

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 26; Aftermath.

Shen woke up days later to find himself in the healing chamber of Sea God tower, he was surrounded by all his allies, the new girl and a bunch of gods of whom he knew a few.

He wondered what was happening only for him to discover that no one had recieved an answer to that question yet, they were still waiting amd worrying for his recovery.

The Kindness and Evil god emperors had returned to th divine realm leaving just two god emperors, eight god kings and a God sovereign, yes the gods outnumbered the soulmasters but each god was there for a reason.

Having fully recovered Tang Shen had recovered all his memories completely, he addressed Tang San as his grandfather which pleased him.

Tang San then warped them to the central area of the Sea god tower where they found themselves sitting around a round table with all chairs equal,

He then faced the new girl and asked her to tell them he message she was sent with, the girl was extremely pretty, definitely tje prettiest Tang Shen had ever seen.

She asked Tang San how he knew she had been sent over with a message and Tang San said that he knew his son.

The girl says that her name is Long Caier and her home is known as the Holy Demon Continent, her father is the god of light and effectively the ruler of the continent however most people simply know him as the knight of seal Long Haochen,

In her home world there are very few gods, six to be exact and they are simply known as Knights of Seal, however due to the limitation on their realm this knights of seal can only live for a specific period of time because their thrones of seal can only simulate divine thrones but aren't true divine seats.

She knows this because she has seen a true divine throne and there is only one of those referred to as the throne of Eternity and creation owned by her father.

Years ago long before she was born, their world had been controlled by beings known as the demon gods, but in relaitywere just powerful demons tied to demon pillars, those were the real threat.

She says her father along with a few of his teammates fought a great war against the demon gods and they finally succeeded however unbeknownst to them, the pillars were there for a reason.

After the pillars were gone a greater evil was unleashed in the form of a nine headed dragon called Austin Griffin, this entity was previously hiding within her father's mount under the name of Hao Yue

In reality the entity was the reincarnation of the demon god of Wrath and Destruction, th brother to the god of creation and Light aka the creator of everything.

In the fight her father managed to subdue the dragon and send it through reincarnation having sealed its power however that wasnt all, years later the dragon somehow managed to return and by that time she was an infant of just two years old.

Austin Griffin threatened to eradicate all lives across all of creation and her parents had to act instantly, however this reincarnation of Austin Griffin was stronger,

Her father couldn't stop it anymore because he nolonger had a blood bond with it and they were losing, Austin Griffin revitalized the dwindling demonic population returning the threats of the demons that they had almost finished.

The situation was bad for months but suddenly there was a dimensional crack and through it arrived two gods that were vastly stronger than her father.

They introduced themselves as Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, they were like two conflicting energies balancing eachotherlike Yin and Yang,

What the rest of the world didn't know was that they were gods From a different realm, and they were the life goddess and destruction god of their realm, together with her parents they managed to halt the actions of Austin Griffin.

However he wasnt dumb as well he fought when they didn't expect him and when they were strong enough he vanished moving to a diferent plane to hid rout and group his forces.

They fought a war of attrition for over a decade and during that tim she got to know the two new gods deeply and even came to consider them as family, it was during her chats with them that she came to know of their past lives.

They told her about their children that they had left back in their home and chief among them was their newly born son that had gone missing, Gu Yuena said that she found te child.

She found him on a strange star known as Hao-Tian star however his body had been invaded by another divine force, she wanted to break it open but discovered he had been marked by some demonic power way stronger than she could handle.

It was then that she was pulled into this new world only to find her husband had come along as well, but jus as they arrived they recieved a premonition,

They saw that their son would be found and his return would be followed by a great catastrophe, they had tongan earlier to overcome this threat and suddenly they were visited by Long Haochen and His wife Sheng Caier.

Apparently they too had recieved a premonition and it was related to their daughter, she was being targeted by Austin Griffin who wanted to use her power and status in her parents' lives to overtake their world and all creation.

However they also saw that there was a way to save their daughter and it involved them removing her from their continent just to save her life.

Just then a plan came into motion,Duoluo plane was more powerful and currently safer from Austin Griffin than all the other realms they could reach, however they also couldn't breach it from their side in their current situation.

However they knew that a situation would soon arise that would allow them to to access that dimension, at that time they can send Caier into that realm but they would need to ensure that Austin Griffin is contained during that time.

So they would have to fight him and for that to be successful Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena cannot return home yet, Tang Wulin said that upon her entry into Duoluo her power will be modified so she would have to use it as fast and efficiently as possible.

He tells her of what will happen and what she would need to do before giving her his spear for safe keeping temporarily, it wasn't long after that when the barrier between realms was breached just as Austin Griffin attacked once more.

Her mother brought her and sent her through before telling her to be brave and everything will be fine, she says that hereis a strong god in duoluo plane that will make sure she doesn't die, that god is Tang Wulin's father and she should listen obediently to anything he asks of her.

Then she was at over, like Tang Wulin has explained she needed to sacrifice all of her light energy on arrival hence the light bath they all recieved, she says that depitebher young age she was actually already at the peak of the fifth rank under the path of the guardian knights.

Her power was also amplified by her father before she left sense wa temporarily at the 9th rank but that wouldn't last long, hebjsd imbued her with that power in preparation of her journey to duoluo plane because apparently he had foreseen that she would need it there.

And as her mother said the strong man that resembled Tang Wulin slightly saved her life and like he had said she found his son that also resembled him slightly, she passed on the spear he had given her which apparently was meant to save his life and the res is history.

Tang San then said that the situation is worse than he had imagined, he tells the rest of the gods that they need to speed up their cultivation to consolidate their godking rank and begin forging their divine weapons, he asks the dragon god to help them out.

He also says that he guardian of Shrek also have to speed up their training as they do no have much tim left, he tells the gods to do their best in training them for the next year and he doesn't add anything else but the gods seemingly understand what he was implying.

Suddenly the food and nine color goddess take Ning Yali as it would be their job to train him, the Phoenix god takes Niu Tian as he would train him long with the Phoenix and War gods.

The Dragon god takes Xiao Lan and Er Lang since they have dragon descent and originate from his former galaxy so he was the best to each them, the Wisdom goddess says she will retain Caier along with Shen to train on the island,

Everything seemed set but before they left, the dragon god took Shen aside for a private conversation which lasted a few minutes, no one knows what they tanked about since the dragon god had taken the two of them into a pocket dimension under his control.

After that they left, Tang San scanned Tang Shen and realized that although his cultivation was present he had no soul skills, he also discovered that the oppressiveness of the Asura martial soul meant he would have to forge his own soul skills.

The innate skills of the Asura divine spear wouldn't count as soul skill and all skills known to then previous Asura god were invalid, he could use them but they couldn't become his soul skills.

He would have to utilize his comprehension and either find a few skills the Asura god didn't know of or create his own skills, this was an incredible task but it was only after he created a skill that he would obtain a soul skill.

To help him along Tang San decided to teach him the few Spear based skills he knew so he initiated the first of his skills called the Thousand Acusing fingers for Tang Shen to learn and after observing the skill, Tang Shen was drawn into deep meditation.

Tang San opened a pocket realm within Sea god tower where he placed Tang Shen along with Long Caier, he told her to have Tang Shen help her with the information she needs to know about the dimension's cultivation methods and how to fight with her new abilities.