

THERE was a small uproar in the surroundings when they heard what Shen Ji Yun said.

"Hey, did you hear that?  He just said 'team mate'."

"I heard.  Then that white-haired elf is a new member of Yunyue?"

"Maybe that black-haired gnome as well."

"Are they making a comeback?"

"Who cares about that?  Don't you know what they're called now?  Fallen champions!  They couldn't even be compared to the big teams now."

A lot of players on the Black Lake actually agreed to that comment.  It's already more than five years since the first season.  A lot of players back then had already forgotten how fierce the first champions fought during the first Arcadia Cup.  Then new players increased year by year and the strength of Yunyue was slowly forgotten.