
The Return of the Last Dragon

A naughty dragon was roaming the skies of Terrarosa. And his name is Falkor Lors Asundra. However, the naughty and mighty dragon was killed by a God. Falkor then found himself transported into another world with a special body. And that body was...a human body. Falkor now had to live with a human body while aiming to go back and take revenge against that God who killed him. However, was it all a coincidence? Or perhaps... PS: Cover not mine! Credits to the artist!

Zaysay · Urban
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131 Chs

The Female Servant's Thoughts

'Hmm...I do look good. I wonder if I would look good in his eyes, too...hah. I can't wait to see him...'

Loraine thought, and while Loraine was checking herself, the female servant who Falkor met earlier was staring at her.

'Hmm...my mother said that the reason why we are serving under the Dazallona Family is because we have a special connection with them.'

'However, the only real special thing that I have is that...my origins...are not from this world, but instead, from another world.'

'Is that what it is, mother? Even after serving by her side for so long, I have not figured it out.'

The female servant thought as she just looked at Loraine, who was trying to make herself look as beautiful as possible in front of the mirror.

And what the female servant thought was...something that could be considered controversial.