
The return of lisa

Lisa steven lost her parent, she live with her grandma who loved her dearly and she also told her to get married to lorenzo addison the son of her father business partner, what will happened to lisa after she realized the how evil the addison is????? how will lisa be able to get revenge after she lost everything?? will lisa be reborn??? will she love again??find out by reading this interesting book.

Akinlabi_Ifeoluwa · Urban
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Mrs steven suggestion.


Tik tok tik tok, it was 7o'clock lisa woke up did her morning routine, took her bath and went to the dinning room, she saw her grandma and smile, kate served lisa and her her grandma breakfast, 

Thank you, said lisa. Kate had work for lisa family for ten years, she had also gotten so close to lisa steven and took good care of her, lisa lost both her parent in a car accident five years ago and she only have her grandma who never left her and who always love and support her, lisa parent had a company which was passed to lisa, the company is still manage by her grandma who is suffering of cancer and heart attack but she still manage and make the company a success. 

Back to the present day

Dear, I spoke to Mr and Mrs addison, said mrs steven (lisa Grandma )Lisa looking excited, ask her, what did u talk about? asked lisa. 

I suggested that you and lorenzo should get married since u are not really  interested in the wine company u can marry lorenzo and he will take good care of you and the company,and he is also very smart in business so what do u think, said Mrs steven(lisa grandma) 

of course grandma, you are the best, she stood up from her chair and gave her grandma a kiss on her cheek and also gave her a big hug. lisa I know you are interested in the music industry I can't wait for you to be the best singer in the world, said Mrs steven.

of course grandma l will make you proud and be the best singer, said lisa smiling.

I hope I will be there to see you sing,

said Mrs steven.

of course grandma cause u are a very strong woman, said lisa smiling.

Mr addison is Mr steven business partner , he has forty percent of the company's share while Mr steven has sixty percent when he was alive but now it was passed down to lisa.

Lisa and lorenzo grew up as childhood cause of the bond between their parent, the family goes on vacation together when Mr and Mrs steven was still alive who die on a business trip. lisa had like lorenzo from when they where little and till now she still love him, lorenzo currently is studying abroad , he left since he was ten years to study in the united states, and lisa is so happy to see him again. 

lisa however went to music school and her goal is to be the best singer in the world, she doesn't want any thing more than to live a peaceful life achieve her dreams and to also marry whom she love so much