

The morning had greeted the city of Madrid, Bruce and Kevin were getting ready. To leave for Callifornia exactly at 07:00 am, using Bruce's private plane.

Wearing an all-black suit and black loafers, don't forget his trademark sunglasses. Likewise with Kevin.

The car that would take Bruce and Kevin was waiting in front of the Mansion. Bruce and Kevin immediately walked forward. Bale who saw Bruce come out immediately bowed.

"Morning, sir." said Bale politely.

"Hmm… I'll be leaving. The rules still apply as before. No one is allowed to enter the mansion except my four best friends.'' Bruce messaged Bale.

"Yes sir, I understand!" replied Bale bowing his head.

Bruce and Kevin immediately got into the car. Today it was Bara who took Kevin and Bruce to the Madrid airport.

Seat belts are securely fastened, Bara start stepping on the gas pedal Car , and drove towards Madrid airport. calculation of the distance traveled by the plane from the madrid airport to the california airport for 8 or 9 hours.

"Bara, don't forget to order your subordinates to always monitor your company from afar." Bruce warned.

"Fine, I understand. You also have to be careful because according to Steward, he called this morning, if it turns out that Serghio's friend from the mafia group named Crocodile is based in California." His eyes focused on the front.

"Hmmm.. But, it will be safe if he doesn't know my identity, and it might be exposed after our A mission is done.Bara, you, and Andre also always control the port to make sure the shipment of weapons to China is not too late." Bruce continued to warn his friend.

"Ready!" replied Bara.

Almost 30 minutes on the way to Madrid airport. the car finally arrived. Bruce and Kevin immediately got out of the car.

"When we leave, remember to always monitor dad's company," Bruce ordered. I don't know what kind of feeling has made Bruce since last night keep thinking about the Filipo Company.

"Okay, you don't worry about everything here." Bara replied. Then, waved her hand at Bruce and Kevin.

Bara immediately got back in the car, and drove back to headquarters.

Bruce and Kevin immediately walked into the airport, escorted by four people dressed all in black and sunglasses, not forgetting to have a gun tucked in their waist and practice stuck in the end.shoes specially designed by Bruce and shared with anyone he works with to protect themselves from foot strikes.

Bruce and Kevin immediately boarded the plane. because the distance is almost 9 hours Bruce and Kevin chose to rest their eyes.

Bara has arrived at the headquarters, he immediately contacted Steward.

''Steward!'' said Bara over the phone.

''Hello, Bara! what's wrong?'' asked Steward, who was having fun alone with a woman who was paid by a friend from Karla, in Steward's room.

"Bruce and Kevin, just took off to California," said Bara.

"Okay, in 9 hours I will go to the airport to pick them up." Steward replied.

Bara ends the call, Steward continues the warm-up session with him and Laura, Steward's paid girlfriend. to dig up info from Karla.

He immediately put his phone back in his pocket. Lali, walked to a special room in the special headquarters for BNruce and his friends to discuss the problem.

''It seems Bruce has a bad feeling towards his father's company,'' said Bara before sitting on the sofa.

''What's going on?'' asked Andre who didn't understand.

''Who knows! but the point is he was very worried. Judging from what he said in my car, I took him and Kevin to the airport.'' explained Bara again. Her hand took a cup of wine and started gulp it down.

''Order Jose and Samuel to patrol the company.'' Glenn government. His hands and eyes were still focused on his laptop screen.

Andre immediately walked out of the private room towards the front of the headquarters, to meet with Jose and Nuel.

''Jose! You and Samuel immediately patrol the Filipo company. let me know if anyone suspects there. ask Samuel to look around the company. Maybe there's an enemy that Samuel knows. And, remember always notify the headquarters." Andre's orders are no less cold.

"Okay, sir we understand." replied Jose with a slight bowing of his head.

''Good job!'' Andre said. Then, Andre immediately went back into the headquarters. while Jose and Samuel immediately got into the car, wearing bulletproof vests and covered in leather jackets black

Jose and Samuel, immediately drove to the Filipo company. Only thirty minutes Jose and Samuel had arrived at the Filipo company. Keeping a little distance from the Filipo company in place Jose and Samuel stopped about 50 meters away. Samuel's eyes looked at a tall man who was escorting a beautiful girl, with a slim body and long blonde hair.

''Jose, for a moment, that tall man is Mason's subordinate, Mason's confidant. But, why was he in this company escorting a girl? is he no longer working? with Mason?'' Samuel said pointing his finger at the man who had come back out of the company alone.

"Where is the woman?" asked Samuel again.

Jose shrugged his shoulders, Because Jose still didn't believe it. Why did the enemy easily enter Filipo's company? What scenario?

"It turns out that Mr. Bruce was not wrong in recruiting you." Jose acknowledged Samuel's shrewdness.

Samuel, smiled at Jose's confession. ''Actually I'm also tired of working with Sergio. Because of that I am very happy. when I heard Mr. Bruce's offer that time, at least I was free from Sergio's pressure.'' recalls Samuel. who always gets bad treatment by Sergio.

''I understand, but now you have to enjoy it because Mr. Bruce is different from your former boss."said Jose as he patted Samuel's shoulder.

"Then we will immediately return to headquarters to inform Mr. Glen and his friends," said Jose again.

"Ready, because I'm also curious who the girl is?" said Samuel.

The car immediately turned back towards the Headquarters. To report to Glen and Glen's friends.