
The Return of the Bloody Priest

A sorcerer finds himself transported to another world due to a mistake in one of his spells

High_Sun · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Duel? (2)

"Duel?..." The words came out loudly from Allen's mouth 

 Then a severe headache began to attack him

 He held his head as he tried to fight the pain

 "Allen!..." The pale-faced boy approached him, trying to help him settle down


 Memories started flooding into his head 

 The name of the owner of this body is Allen Fontaine

 He tried to sort through these memories as quickly as he could

 He glanced quickly at the two young men in front of him

 These young men are Allen's friends

 The brown-haired young man was Klaus

 While the young man with the pale face is Martin 

 Then he gradually began to realize his situation

 It seemed that someone had challenged him to a duel

 Allen's eyes became uncertain

 He didn't know exactly what was going on. So it would be safe to withdraw now

 Martin approached him and handed him a long sword, "Show them what you can do."

 "Wait..." Before Allen could say anything, he was dragged out of the room by the two

 "If you can't face it, lie on the ground and pretend to faint." Klaus shouted before closing the door 

 As soon as Allen walked out the door, he heard cheers from everywhere

 Allen covered his eyes to protect them from the sudden sunlight, but his ears were able to pick up the sounds of unintelligible screams.

After several seconds, his eyes were able to adjust to the sunlight, allowing him to see his surroundings clearly

 Allen looked around in amazement

 He was currently standing in a colosseum surrounded by stands filled with young men wearing white uniforms with blue stripes

 These young men were shouting and waving their hands excitedly

 Allen looked at the stands, trying to understand what predicament he was in

 How did he end up in a Roman amphitheater where he was forced to fight a duel for which he did not know the reason?

 The door opened from the other side, and a young man with blond hair and sharp features came out. He was wearing armor very similar to the armor worn by Allen, and carrying a long sword. 

 " Let's go...."

 "Get your girl..."

 "Show no mercy..."

 The screams from the stands became more ferocious

 Couldn't these people be quieter?... Allen was finding it difficult to think amidst this noise

 He didn't know how, but he could remember the name of this young man who was heading towards him

 His name is Brad Covell, and he is the person who challenged him to this duel

 Brad approached him quietly until he reached twenty meters away, then stopped and pointed his sword at Allen, "You should have stayed away from Robina when I told you this."

 ".." Who is Rubina?

 They did not give him the opportunity to regain his full memory, which left him in a state of uncertainty

 "Now that the matter has come to this point, we must fight as knights to determine who is worthy of Robina."

 Allen's eyes narrowed slightly 

 It seems that he cannot back out of this duel, because he does not know what the consequences of this move will be

 A middle-aged man slowly approached them until he stood between them 

 The man looked at them lazily and opened his mouth, "I will supervise your duel."

 Allen let out a relieved breath 

 Since there is an adult supervising this duel, all will be well

 This instructor will certainly intervene and prevent any serious injuries during the duel.

 So Allen will be safe 

 The instructor raised his hand, "Dueling rules... Do not kill each other." 

 "..." Only this?

 Allen gaped helplessly 

 What about injuries that could cause paralysis or permanent damage?

 Aren't there laws prohibiting this?

 After some thought he remembered that he was in the middle of a Roman arena filled with spectators who wanted to enjoy seeing a deadly fight 

 After saying this, the instructor withdrew to one of the corners of the dueling arena, leaving the arena free for them

 "Enough playing around..." Brad rushed towards Allen quickly

 Allen held the sword in his hands, watching his enemy's movements very carefully

 Currently there is good and bad news for him

 The good thing was that he had fought many battles against sword masters and fierce warriors when he was on Earth. So he kind of has basic knowledge of using swords 

 But the bad thing is that he came out defeated from all the physical fights he fought

 It was not up to him because he was an expert in using seals and spells, and he didn't fight using swords unless that was the only option

 At least he survived these confrontations. This is what made him confident of his ability to manage this match calmly so that it does not end in tragedy.

 Brad moved quickly and launched a sneak attack from Allen's left flank

Allen took a step back and blocked this attack 

 Brad paused for a moment when his first attack failed

 But he quickly moved on after coming out of his initial shock

 Brad was attacking from all directions while Allen was taking a step back and blocking every blow

 The stands that were noisy moments ago were now silent as everyone focused on the fight and analyzing Allen and Brad's movements.

 Brad was dominant from the start of the duel, but Allen was like an unbreakable rock wall

 After several failed clashes, Brad realized that he would not be able to achieve victory if he continued like this

 His enemy was adopting a defensive strategy that was difficult to penetrate

 Therefore, he must launch an attack strong enough to break this defense with one hit 

 Brad tightened his grip on the sword hilt as he ran the palm of his other hand over the sword blade 

 The sword began to emit a red glow 

 "..." These are not decorative lights, right?

 Allen began to feel heat coming from where Brad was standing

 Voices of astonishment and amazement rose from the stands

 Flames appeared around Brad 

 Allen realizes that his enemy was using some kind of energy to cause this phenomenon

 This was not completely strange to him, as performing this act required some seals and special rituals

 But Brad was able to do this by simply running his hand over the sword blade

 Brad ran towards Allen again and clashed with him again

 This time it was apparent to everyone that Allen was being pushed into a corner 

 Allen gritted his teeth and knew that he would lose if he didn't do something right now

 He wasn't interested in winning in the first place, but he didn't know the consequences of losing

 That's why he must try to avoid losing in order to avoid getting into unnecessary problems

 He had one chance to solve this impasse

 From previous clashes he could tell that Brad wasn't fully adept at using this power 

 Unstable strength is the easiest to break

At least that's what he knew, so he had no choice but to hope that his plan would work 

 Allen took a few steps back and created a suitable distance from Brad

 Brad rushed towards him fiercely and tried to close the distance

 Allen straightened his posture and threw the sword at Brad's head

 Brad was surprised by this unexpected move

 He was moving towards Allen and at the same time the sword was approaching him quickly, this made it difficult for him to dodge the sword blade.

 That's why the most efficient option was to block the sword

 Brad put his sword in front of his face and deflected Allen's sword to the side 

 Although this operation was successful, it temporarily blocked Brad's field of vision

 Allen took this opportunity to lunge at Brad

 By the time Brad blocked the sword, Allen had arrived in front of Brad and delivered a punch to his enemy's stomach

 "Kuh..." A groan escaped Brad's mouth as he automatically clutched his stomach 

 Allen did not stop and used his elbow to strike Brad's chin

 Brad fell to the ground, motionless

 Allen exhaled in relief when he saw that his enemy had fallen

 I should stop making such gambles... Allen felt bitter that all of this had happened because he had used a spell with an inaccurate description.