it was still more of warriors they also knew that powerful mages could be made and that they were very dangerous.

David walked "One hundred years ago the events of the great purge happened."

"But sir we've been going over it all week can we move on to something eles?" said a red haired girl, she looked to be in her late teens. She had the looks of a noble and seemed to carry herself in such a way giving away her title as one.

"Miss Rose, the event of the great purge cannot be explained in one single day. It takes a great amount of time." David said, sounding a bit like he was forcing himself to be patient.

"But you've been going on and on about the great purge what eles could there possibly be left to go over, was there other army that tried and died like those fools who tried to fight against king ainz-" the girl was interrupted when the man slammed his hand onto the desk.

"Do not speak its name in my class it is forbidden" David said as he no longer had the kind caring look on his face that he had before as you see with every words that the girl said it had greatly angered him due to his father being one of the people who was forced to fight in the great massacre of the katze plain, he had greatly loved his father as the man had not only helped him train but took great care of him but when he came back his mind was broken and years later he had scratched his throat open ending up in his death and after this the man who was a child at the time was forced to do various hard labors and so this man had quite a great amount of thoughts towards the war and the being that they fought in the massacre.

"The sorcerer king was not just any mage or any simple undead as you see the sorcerer king had the powers of the gods themselves miss rose you know your geography well, tell me what is at the Empty dragons ness?" David said with quite a bit of venom in his voice.

"There's nothing, only an empty desert." Rose said, sounding confident but a bit scared.

"Wrong as you see one hundred years ago there was a country and a very flourishing nation there in fact one of the strongest at the time it was the Argland council state a powerful country led by a group of powerful dragons who was all led by the powerful platinum dragon lord however even though this dragon had the power to take over the world he stayed simply as a protector instead staying as a honorable hero however as he ruled over his country he had attracted the attention of the wretched sorcerer king and it went to the dragon lords country itself and it used a single spelled and completely destroyed the entire country turning everything into dust…"

Hearing this the students opened their mouths gaping however it did not end there as the teacher continued.

"You know of the former kingdom of re-estize it did not put some great battle in which they found a great weakness of the sorcerer king which led to its defeat or a battle witch weakened it no, it was a complete masacre the sorcerer kings subordinates the calamity twins and the frozen authority alongside with armies of undeads and other monsters came and completely destroyed each and every last city of the kingdom and soon after destroyed the capital where the sorcerer king used the rubble of the kingdom to show what happens to the ones who stood against it." the teacher said sounding a bit more weird to the point of a bit of madness however he soon stopped and recollected himself

"Then came the great purge where the slain theocracy with it's powerful relics left to them by the six great gods with this and every allies that they could find and all of their trump cards they marched to the sorcerer kingdoms capital and after a great battle of strength and will this led to to the great purge where the sorcerer king was defeated and his subordinates the blood valkyrie, the prime minister, the demon hand, the calamity twins, the frozen authority they were all defeated or captured and executed much like the sorcerer kings other allies they were all broken down and destroyed in the end and such shall happen to the fiery wolf in one month." David said as he took in a deep breath and walked to the door.

"How do we really know that they are gone as all of his subordinates were very strong, almost as strong as the sorcerer king himself?" Rose said a bit more timidly.

"How do we know that they are gone, well you all better how that they are because otherwise all of the disasters from one hundred years ago will happen all over again"

"Class is over for today, sorry but no questions for today" David said as he walked out of class and closed the door.

Meanwhile, an unknown room underneath the kingdom.

As we see a woman this woman looked to be no older than twenty and a man who looked to be nineteen however this was wrong, this man and women were 117 years and 116 respectively.

Those two people were the former princesses Renner and Climb, her loyal puppy whose sense of justice had twisted from black and white to are they with or against the princess.

Over the years after the sorcerer king was defeated the princes panicked she did not believe it thinking that he was playing a joke on the world by giving them false hope and by doing so could see who were truly his allies and who would backstab him so she did not do anything against him only making sure she survived the following purge where the people tried to get rid of everyone and everything that belonged to the king and so she truly went into hiding all until a decade ago when she was here living her life when she was approached by a small demon who revealed a crystal ball that had then made a projection of the man known as 'the demon hand' the man gave her a set of orders to go back to the kingdom and there she started to do as told and that was to send help to the draconic kingdom.

As the two people were currently kneeling down in front of the crystal ball that was in the small demons arms as the crystal glowed revealing the man known as the demon arm to be seated on a throne it looked like black stone with cracks on it where magma was leaking out this man was the demon arm or otherwise known as Demiurge.

"Lord Demiurge, I would like to report that I have sent the last of the two thousand sheeps in their solid state to the draconic kingdom as you requested." the princess said, bowing her head down.

"Oh that is very great news, your hard work shall be well rewarded, you have proven yourself to be a loyal servant to the supreme one and you shall soon be rewarded by not only his return but also by sending over the item that you have requested, the sword of repelance."

"I thank you master Demiurge."

"No, only one person deserves the title of master. That person is him, so do not call me as such. You may call me simply Demiurge. Considering how much I've failed the master, I no longer deserve any honorifics." Demiurge said with a salome voice.

With that said the call simply ended.

With the call ending the princess stood up and smiled an inhuman smile as she started to laugh.

"It seems things will get interesting soon enough and the sorcerer king Ainz Ooal Gown shall be making his return."

meanwhile japan.

"Can't you even do your job right you worthless piece of garbage" said a man as he kicked the person who was on the ground in front of him.

The person in front of him bit his lip so tightly that it drew blood dripping down on the man's shoes.

The previous man smirked down at the other man who was on the ground. The man on the ground looked very skinny, pale skin and sick overall in a very bad state. His fingers were bonny, his long messy black hair.

The other man who was smirking down at the smaller man was a fat man who was sitting on a chair. He was wearing a black suit that barely fit him, some of his fat stomach sticking out. The man had many gold chains and diamond rings and goldens and silver as well and many more expensive jewelry.

The fat man was known as johnny he was the boss of this man who was currently under his feet as he saw the blood on his shoes he got mad as he started to hit the man in the head slowly starting to enjoy abusing the man however unknown to him the man did not care the man was more then dead inside as he was more than numb to the pain the physical pain meant nothing to him because he was in so much more mental pain his mind was on the verge of breaking.

The man's eyes looked head and unfocused as he used a small piece of cloth to clean the man's shoes while taking the constant beating.

This man who was taking this beating was known as Suzuki Satoru otherwise known as the sorcerer king Ainz Ooal Gown the ruler of death the master of the great tomb of Nazarik the leader of the most powerful guild the being was a king a ruler a overlord a god however this was all in the past the very same past that was now destroying this very beings what is considered to be his original state.

After the event known as the great purge, not that he knew that this was what his downfall was called. to him he considered it to be his arrival to nothing but hell as the man after his downfall was completely destroyed.

When the man came back his emotions his happiness his regrets anger rage everything it all came rushing back making him stay there and simply spasmed for hours the only thing that he could realize was that he was no longer in his house of his gaming chair but he was on the ground outside of his door bathing his the poisoned gas of the planet.

The man was man as he had passed out after a few horse from the spasm as his nerves simply could not take it when he woke up he had found out that his house had been sold to a girl she had decided to help him and pulled him back inside of his former home now hers he knew that she meant well however he could not help by feel quit bad feelings for her not because he hated her or anything but simply because she saved him and he hated that due to him really wanting to die to get the greatest blessing of nazarik and receive death.

A week after this Suzuki had woken up where his emotions were in constant waves just crashing into each other just a mess however he was especially mad at not only himself but the people who sent him here as he wonder why why why why just crying out for a answer as to why he foolishly brough the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown the guild weapon to the battle flied it was for a show a power yes a stupid and reckless decision then there was that dammed dragon lord and his cursed whiled magic then there was those 6 fools.

Suzuki wanted to end it all he wanted to just die to put himself out of his suffering however something stopped him each time he wanted to try it and each time it would it gave him great hope as to him this was his undead nature the emotional suppressor kicking in however he had no ways to confirm this nor use this to his advantage however this was enough to confirm that he did not dream the whole new world and maybe just maybe might have a way to reclaim what was his however this was a long shot a very long shot.

And with that he started to pick up any information that he could find at first he had found out that only a month had past in the many years that he had spent in the new world confirming that time worked differently he had then found out that he had been fired from his job however it turned out that the so called nice lady that took care of him was named Lily she was actually a complete slut and worked as a stripper she was quite expensive and a greedy person as you see knowing that the house meant something to Suzuki she took advantage of this and told him that she would let him have his gaming room to live in for double the price he use to pay for the whole house and Suzuki knowing that if he were to have any chance of going back to the new word it would have to be in that room had no choice but to accept.

As Suzuki sat down in his gaming chair he turned it on and used the last shot he had injected himself with the liquid to make his body numb so that he may go into the give gear as he scrolled he was yet again disappointed it was gone.

Suzuki sighed he knew this would be the most likely thing that would happen however he was still very much crushed knowing that this was his last chance as he could not buy another one of those.

Suzuki walked to Lily and simply gave her the keys to his room and slowly walked out the room leaving everything in the room broken. The only thing that was not was the headset dive gear that was still on his head.

After this he had made up his mind he would end it he walked until he reached his desired location and using the last of his money bought some poison that he would end it with.

It came in a shot and so he put the needle on his skin and slowly pushed through the flesh until he reached a vein and smiled a sad desperate broken smile.

"Maybe i will see all of you again in the next life im sorry shalltear, albedo, demiurge, mare, aura, cocytus and all of the rest the residents of nazarik" with those words Suzuki squeezed as he did the poison liquid started to enter and spread in his body slowly shutting down and destroying his body.

Suzuki smiled as blood started to spill from his mouth, nose, ears and eyes as he saw the world started to go blurry around slowly and painfully feeling himself slip then suddenly it all ended he felt... NOTHING?

End of chapter 1

What truly happened in the great purge was what the teacher said true and was all there was to it?

What is Demiurge planning?

Where are the other guardians or was demiurge the only one who escaped and so the others are dead or captured if so where?

What will happen to the fiery fox and who or what is that?

Is Suzuki dead and so Demiurge and any of the nazarik denizens or allies doing what they are doing all for nothing?

1. Lays own tired.

2. "Bitch where have you been, we havent seen you in months, though you were god and couldnt die or anything yet there was a hole funeral for you."

1. "Shit don't scare me like that bro i was just taking a long break school was in the way met some people and some other stuff that took a lot of attention from my uploading from fanfics and youtube and lost motivation to be honest and still don't have the motivation all to much however i think if i get enough people who read and comment it would help but it probable still wont be as much as i will be hanging out with those people and will be getting a job so i will be busy time to time however i will try my best to actually upload at least here where as my yt will have unscripted videos until i finish a fanfic here when i will then read it however until then all will be unscripted as much as i want to read this to them i want to wait until it's done and not be stressed about it."

2. Whatever you stupid god just give us more stories so move your lazy ass and make them.

1. Alright alright damn i'll start working on it and of course i'll be waiting for season 4 of overlord (might actually ask if i should start uploading this when its out fully or something but we will see about that.) now bow down to the supreme overlord AINZ OOAL GOWN!!

bye bye for now!