
Chapter 156 You Shameless Bitch!

Amelie stared at Emilee with a gloomy face and said word by word.

"Listen, Emilee! Thalia didn't steal all of us! It was you who pushed us away! Do you understand? You pushed everyone around you away because you are toxic!"

Emilee was pushed by Amelie and fell onto the sofa behind her. Her face was wet with tears.

The smell of alcohol in the air irritated them even more.

"Aaron treats you as his own sister. He is so nice to you, and so are we. Our family has never treated you badly. Why did you hurt Aaron? How could you be so cruel to him?"

Looking at Emilee, who did not even look guilty at all, Amelie felt as if she was talking to a wall.

Emilee suddenly stood up and retorted Amelie.

"It's none of your business how I treat Aaron! That is my and Aaron's affair. You want to know how I slept with him and how we cheated on Thalia? Go ask your dear big brother!"