
The Return Of The Missing Heir

"Chris, an orphan, lost his parents in a car crash. Now he lives in an orphanage, facing bullying and loneliness. No one seems to want to adopt him. But then, a wealthy family named Andanch adopts him. Little does Chris know, they are his true family. His mom, Rose, escaped from her own family because they wanted her to marry someone she didn't love. She found comfort in the arms of Henry Mitrovich. Now, the Mitrovich and Andanch families have a long history of rivalry in power, empires, and business. Henry loved Rose, but his family didn't agree with their love. Despite being thrown out of his family, Henry and Rose stood together and had a child, Chris. However, there's a twist. Rose had a son named Jude from a previous relationship with Jodge. Jude could have become the heir of the Andanch family, but Chris, his own brother, is stealing the spotlight. This makes Jude envious and scared that Chris will take his place. In secret, Jude starts plotting against Chris, determined to remove him from the picture. But soon, the truth is unveiled, revealing that Chris is indeed his brother. This discovery fills Jude with anger as he realizes his own mother abandoned him and favored Chris. The revelation also causes chaos in both the Andanch and Mitrovich families, as they battle over Chris's rightful place. 'Reality Mirage' dives deep into the complexities of family dynamics, secrets, and the struggle for identity. Chris's journey from an orphan to a figure at the center of a family feud is a rollercoaster of emotions. The backdrop of historical rivalry adds intrigue, making the story an exploration of love, envy, and the pursuit of belonging."

Ike_AJ · Urban
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14 Chs


And as John left the orphanage, he couldn't resist one final act of cruelty.

He turned to Chris, his eyes filled with contempt, mocking him with words that cut to the core of his already fragile spirit.

He cruelly suggested that Chris should end his own life, proclaiming that he was born to suffer.

The weight of those words crushed Chris, and tears streamed down his face, his heart breaking in a way it never had before.

As the dust settled, Chris looked around the empty orphanage.

All his fellow orphans were gone, their absence a painful reminder of his own perceived worthlessness.

It seemed as though everyone had found their place in the world, their path to happiness paved with love and acceptance. Yet Chris remained, left behind, left alone.

In that moment, he couldn't deny the truth that echoed in the depths of his soul.

He was the one that nobody wanted, the one deemed undeserving of love and belonging.

His heart ached as he grappled with the realization that his dream of being chosen, of finding a family, may never come true.

As darkness descended upon the desolate orphanage, Chris found himself trapped in a lonely abyss, abandoned by the world.

Denied a place at the dinner table, he was left to confront his hunger and his solitude. With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, he retreated to his meager bed.

The words that had been flung at him by John echoed relentlessly in his mind, like venomous arrows piercing his fragile soul. Could it be true? Was he truly destined for a life of suffering and despair?

In the depths of the night, an overwhelming wave of self-hatred crashed upon Chris's shores. He gazed at his reflection in the nearby mirror, and what stared back at him was a distorted image of a broken spirit.

The weight of his existence bore down upon him like an insurmountable burden, drowning him in a sea of despair. How could he ever expect others to love him when he despised the person he saw before him?

Tears streamed down his face, as if trying to wash away the bitterness that consumed him.

In a desperate act of self-destruction, his fingers clawed at his own flesh, leaving behind painful wounds that mirrored the festering wounds within his heart.

The pain, both physical and emotional, offered a twisted sense of relief—a temporary distraction from the suffocating weight of his own existence.

The mirror reflected a fractured self, a shattered soul drowning in a whirlpool of self-loathing.

The reflection only fueled the fire of his hatred, intensifying the torment that gripped him.

How had he become this pitiful creature, burdened with a life of relentless suffering? The answer seemed to mock him from within, a constant reminder of his perceived worthlessness.

In the depths of his anguish, a sinister thought crept into Chris's mind—the idea that death might offer an escape from his perpetual misery.

The notion of reuniting with his parents in a realm free from pain and sorrow lured him with its false promises of eternal peace.

It seemed like the only way to end the ceaseless cycle of anguish and find solace in a world beyond his reach..

With bloodshot eyes and trembling hands, Chris contemplated his desperate choice. The mirror reflected his shattered resolve, a broken soul teetering on the edge of oblivion.

The scars of self-inflicted wounds painted a morbid picture of his internal struggle. Each gash seemed to scream out his anguish, a silent plea for the pain to end.

As Chris stared into the mirror, the reflection of his broken self, he could no longer deny the painful truth that gnawed at his soul.

The weight of his despair pushed him to a desperate decision—to end his own life on the Avonda Bridge.

With tear-stained cheeks and a mind consumed by hatred and anger, he wiped away the evidence of his pain and quietly slipped out of the orphanage.

No one bothered to question his departure; after all, nobody cared about him.

It felt as though he had lost control of his own body, his actions driven solely by the overwhelming desire to betray himself. Step by step, Chris made his way through the bustling night streets.

Mocking whispers followed him, fueled by his torn and blood-stained clothing, which rendered him a wretched figure in the eyes of those who passed by.

People watched him with a mixture of shock and indifference, unwilling to come into contact with his misery.

Even the community police turned a blind eye, their duty extending only to those deemed worthy of their attention.

Finally, Chris arrived at the Avonda Bridge, standing precariously close to the edge, ready to surrender to the depths below.

As word spread among the onlookers, a ripple of murmurs echoed through the crowd. A teenage girl, her voice trembling with concern, pointed at Chris, announcing his intent to end his own life.

The air grew heavy with anticipation as people turned their gaze toward him, transforming him into a morbid spectacle.

In the midst of the gathering crowd, smartphones emerged, their screens capturing the unfolding tragedy in real-time.

The streams flooded social media platforms, and within moments, Chris's pain and desperation had infiltrated television screens across the nation.

Mothers among the spectators wept openly, their hearts breaking for the lost soul teetering on the edge of existence.

Children, their innocence shielding them from the harsh reality, closed their eyes, unable to witness the darkness that enveloped Chris's world.

Meanwhile, the mockers, fueled by their own cruelty, taunted him, urging him to take the final step, their words dripping with sadistic satisfaction.

Yet, amid the chaos and apathy, a lone figure emerged—a man whose heart brimmed with compassion.

With swift determination, he broke free from the crowd, sprinting toward the bridge.

His empathy propelled him forward, overcoming the barriers of indifference and fear. He was determined to rescue Chris from the precipice of his self-inflicted demise..