
The Return of the Great Witch

After her death, Her soul travelled to another body, so she could get revenge, Thats the History of how the Great Witch became so powerful

Ganilinda · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The collision.

These days of my life were very problematic, I remember the last time i saw my parents, Just during the Collision, I have sure you don't know what is the collision, Lemme explain, Scientists of all over the world collaborated to study a Unknown piece of Rock, The rock was brilliant and purple, every one now hates that color, After months they were finally getting progress, They were finally opening the rock to see the interior of it, This was the worst idea of their lives, When they finally opened the rock, The rock exploded, and fragments of the rock were separated all over the world, We still doesn't know how the fragments could get so far to the bottom of south pole, where was the experiments to places like Russia, India, China, Brazil and Of course the united states, The place where almost half of the fragments are, When the fragments touched the grounds huges Dungeons appeared, Ones in the sky, on earth, water or underground, All the world were in allert but no one dares to came close to that dungeons, After 10 Days The collision really started, From the underground came demons and diabolic monsters, From the ground came Monsters that remember the ones from the rpgs, Goblins, Orcs, Skeletons and a lot more, From the skies came angels with dark wings, Who we know as Fallen angels and from the water came mermaids and humanoid fishs, They all came from every part of the world to attack humans and only humans, They never attacked other animals, But in the middle of the chaos, Humans developed Power to go against these monsters, The humans that developed these powers are known as the "Hunters" People that invades dungeons to not let monsters come to earth anymore, In the middle of the chaos my parents died trying to protect me, in that day i promissed to eliminate all the monsters, Principally the demons that tried to abuse my mom, That day after the death of my parents, I developed my Magic, I was 15 years old in that date, My powers were known as "The most powerfull magic in the world", i Could control Wind and Ice, the only person on earth that could control two elements at the same times, I was just powerful enough to eliminate a country with blizzards and tornados, I was part of the most powerfull hunters on earth, They were composed with, Arthur The sword Saint and my secret lover, Tone the giant, who treated me like a young sister, Jung woo, Our healer that could heal lost arms or legs in instants, And the last one Sung Ji, He was the person that i trusted more, He is My brother, Who at the same time of me developed his powers Making a contract with the most powerful God in the history, Zeus, My brother could control Lightnings, He was the most strong hero of us.

We were happy being a Group, We became famous very fast, being the most powerful group in history that was easy to do, We anihillate Lots of monsters and completed Almost Every dungeons, We were so close to finally saving Humanity from the collision

This remembered me that i forgot to present myself, Heya Guys my name is Seol Ah, The most powerfull witch in the history and the most powerfull woman in the world, I was in a secret relationship with Arthur from my group, We were In love with each other but we couln't have a relationship due to our Job of "Hunters" We would be in High risk if we starts to think about these things while we was in a dungeon every day, The dungeons on our world are very different from what we expect, They are more like tests from the Gods, When we enter a dungeon we have a certain objective to complete and our surrounds were very different from our normal world, Dungeons could be, In Medieval times, Super modern, Cyberpunk, Underwater, Egypt even world were other races exist, Like elves.

Every time we complete a dungeon we get a Relyc from the respective God of the dungeon, I have the Relyc of Aphrodite, That could Boost my Magic and Beauty, and the relyc of loki that gave me high illusion control.

My brother had The relics of Indra and odin, That gave him even more controll of lightnings, i cant remember the relic of the other members, i just know that Arthur has a relic of the christian god, that made his sacred power even more powerfull, We were in the final dungeon of the world that was the hell, Every one of us feared for our live, This dungeon was very more powerfull than the other ones

Arthur: Seah are you tired?, You already spent a lot of your energy with your magic

Seol ah: Im okay Arthur, No need to worries, I am just hoping that we are close to the final of the dungeon, the enemies of that one are pretty tough

Tone: For sure, All of my shields are already breaking, Rhe fire blasts of these enemies could burn me alive if i didn't block

Jung woo: I could Heal you before you die from burning alive. Every one in the group Laughed at the joke of jung woo

Arthur: We should take more care while we talk, we could get attacked every sec-

Arthur couldn't finish his word...