
The return of lisa

Lisa steven lost her parent, she live with her grandma who loved her dearly and she also told her to get married to lorenzo addison the son of her father business partner, what will happened to lisa after she realized the how evil the addison is????? how will lisa be able to get revenge after she lost everything?? will lisa be reborn??? will she love again??find out by reading this interesting book.

Akinlabi_Ifeoluwa · Urban
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it being four years since lisa lost everything, she is going to take revenge on all those who had betrayed her those who made her heart harden those who made her loose her only family her grandma, her only family. She had been stupid once which made her loose everything to lorenzo whom she had loved with all her heart and her best friend whom she considered has her sister also betrayed her cause she needed money for her mother's treatment. Lisa heart now is harden and she will take revenge on the addison family and everyone who betrayed her.

Lisa almost died after, what the addison did to her, she was stabbed and thrown into the sea, she never expected the addison who treated her like their daughter to have been so cruel, But now she is the one without heart she will take her revenge.

"Miss Lisa","young master Leo" will like to speak with you, "said kelvin"(Leo assistant)

Tell him I will be there in a minutes " said lisa".

Leo was the one who saved lisa four years ago, he was in his yacht when his assistant saw some one struggling in the sea, which was lisa.

Leo is a cold hearted mafia boss he had been able to survive on his own after his uncle killed his parent and took over his grandfather company, Leo was lucky to survive through the help of their family trusted maid, who in the end died in the cause of saving him. Leo had loved lisa over the past two years and he even taught her better in material art than anyone he ever taught, Leo is never nice to any one but had been so nice to lisa since he saw her struggling in the sea alone, Leo realized lisa was not ready for love after what she had encounter so he decide to let her be by having hope that she will change her mind one day.


Lisa walked elegantly in her black long dress and she had a dark red lip stick on which complement the dress lisa had learn hw to dress beautifully through the help of leo, she walked elegantly coming down the stairs, when leo saw her his eyes lift up cause he had always admire her.

Lisa sat opposite leo in the dinning table, when she realized that he was lost looking at her beauty, she decided to clear her throat to get his attention.

"Why did you call for me "? " asked lisa"

"Well I called you to have breakfast with me"said leo".

"So when do you plan to take revenge on the addison's and those who betrayed you"? asked leo".

"Very soon", "and I need to play my cards well" said lisa with the hint of hatred in hatred in her


"So do you need my help, "my revenge partner"" asked leo","jokingly".

"Well leo you have done a lot for me so I appreciate your concern"l think you need to also face yours I can handle this my self" said lisa.

Leo knew deep down he can't do anything, so he decided to help her secretly without her knowledge. The two decided not to talk again and they ate quietly.