
The Return of the Bloody Priest

A sorcerer finds himself transported to another world due to a mistake in one of his spells

High_Sun · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Are you angry because I didn't reject Brad's confession?" Rubina tucked a strand of hair behind her ear

 "I'm not angry." Allen answered simply

 "..." He is definitely angry

 Rubina was sure he was upset that she didn't do anything about Brad

 "You know that Brad serves the young lady of the Grace family. I didn't want to reject him so as not to be rude. You know that our lady has a good relationship with the heiress of the Grace family." Rubina explained to him why she didn't take a tough stance on Brad

 "I trust you..." Allen's response was short 

 "..." Can't you give an answer of more than three words?

 In Rubina's eyes, Allen did not seem convinced by her words at all 

 Allen got up and stood in front of a mirror to adjust his outfit. "Classes will start in ten minutes. You should head to class right away."

 "Okay..." Rubina had already packed all her things before she came to Allen's room, so she wasn't in too much of a hurry.

 But she felt that Allen had used this as an excuse to avoid continuing to talk to her

 This academy followed a class system that matched the system of this world

 The nobles had their own classes and an advanced training system

 While the common people and the knights who served the nobles were studying in other classes of a lower level in terms of the level of training and quality. 

 Even the academic uniform was different 

 The nobles' uniform was black with beautiful golden patterns that highlighted the power and status of the wearer

 While the uniform for the lower classes was white with blue stripes and was simple in design

 There were some exceptions where students from the commoners would be accepted into the classes of the nobility

 But they were rare cases that required a apprentice to possess unprecedented talent

 These initiatives were sponsored by the royal family 

 Of course, the royal family was not taking this step out of mercy and charity for the commoners

 The royal family has been able to stand above other noble families for centuries by nurturing young talents emerging from the commoners and then appointing them to positions to serve the royal family.

 This year was one of the years in which a large number of commoners entered the classes of the nobility. This caused a great uproar and many nobles objected to this.

 But the emperor suppressed all these opposing voices 

 Allen wasn't thinking about any of this

 All he was concerned about was finding his way back to Earth

 But he had two big problems

 The first is that he does not know where to obtain enough human sacrifices to begin these rituals 

 The city in which the ritual was conducted contained at least five million people, and this number was sufficient to begin the ritual.

Where could he bring so many people in one place?

 According to his memory, even the largest cities in the world did not contain this number of residents

 Even if he could find a place containing the required number of people, how would he be able to kill them in the first place?

 The second problem is that he's not sure the ritual will bring him back to Earth 

 There is a possibility that this ritual will send him to another world and into a new body 

 Then this cycle will start again

 As he thought deeper, he realized that returning to Earth using the Soul Transmission Gates was impossible 

 He must find another way to transfer his body and soul together to Earth

 "You know what, the lady will be proud of your victory." Rubina's voice reached his ears

 Allen turned to her for a moment with tired eyes

 Since this girl arrived here, she has not stopped gossiping 

 He felt very remorseful because he allowed her to enter this room, so he made a note in his mind not to be with her in one place for a long time in order to preserve his psychological health.

Rubina narrowed her eyes like a crescent moon when she saw Allen looking at her and thought she had managed to catch his attention, "Although the Grace and Greatwood families are allies, there is some competition between them, so demonstrating the superiority of the Greatwood family's knights will be satisfactory to our masters."

Rubina's face was filled with pride when talking about the Greatwood family 

 "That's right…" Allen headed to the door and left the room, not caring about her words

 "Wait..." Rubina ran after him annoyed

Rubina was able to catch up with him and said angrily next to him, "What are you doing today? If you are angry, then I will apologize to you, okay?"

 Allen's steps stopped and he turned to Rubina with intense eyes

 He must get rid of this girl, otherwise she will continue to hover around him all the time, preventing him from thinking clearly 

 "It's just that I have a headache." Allen tried to come up with an excuse to get her to stay away from him

Rubina frowned, "Your friends told me that you were not injured during the duel."

 "I'm just tired, all I need is some time alone and everything will be okay." With these words, Allen left for class, leaving Rubina alone 

Rubina stared at his back for a moment, thinking about the reason for Allen's abnormal behavior

 After several seconds of thinking she came to a strange conclusion

 Is he jealous?

 She had read many novels in which the hero feels extremely jealous when he sees his beloved talking or walking with another man

 "Oh…" Rubina put her hand to her mouth with a sweet smile

 Discovering such a new side of Allen was strange but fun

 But dealing with this matter will be different from the novels I have read

 She must handle the matter carefully so as not to make matters worse 

Rubina tried to think of a way to please Allen 


 Allen walked into the classroom with quiet steps so as not to attract attention

 But as soon as he stepped through the door, the once noisy classroom suddenly became quiet

 Everyone stared at him with mixed looks 

 Some of them looked at him with curiosity, while others held looks of appreciation and admiration

 And there were those who had an unpleasant expression 

 "..." is this normal?

 Allen didn't know why everyone suddenly fell silent and started staring at him

 "Here he is..." Klaus approached him and patted him firmly on the shoulder, "Terrible Allen."

 Martin laughed maliciously and raised his hands pretending to be afraid, "Please don't hit me."

 "..." Did I enter a circus by mistake?

 Allen stared at the pair of clowns who were supposed to be his friends

 He couldn't help but criticize former Allen for choosing those idiots as friends

 Of course there are other options, but Allen seems to have a certain taste that makes him choose this type of person 

 " what are you doing?." Allen asked although he didn't really care what was going on

 "You are a celebrity now." Klaus grinned

 " What...?" Allen didn't know what he had done to become famous, and he had no memory of being famous for anything special

 Allen was an ordinary young man on every level

 "The news of your victory in the duel spread everywhere." Klaus explained to him, "Brad was hiding the fact that he could use mana to impress everyone in the duel, but he ended up getting defeated badly." 

 Martin raised his thumb towards Allen, "The news of you defeating someone who can use mana spread like wildfire."

 "…" Allen listened to them silently 

 Then he looked around at the students who were staring at him with interest

 How did it end like this?