
The Return Of The Monarch

Framed of killing her husband the king, Jason and his mother make a run from their kingdom in the middle heaven only for her to be caught during their escape, now Jason have to fight back and save his mother before he is executed....

flamezdoa · Eastern
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27 Chs

Chapter 25

While he was running at top speed, Jason was still able to avoid getting hit by the whip as he sprinted to the side while packing sand from the ground as he threw it toward the mistress who quickly closed her eyes to stop the sand from entering her eyes. Even though he failed to get the sand into her eyes, Jason was still satisfied with the small advantage he had at the moment as he quickly jumped on the mistress.

Just when he thought he had her where he wanted, the whip that had been stilled all this time swiftly moved up before going down as it hit Jason at the back before he could even know what was happening.

"You fool, do you think such an underhand trick would work on me" the mistress said with a smile as she finally opened her eyes.

After being hit by the whip, Jason fell to the ground not because of the strength that was within the whip but rather it was because the mistress was no longer standing there. With a wide smile on her face after successfully hitting Jason with the whip, she swung the whip up again and broke it down as it landed on Jason's back while pushing him to the ground due to the force that was coming from the welder.

"It's annoying how you keep hitting me with that whip of yours" the words came out of Jason's mouth just when the mistress was feeling excited about hitting Jason.

Seeing that he could still speak even after whipping him multiple times, the mistress became enraged as she swung the whip once more before sending it down but just before the whip could hit him, Jason also swung his right hand as he held the whip in place.

She was all smiles when she thought the whip might have struck Jason in the back but when she tried to withdraw it back to deal another hit, it was only then that she noticed she couldn't retrieve the whip back.

"Let go of my whip you fool" she said while kicking Jason and it was only then that he finally let go of the whip as he was sent flying backward.

It didn't take him much time for him to get up from the fall as he quickly dusts himself with a surprising look on his face as he began to examine himself for any sign of injuries but there were none and he couldn't help but feel excited about the whole thing.

"Guess mother was right after all, no matter how hard they try to hurt me, it wouldn't be that easy" Jason said to himself with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the kid was fine after delivering that powerful kick and he still had the time to play around, she let out a mighty roar out of anger as she began to gather energy into her hand in preparation of using a powerful technique. It was only when he felt the spiritual energy in the surrounding was gathering around the mistress that he knew it wasn't the time for him to be excited about his discovery.

With a scary look on his face, Jason begins to run away as he tries to go as far as he possible in order to avoid being hit by whatever the mistress is planning to hit him with but all that was just a pipe dream as a green beam came out of nowhere and struck him on his chest as he was sent flying into the distance.

Jack was surprised to see that the kid was able to force the mistress to get serious as to use one of her powerful attacks. While Jack was wondering all this, the mistress on the other hand, had a strange look on her face while staring at Jason in the distance as to whether he is still alive or dead but since he was not moving, they concluded that he is already dead and she was just thinking of turning around after letting out a scoff only for her to hear coughing sound coming from the distance which happens to be Jason who is already getting up on his feet.

"And I thought that attack would be able to cause my death but who could have thought that all it could do was influence a little scratch on me" Jason muttered to himself as he took a look at his chest where a scar could be seen.

"Why can't you just die you bastard" the mistress let out an angry yell when she saw that Jason was fine even after taking a direct hit from her.

After saying those words, the mistress threw another attack at him but this time around, Jason was able to react on time as he quickly moved to the side to avoid the attack but it didn't end there as more attacks continued to go after him which he was able to avoid while running around the place.

"Right now, I don't have any weapon that I could use against her except my body" Jason thought to himself while making way toward the mistress with a plan in mind.

Seeing that her attack was not getting to him, the mistress turn to jack with an angry look on her face as she instructed him to attack him as well and since he had no choice then to do what he has been instructed to, Jack lifted his spare hand as he also begins to gather energy before aiming his attack at Jason.

"I should have broken that arm as well if I would have known you are such a coward" Jason cursed out as he pushed back to avoid being hit by the attack.

With the two ganging up on him, Jason was finding it difficult to advance since he would be hit by their attack.

"If only the mistress was the only one attacking me, it would have been better but who would have thought that he would give her a hand even after all she had done" Jason began to think of what to do next since he could not advance forward and that is when an idea hit him.

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