

“We shall get married.” Aztec said to her with a firm tone. Rhea held his eyes ignoring the feeling to glance at his lips. “And what if I don’t want to.” She said. He smirked and came foward. Her heart raced faster with his presence but she stood her ground. “Then you shall be blamed for whatever happens to the pack.” He said and then he added. “Also, you can not say No to your Alpha.” Rhea looked in to his eyes and she knew that he meant every word of what he said. A pack in time of darkness needs the union of two unlikely people. An arrogant and strong Alpha and a pure, brave and beautiful Human. With different personalities but attraction to each other and a will to avenge the ones they lost to the dark war, they strive to take away the dark times of the twin packs.

Eden_Writes · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Alpha’s grave mistake


The huge iron gates were closed after we entered inside the residence of my late father's Gamma who was also one of his closest friends while he was alive.

No matter how many times I was here, I never seemed to get used to it. There was a slight nostalgia because I used to come here with my father when I was younger and when he came for meetings. So coming here always gave me memories.

We were led further in to the house by the security who took us to a verandah where breakfast was set for the Gamma.

Gamma Rowan had lost his wife and children to one of the early Kralins attack. The darkest time that had occurred right after the murder of my father and his Beta Kelt.

"Come on in, Young Alpha. It is good to see you." The Former Gamma said as he waved his hands over the chairs around the breakfast table.

We bowed to him out of respect and he bowed back with his hands on his chest. We took our positions, seated.

"I heard about the border attack." Rowan said clearing his throat.

I observed him as he talked. He was with age and he seemed older each time I saw him. But even then, he still had the voice of the soldier. The voice of the commanding officer.

"You are having problems? Or questions? " He asked me.

Steele and I exchanged a look and then I sat foward.

"I do not understand why I need to be married before I take on my revenge and plan a war against the Kralin and the moon Shade Pack." I said holding his eyes with determination.

Rowan smiled a little.

"You talk with so much fierceness. Just like your father." The former Gamma said nodding his head. "But with how fierce your father was, he did everything this sorceress told him to do. I trust that it was because he believed that this was the best option for us. We spoke about this prophecy fifteen years ago just before your father was murdered. I was in doubt of how we could survive waiting for you to be ready in fifteen years. Who would protect us? Would we keep living in fear?" He paused and then continued . "And it was just as your father said 'hope'. Some of us are still here."

As the older wolf spoke, his eyes bore pain and sadness.

He inhaled a sharp breath as if the memory was very painful to him and then he sighed and calmed down for some time before he spoke again.

"Every Alpha, no matter how strong, needs a stronger Luna beside him." Rowan said.

"She is only a human." I said with a hiss.

What is so special about her? I wanted to add. But the look in Rowan's eyes looked disapproving and I decided not to say more.

"I came for your help, sir." I said to Rowan

He bowed his head to me.

"I will help in whatever way that I can." He said to me.

"I need to meet with the sorceress." I said to him. "About the recent happenings."

"Aztec, you are the Alpha now, you don't need me to take you to the Sorceress. If you need to see her then you shall go and see her. You have more rights than I do. You are the Alpha now." He reminded me.

I nodded

"Thank you." I said. "I need to take my leave now, thank you for having me."

"I am here anytime," Rowan said.

Steele and I made it to leave but Rowan called me back.

"I don't know about this human you are to take as your Luna, but I knew her father almost all of his life. He was one of my best friends. Kelt, had the best heart and he was braver than ever, you are aware of his legacy I am sure." Rowan said.

I nodded. I did not need to be told what he meant. Kelt was Rhea's father anyway. I started to wonder if I was truly acting wrongly.

The ride to the deep western woods to see the Sorceress was long and Steele slept throughout while I could not stop myself from thinking about Rhea's terms.

We arrived at the cliff and I woke Steele up so we both got down and walked alone to the hidden Grotto where the sorceress lives . The route was slippery and a waterfall flowed heavily and endlessly above us . Skillfully, we jumped in to the carved out cave mouth landing with Grace.

We straightened ourselves and walked in to the cave in to a formation of crystals that cast a wonderful, ethereal glow. We got to a passage that led to a beautiful garden bathed in sunlight and there the sorceress was.

"I see you found your way easily, Young Alpha and Beta" The sorceress greeted with her back turned to her visitors as she tended to her herbs.

"Yes, coming here was actually easier than I thought it would be." I said.

"I led you here ." The sorceress said and then she turned around to face us with a smile.

Her bright radiation seemed to bring more light to the garden. She moved gracefully to another section of herbs.

"A thousand thoughts on your mind, young Alpha." Her soft voice came.

I stepped foward.

"You know what is happening to my people." I said

"You know what you have been told to do." She said in her soft voice as she still continued tending to her plants.

"She is stubborn." I said in a grunt.

"And you are arrogant." The sorceress said and then she sat down gracefully facing me. "Don't make a mistake by ruining the plans your father sacrificed for. Don't ruin your people's last hope."

I felt like I was being drilled directly in my conscience. Fuck it! I just had to let this stubborn human win!

"So that's it?" I said. "I marry her and this stops?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

The sorceress laughed.

"Of course not. After your marriage, the real journey to being an Alpha begins." She said.

"But what about now? Something is going on, the border is being attacked." I told her desperately.

"Your father and I had time and conditions for everything. We are lucky that you have been shielded for so long." Was all she said.

I wanted to ask her more questions but she raised her hand at me.

"Your coronation after your union is the assumption of your full power. Don't let the darkness take that away from you." She said to me.

"I will fix things." I said in a grunt.

"Okay. But you have made a grave mistake already." She informed me.

I looked up alarmed

"You shall leave now, Young Alpha. I believe we have nothing else to discuss." She said

"No, I need to know what to do about the attack going on at the-"

But in a flash we were back out at the cliff again with the sound of the water fall.

"Fuck." Steele said in alarm.

I growled angrily.

I needed to find that human this instant! And then I realized that the Sorceress had said, I made a grave mistake. What mistake was that?