
The Return Of Joyboy!

"What do you mean by 'Nika'?" Sabo further asked. Luffy groggily opened his eyes, and spoke, "Did someone call me?" Garp frowned at that. "Luffy, your name is Luffy, not that!!!" He said with anger. Luffy who sat up now glared at Garp before frowning, "But why do I need to hide my real name?!!!" He asked and crossed his arms on his chest. "I don't understand at all!!" "Your real name is Nika?" Ace asked to which Luffy nodded happily. Garp scratched his head in worry. "Fine!" Garp said, "Listen to me!" Luffy looked at Garp and the others even did the same. "If the marines ever come to know about your real name, and if by any chance the World Government came to know about your existence they will kill you in spot." "Why will they kill coz of my name?" Luffy frowned but soon burst out laughing, "And do you think," Luffy's eyes flickered to golden, "they can kill me?" Luffy started laughing hard, his one hand on his stomach and the other on his eyes. Co-creator: @Defectivedecoy Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Defectivedecoy/pseuds/Defectivedecoy Updated every Sunday!

TheIntrovertRin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Chapter 26

It seemed just like yesterday when he got the tiny baby in his arms to take care of. He was so tiny and fragile and cute that he had fallen in love with the little baby at once and had made the decision which had changed his life for once and all. He would never regret his choices of taking the infant in, who had given him so many precious memories and brought home two more sons with him.

But the boy had grown up now. Ready to embark to his own journey, to his own adventure in just a couple of weeks. Time surely passes so fast. And now that little baby is about to be 17. He wonders what would have happened if he hadn't got Luffy in his life. The way his life turned to a completely different direction was a miracle. He had never comprehended himself to be a gentle, caring and loving Dad. But today, he can proudly say he is the Dad of three kids, who are carving an amazing future for them as well as the world.

The last past two years after the War had flew fast. But he had always known his hatchling will grow someday and leave the nest. The nest would become quiet, like they had all once wanted but never had preferred. The sounds of happy laughter, the sounds of the footsteps running in the hallways, the merry games and all those things would be gone. His kid will be going on a journey like his oldest ones.

"Dad!" A smile found its way on his face as the little brat came running to his office and slammed opened the door.

"Yes, Lu!" He responded getting off his chair and closing the album, where contained the memories of three little brats who have made their space in his heart.

"Come on!" The boy said bouncing in his place, full of excitement. "Ace-ni is coming!! Let's go!!" The boy held his hands and started pulling.

He chuckled as he let himself be pulled by the little boy to the docks, where his trusted friends and his other son was waiting for him.

"Dad! Lu!" His middle son, Sabo, alled them waving his hands. "Hurry now! Or we will be late!"

And soon with the help of his powers they were off the island and to an inhabited island in the New World, whose address was only known to the three brats who had claimed them as theirs when Ace had mysteriously found it. The island was like the forest of Dawn Island, with large animals and large forest and a mountain. The Dusk. That's the name Ace gave it.

"Yo! Dad!" A voice hit his ears and a turn showed him Ace with his crew already settled on the beach. They had already started the preparation for the feast. He was thankful for his head strong kid for thinking so far. But it can be one of the crew mate who could have suggested that.

"Hello, Ace," He greeted the boy, who grinned wide to him. The change which Ace had reached to was unthinkable. The boy who only knew anger was now a man with a positive attitude towards life. He was glad of the change.

But then he remembered Ace's new quirks as he neared his crew mates. Seriously, he needs to ask his son's crew to take care of his idiocy or he is really going to ground him.

"Hello there," He greeted to the Spade Pirates who went still at his presence. He briefly wondered if Ace ever said about him to his crew.

"Guys, this is my Dad," Ace said with his hands on the back of his head. "The person I wanted you all to meet to today!"

From the expressions of the crew, he was sure that his son had not told them about him.

"Seriously Ace," He face palmed as half of Ace's crew feel on their butt and staring at him and shouting at their captain.

"B-But you s-said y-your Dad was Roger," One of Ace's crew said and he was really surprised to know that Ace's crew knew about that.

"Yep he is!" Ace said nonchalantly with a mischievous smile on his face. "But he is also my Dad. Kinda adopted me and Sabo."

Dragon cleared his voice. Ace already felt that something is wrong because of that.

"Gol D. Ace.." Dragon starts.

Ace can feel the hairs on his arms rise. "Could you please tell me where you have been?" Ace gulps, how does Dad know?

"Uhh, j-just, ah, training?" Ace said, slowly inching away from his Dad and trying to hide behind Deuce who looked conflicted.

"What kind of training?" Dragon's voice was low and Ace knew that he fucked up.

"Ah, you know.. with Whitebeard. Yeah, Whitebeard!" Ace said and he could see that no one bought it even Sabo who had joined them a few seconds ago was narrowing his eyes at him. But hey that's at least half true! He has been fighting Whitebeard every chance he gets, even if sometimes Luffy joins him. He needs to get stronger if he wants to defeat someone.

"Really Ace?" Ace freezes at the low voice he gets in response. "Ace, I'm not in a good mood at the moment. What happened?"

Ace stutters. "I-I went and explored, nothing else!"

Dragons face darkens, "Hm, that's not what I heard."

Ace really wasn't ready for this. How did Dad and Sabo know about it? How? The island is remote and no information ever comes and goes out of it. Ace started sweating bullets.

One look at Dad's grim face and Sabo's disappointed told that he shouldn't lie but if he does-

"I heard that wasn't the only Yonko you went to fight," Dragon's face darkened. Voice cold as ice. "Am I right?"

Ace gulped. It was over, he might as well start praying because only a god could stop Dragon. He nodded slowly.

"Seriously Ace," Sabo sighed in annoyance. "You know, Lu is shouting in the whole base that he is gonna fight the Yonkos once he starts up and gets a decent crew!"

"Fuck," That was what Ace could only say. His baby brother going after a Yonko way too early!!! He knew Luffy wouldn't go after Whitebeard and Shanks and that leaves Big Mom and Kaido. He would prefer if Luffy fights them at his mid twenties or never. The latter would be better but he knew it was inevitable.

"It's bad enough that he likes fighting with Whitebeard," Dragon said with a low voice making Ace flinch.

Ace really wanted to flee the situation and get hold of Luffy and drill it in his head that how he shouldn't go against them in his first five years of his journey at least...

Suddenly it crashed down on him how Dad and Sabo were feeling. Fuck, but he is strong enough..

"Ace!!!!" A voice called and it is definitely Luffy. He thanked whichever God is up there to send Luffy right away, even if it meant getting thrown to the ground by the rubber boy's rocket.

He didn't mind the fall at all and hugged the boy tightly. This is his escape and he would take it shamelessly.

"Hey! Lu!" He said with a big grin to hide his nervousness. "What's up?!"

"Ace! Sabo!" Luffy said getting up and bouncing in place. "Let's go! We can play! Or we can hunt food! Or let's spar!!!"

He chuckled at Luffy's enthusiasm. "Did you forget to greet someone, Lu?" Ace said teasingly making Luffy gasp.

"I'm so sorry!" Luffy said jumping over to his crew excitedly and greeting each one of them with their nicknames and hugs. It was really a good scene after them being shocked with the realization of his adopted Dad.

He still remembers when Luffy had popped up on his own in the PoS one day and said that he missed them all and wanted to meet the Whitebeards for a spar. The reaction of his crew was amazing with them getting to know Luffy without any barrier and them dotting on him. Luffy took all the attention with glee and his crew although protective on him now, loved him.

Now that he has gotten an escape from his Dad and Sabo which he swears he wouldn't be able to have got it unless Luffy arrived, he need to play with Luffy. After all he won't be able to see the rubber boy at least for months after today. That made his heart heavy.

"Come on! Let's go!" Luffy's energetic voice hit his ears, making him smile and hold Luffy in one place.

"We will bring some of our hunt and dry wood for campfire," Ace supplied to his crew before he could leave them be on their own. With that the trio brother rushed to the forest, their safe haven after the Revolutionary base, where no one can find them.

Dragon groaned. He was really gonna lecture Ace today but Luffy had to safe him. He sighed. He can't really do anything now except for seeing the preparations and try not to eat before his kids arrive.

One look on the Spades showed them mingling with Koala and Hack. That is good. With Ace being their captain and Luffy trusting them they are not likely to do something suspicious.

He was about to walk off when a loud familiar laughter hit his ears, making him freeze and his hairs stand in fear. He slowly turned to see his father coming from a distance. For a moment he really contemplated of running off to his sons and hide. But he fucking knows, wherever he is the man finds him. Even Baltigo wasn't safe from him.

"Bwahahaha!!!!" Dragon's legs were not working at all. He is the fearless leader of the Revolutionary Army! Dammit!!

"Were are my grandsons?!" Koala and Hack were preparing for an attack if required. Even the Spades looked wary. Dragon shook his head. Their was one rule which he always abided and his sons even agree on it. Never fight Garp! Run as far as you can once you see him! He really wanted to do it but his legs weren't moving. They didn't have any strength to resist after so many years of his father's dreadful trainings.

"T-They are in the forest," Did he stutter? No way! He is the fearless leader..! Damn! A hand was placed on his shoulder and he flinched but he didn't. Nope! He didn't flinch. And neither was he shaking. Nah, its all the air which is cold! Yeah, the air. The cool breeze. It's making him shiver.

"Bwahahaha!!!" His father laughed pulling him to the forest, in the direction of his kids. He felt like a helpless kid and looked at Kuma for aid. But the man looked other side. He really wants to cry now. His freaking legs are also not fucking working just right now! Is he getting a panic attack?! There won't be a training. No way. He is meeting his Dad after years and there won't be any training. He swears. His Dad won't make him do-

"You are slacking a lot!" Garp said, sending a shiver down Dragon's spine. "You need training along with the brats! I gotta check how much you taught them!"

His legs suddenly came alive and without a thought, the fearless leader of the revolutionary army ran. Ran to save his life and his sons. No way in hell he is going to be trained at his 50s. He needs to pick his sons and run. As far as he can with his Dad on his back.

"Garp alert!" He shouted, making the brats come out of their places in seconds.


"Shitty Gramps?!!!"


He can't believe Luffy is being naive right now.

"He is coming to train us! Run!" He really didn't shout. He just doesn't want that bump on his head and the concussion which he would surely get after its taste. He is really lucky enough that his Dad hadn't given him his fist of love till now.

"SHITTY GRAMPS ALERT!!! RUN!!" Ace and Sabo yelled in top of their lungs and began running, holding Luffy who looked paler. They were running as if the whole Navy were at their back. Well, that would be more convenient compared to the hell they were sure to get. And to his bad luck, the hell dropped on his head first in form of the fist of love.

After a few hours..

They were covered in bruises and bumps towering on their heads. The least who was beat was Luffy, who was nursing his bump on his head. One look on Sabo and Ace showed that they were ready to collapse.

"Wasn't it overdone?" He asked, getting his voice back, to his father who was cooking three bears for them to eat.

"You have softened," Garp said turning the meat to not let it get overcooked. "Glad you all are still alive."

"We missed you too, Jiji!" Luffy replied with a grin only to get a loud laugh from his grandfather.

"Does Sengoku knows you are here?" Sabo asked bandaging Ace. He was done with Luffy's which was the least and he was glad for it. Though they all looked like shit and would probably need a shower and change of clothes before the party actually begins.

"Nope!" Garp responded with a wild grin. "He is almost having a debate to take retirement since he couldn't find any of you."

That made them laugh. The Fleet Admiral losing his shit was something they all want to see for sure.

"How did you even find this island?" Ace groaned as Sabo pulled the bandage over chest tightly.

Garp pouted at that. "Luffy invited me in!"

"Luffy!" The trio said looking angrily at him. Not due to the fact that Garp is here but the fact that they were spotting wounds. They missed him but not his trainings and fist of love!

"I thought you all forgot to call Jiji so I called him! A party with everyone! That's what I wanted!" Luffy said brightly, not even getting the situation.

"Don't arrest anyone," Dragon said finally with a sigh. He had wanted to call his father but he wasn't sure. Well, let's see where this takes them.

"I'm on vacation brats!" Garp retorted. Finally the meat was cooked making each of them grab theirs. "I'm not going to arrest anyone." After all, he is meeting his grand sons and his son after so many years.

After they had eaten their fills, they started getting out of the forest, laughing and chatting happily as if the bumps on their heads didn't hurt at all.

"Leader!" Someone's voice called up reaching them. Soon the man was visible for everyone to see. It was one of the Revolutionaries, whose name Luffy had kept 'Blue Bear!'. The man had a bluish skin tone like fish men and was a hybrid of humans and a shark type fish man. But the man only got the blueish skin from his Dad, who was the shark type fish man.

"We need you out!" The man said, after bowing. He looked up and paled at the sight of Garp 'The Hero'! His hands went forward to his side cutlass, ready to strike. He knew his Leader was capable of defending himself but he didn't know what to do.

"Relax," His leader's voice told him in his regular stoic voice. "He is my father!" Shaka paled, when Garp 'The Fist''s boisterous laughter shook him. He really wants to pity the man now.

Dragon sighed as he took the look of his sons practically pleading him to not leave them alone with their crazy grand father. He really hopes that he could help but sadly he couldn't. He gave a small smile to them promising them a good meal and left them to spend some bonding time with their grand father. As much as he denies that he hates his father, Dragon misses him when he can't see him face to face. And he knows that it is the same with his sons.


After some time, the trio troublemakers with Garp already gone to 'check' food, arrived the beach to witness the Mini Moby on the beach, with Marco, Haruta, Thatch and Izou.

"BIRDIE!!!! THATCHY!!! HARU!!! PRETTY LADY!!!" Luffy shouted running off to the four invitees, with a groaning Ace and a deadly smiling Sabo, threating the Whitebeards to do something wrong for a second.

It would be the first time any Whitebeard would be seeing their faces. It doesn't matter to him that they will see him but if Luffy is in threat before his journey he will make sure that they won't return from here. He has been training and he is pretty sure that he can take on them easily. But with Luffy's instincts he knows it won't be required. The rubber brat loves them and that's the reason they are invited.

"Who's the kid?" Thatch asked looking a bit baffled. That made Luffy puff his cheeks in annoyance. He looked so cute!!!!!

"HEY!" Luffy squeaked, his hands on his hips and lips in a pout position as he looked at Thatch. One look on Ace beside him told that he was amused as him.

"Kid, can you tell us where can we get Cyra?" Haruta asked, oblivious to the situation. One look on Marco and Izou told that they might be putting in pieces but not too sure.

"Hey! There's Ace!" The geisha told looking at Ace who waved at them making them come towards him and ignore Luffy.

"Where is the boy, yoi? Cyra, yoi?" Marco asked, still looking unsure if the little kid was of some importance. He might be their friend most probably.

Luffy was about to whine and they couldn't handle the kid's tantrum so they decided to break the shell.

"Here," Ace and Sabo said together after sharing a look and stifling their laughter. The Whitebeard pirates turned to look at the poor kid who was making circles on the sandy sand a second ago. But right now, he was distracted by the little shells which dusted the island. That made Sabo and Ace check their pockets once, glad to find the stuff they were searching still there.

"What do you mean?" Marco asked with his natural bored tone. Thatch, Haruta and Izou nodding along in agreement.

"Lu, introduce yourself!" Ace spoke, making the rubber boy bounce to them, forgetting the shells.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The man who will become the King of the Pirates!" Luffy announced with his hands puffed out in air, and a big grin on his face. The looks on the Whitebeard Pirates ranged from amused, hesitant and surprised.

"Introduce your other name, Lu!" Sabo said, making Luffy gasp in realization and plant his fist on his palm.

"Oh!" Luffy said, then looked at the Whitebeard Pirates with a sunny grin, making Thatch literally coo at their baby brother. "I'm 'Red Maniac' Cyra!" Luffy announced making the bored face Marco even make a surprised sound.

"You gotta lie!" Haruta replied in disbelief. "H-How? Cyra.. I-I mean.."

"I'm not lying!" Luffy retorted.

"That's why I felt that I know you," Thatch said easily accepting the answer than the other Whitebeard Pirates, who still looked in disbelief at the youngest who pounced on Thatch immediately.

"Thatchy's the best!" Luffy announced making Thatch hug back the little cuddle puddle that Luffy's is.

Ace and Sabo felt protective instincts for their little brother flare up but stopped themselves. Thatch was fine. But not lot...

"Birdie, Haru and Pretty Lady bad!" Luffy said sticking out his tongue at them. Thatch copied the energetic boy enthusiastically. They would have believed that Luffy's foolishness was infectious if not for the fact that Thatch was a similar foolish idiot.

"We are so sorry, Cy-Luffy!" Izou said the first trying to make amends with the adorable cuddly plushie boy.

"We are really sorry," Marco said bowing with Haruta to the little boy who jumped back from Thatch's back to them with a smile saying that they were forgotten.

"It's ok!" Luffy chirped, having easily forgiven his friends.

"Aww man," Izou said hiding his smile behind his fan. "Pops would have loved him."

"He was whining about not getting the invite letter," Haruta added, making Ace and Sabo share a look with each other.



The mornings on Moby Dick are Marco's favorite. It is the time when he can finally relax without any commotion and hassle. But he wouldn't want any other. He loves his brothers and sisters too much for not wanting the chaos. He was sitting on the crow nest, his legs dangling from the railings as he stared at the exceptionally good weather the New World was offering today. These days are just once in a blue moon and Marco plans to utilize it to a full extent.

The cool breezy air, the blue sky, the white clouds floating in various shapes and in between there is a news coo coming towards them. Marco took flight wanting to read the newspaper before hand, but in process frightening the poor bird, who started flying backwards immediately at his presence. He mentally frowned at it. He is not harassing a bird! He passed the berries mid air, in his hybrid form to the news coo and took the papers and some letters, which were for Thatch, Haruta, Izou and Marco.

Wait! Marco!?

It has been a while since he has gotten one! He got back to the Moby Dick and found the commanders lazing around in the galley. That's good since the duo prankers- Thatch and Haruta- are together with Izou.

"Letters, yoi!" He saidpassing each one of them theirs. The thing was that the four letters which the four people have gotten were from the same sender, and a very familiar one. Portgas D. Ace or Gol D. Ace or 'Fire Fist' Ace! The letter was from the fire brat 'cause the sign was Ace of cards.

"Thank you!" His brothers said in return, each opening their letters at the moment. The fire brat had a habit of sending letters to Thatch and Haruta, exchanging prank ideas. He trusted them more than anyone in this ship. He isn't jealous of that! Nope! Not at all!


We are having a party in advance for Cyra's birthday! Come on 30th April to The Dusk! The eternal pose of that island is in there in a packet. Don't bring extra people but do bring gifts. We don't trust everyone and Dad won't appreciate it. So, only Marco, Thatch, Haruta and Izo are invited.


Come early! Cyra misses you all!


The four commanders looked at each other, each having a grin or a smile on their face. It was a sad fact that the others were not invited but they understand. Ace and Cyane are protective over their little brother, even if the said brother is strong enough to defend himself. But that was understandable, specially if the said brother trusts everyone very easily.

They went to Pops for taking permission. 'Cause they wanted to go! Wanted to see Cyra, the little idiot and sunshine and be there for his advance birthday party.

"Pops, yoi!" Marco said arriving before Whitebeard's giant chair. Pops smiled warmly at them.

"What is it my sons?" He asked in his loud yet warm voice.

"We got invitation from Ace about Cyra's party, yoi!" Marco replied, making sure to stress the 'We'.

"Who all?" Whitebeard asked, excited for a moment.

"Thatch, Haruta, Marco and me!" Izou said, wincing mentally that their Pops wasn't invited.

"Huh?" Whitebeard blinked, making him pout instantly. Marco handed the letter to Whitebeard for reading it. Whitebeard pouted at that. He wanted to go too! But he understands to a little extent that he needs to command and monitor his rest of the sons.


"And your name...?" Izou asked looking at the blonde boy, who looked familiar, a bit.

"Ah, where are my manners?" Sabo said politely as he apologized to the Whitebeard commanders before him. "I'm Cyane or Sabo!"

"Monkey D. Sabo!" "Portgas D. Sabo!" Ace and Luffy chimed in, making the commanders shift from the fact that they know the identity of the 3Cs as whole now.

"Huh?" Thatch asked confused.

"I don't know which name to use," Sabo explained with a shrug. If he takes one name the other will be upset, so he had thought of introducing himself as only 'Sabo'. He doesn't want to make his brothers feel bad.

"Sabo should use Monkey D. Sabo!" Luffy said puffing out his cheeks.

"No way! He should use Portgas!" Ace said and the duo black haired brothers started fighting.

"I'm sorry for their idiotic behavior." Sabo said bonking the two heads to cease the little fight.

"That's fine, yoi!" Marco responded, while Thatch and Haruta stifled their laughter when the duo whispered a 'meanie' under their breath.

"Give us a second," Izou said grabbing Haruta and Thatch to the mini Moby for taking out something. Meanwhile, Ace and Marco caught up with each other and Sabo accompanied Luffy who was bouncing from here to there. They arrived soon and handed each of their gifts to the little bouncy boy, who didn't waste a single moment in shredding the packages, even if his brothers half heartedly scolded him for doing so.

"Woah! These are so good!!! I love it!!!" Luffy said, abandoning the prank equipment to lift the captain's coat which Izou had gifted him. It was amazing!!

"What to tell now, Lu?" Sabo asked with a smile on his face. Ace was snickering at the pure unadulterated joy reflecting from Luffy's face. The boy was truly mysterious and knew how to make them forget a slightly bad day easily.

"Thank you for the gifts!" Luffy replied with a gummy smile, making the commanders smile.

"Ah! I was about to forget it, yoi," Marco said, rummaging his pockets and gaining the boy's attention.

"Here, yoi!" Marco said taking out a very feather. Whenever Cyra/ Luffy would come he would always ask for a ride or want to touch his feathers. Marco kinda liked that but he would say it aloud. He had been thinking of what could be given to the energetic brat and was not getting anything. Since, Thatch would be cooking, so food was done. The prank items was also taken up Haruta and Thatch and then clothes was up to Izou. So, the only thing he could give Cyra was what he liked. At least he thinks.

"Woah! That's so pretty!" Luffy said holding the feather in his hand. Marco's brothers were about to tease him about giving someone a feather since Marco's feather don't shed easily and it hurts when someone plucks it.

"Glad that you liked it, yoi," Marco said with a rare smile of his.

"You can put it in your locket chain," Ace suggested making Luffy beam up and take out the locket to give to his brothers for adjusting the feather in it. He really loved it!

"W-Why is Garp The Fist he-here?!" Thatch asked having caught the said Vice Admiral sitting on a rock and chatter with someone. The others eyes caught the man instantly and they paled. Garp was not someone to be messed with and they knew it! Was it a scheme? But they don't think it was one. So, could it be the fact that the brothers are also oblivious of that.

"Why wouldn't he be here?" Luffy asked tilting his head in confusion. Sabo and Ace chose to be silent, wanting to take in the reaction of the commanders before them.

"He is a marine!" Marco said stepping forward of everyone, incase Garp attacks.

"So?" Luffy asked picking his nose with his free hand.

"He will catch all of us!" Izous said, counting the number of the marines near Garp.

"Why will Jiji catch us?" Luffy asked again. Not getting anything. Ace and Sabo couldn't take anymore and burst out laughing at the funny faces of the commanders who were looking pale.

"J-Jiji?!" Thatch squeaked, hiding behind Haruta, who hid behind Izou.

"Yep!" Ace provided with a mischievous smile.

"He is our Shitty Gramps!" Sabo added in. He wonders what their reaction would be when they see their Dad.

"There aren't any more surprises, right?" Haruta asked fearfully to Ace.

"No promises!" Ace said with a wide grin. The Whitebeard commanders sighed at it and continued walking to the shore, where people were with the ASL trio.

"D-Dragon The Revolutionary!!!" Haruta yelped seeing the man in casual dress ordering around some people to set tables and chairs. There also was Kuma The Tyrant who was a Warlord! How many people do these brothers know?!!!

"DAD!!" Luffy said waving his arms excitedly and running to the man, who opened his arms for the little sunshine. The Whitebeard commanders froze on their tracks.

"T-That's y-y-your Da-Dad?!" Thatch stammered looking at the affection the stoic revolutionary leader was showing freely to Luffy.

"Nope! He kinda adopted me and Ace," Sabo supplied.

"So, he is Luffy's biological Dad," Izou said amusedly. Haruta gulped. Being the commander of the information department, these information meant a lot to him. Monkey D. Garp 'The Hero' son is the most wanted criminal in the world, Monkey D. Dragon and his son is Monkey D. Luffy. That's a... lot to take!

"Yep!" Ace said making a pop sound at the end. He looked at where Luffy was and saw Dragon give a plane glare to the commanders warning them to not to do anything suspicious.

"Anymore shocks, yoi?" Marco asked the trio now as Luffy had returned holding meat, which he gulped in one go.

"Anymore questions?" Sabo asked in return. 'Cause they really didn't know if there is much shock to give them now except for a fact which they would never blurt out.

"Don't tell me The 3Cs are not pirates," Haruta asked hesitantly. But with the snippets which lay before him, he wasn't sure anymore that the 3Cs were pirates at all!

"We weren't," Sabo states. "We were revolutionaries but were allowed to do whatever we want as long as we complete missions."

That made them upset. There were bets going on in the Moby about them being what and now that the truth was out they felt bad since they need to do chores of a full month. But if they kept their mouths close as they are supposed to then they won't have to do.

"Ace! Sabo!" Luffy called out to his brothers getting their attention. "When are they coming?!"

"They will be here soon, Lu!" The two eldest brothers said in unison. Luffy pouted at that. He was getting impatient. He wanted to meet Shanks! He concentrated on his Haki and found a joyous group coming from the East side of the beach, just where they were. He grinned wide as he recognized Shanks, Benn, Roo, Yasopp and all!

"Lu, wait patiently!" Sabo said looking at the boy who was jumping in his place and looking at the horizon where a small dot was visible.

"Who is coming?" Haruta asked, mentally frowning that he hadn't brought his binoculars to check.

"That's a surprise!" Ace replied, making the commanders face palm. All the surprises the trio gives them is heart attack! Seriously someday that will the reason of their deaths! They were sure of it.

After some minutes passed and a familiar looking ship started appearing in their vision. The commanders recognized it easily even before the little brat yelled 'Shanks!' and ran to the shore where the Red Force was docking. The laughter of the red haired Emperor resounded making them rub their temples. Seriously! The brothers do have lots of connections!!!! They wiuldn't have imagined in their dreams too!

"I need alcohol!" Thatch said looking at the childish Emperor on whom Luffy was hanging and pouting probably due to some teasing from the said Emperor.

"Marco! Thatch! Haurta! Izou!" The said childish Emperor looked at them and waved, walking towards them with some of his own commanders coming behind.

"Marco!" He said looking at the bird brain with his irritating smile. "Join my crew!"

"No way, yoi!" Marco said for the umpteenth time. He was now regretting coming to the party.

"Aww," The Emperor pouted, making Luffy giggle from his back where he was hanging.

"Hello Shanks!" Ace and Sabo greeted the man, who smiled at them with a childish grin.

"Hello there!" Shanks replied.

"This is gonna be a headache," Izou groaned.

"Ace, Sabo," Shanks turned to the boys ignoring Izou's comments. "As much as I know, Luffy's birthday is not today." The said brothers nodded. "Then why celebrate it today?"

"We can't be there with him on that day," Ace said in a low voice, giving a sad smile. Marco raised an eyebrow at that.

"He will start his pirate journey on his birthday from one of the Blues," Sabo provided since Ace gave half information.

"WHAT?!" Everyone in the vicinity shouted together.

"Yeah! I'm gonna be the King of Pirates!" Luffy declared much to the shock of the commanders.

"What the heck Ace Sabo?!" Haruta screamed.

"How the hell are you supposed to let go of Luffy at such a young age?!!!!" Thatch completed. He didn't like it at all that the adorable kid was about to start his journey in one of the Blues.

"Tell me you both will be there with him when he starts, yoi," Shanks said with a scowl. Sabo could be there with Luffy but not Ace as he has his own crew.

"HEY!" Luffy said with a frown. "I am capable enough to go on my own!"

"What he said," Ace said with a sigh.

"He can handle himself," Sabo added. Luffy was stronger than them if he really wants to go all out. Moreover the kid had a hidden power residing within him, so he would be probably fine for the Blues and the Grand Line.

"But that is a death wish to leave the kid alone!" Izou tried to object.

"How about I kick your ass again?" Luffy said with a grin. He wanted to start his journey as his brothers have done. He won't be waiting for another two years as his mother and father insisted. He will start his journey as a pirate on 5th May and that's all he knows.

Luffy's words reminded Izou and Haruta that the boy can handle himself just fine. After all, he had defeated them, even if they didn't want to say it aloud.

"What?!" Yasopp said with a snort. "Anchor kicked your asses?!"

"Bwahahahaha!!!" Shanks laughed, wiping some stray tears which accumulated in his eyes due to the fact.

"Let's head to the party for now," Sabo said ignoring the pouting faces of the commanders. Shanks handed over his gifts, which was mainly Sake of good quality from different seas to Dragon for safe keeping and fishman island candies to the rubber brat and his brothers.

The party was a blast with everyone enjoying and Luffy dancing around with meat in his hands and stuffing his face with the every chance he was getting. The rubber brat went around everyone declaring that he will be the King of the Pirates, making them smile but not object to the big dream.

Some people even tried to fight the boy, not wanting the adorable kid to start his journey this early, only to get their face planted on the sandy shore by Luffy himself.

Then the birthday cakes were set up, hiding some extras for Luffy to not gallop it like he did with the two meat cakes and a chocolate cake.

All the while Marco was holding a bottle of strong whisky and wishing for the first time to get drunk. He was feeling guilty only by learning the fact that Luffy was way too young when he fought with them, even if he is strong and makes his instincts go hay way. Luffy looked only 14 right now and counting on the fact that the war was two years ago, he was probably only 12 and he fought with him and stopped the war.

If he goes on that track then the fact that the boy started his revolutionary career at the tender age of only 7 hurts the most. What the fuck was Dragon thinking of allowing his son to go on missions even if he would be protected by his eldest brothers!? He was really questioning the sanity of Dragon. If not for the fact how everyone in the Revolutionary Amry was dotting on the little brat, he would have said that they were forcing the trusting idoit in doing jobs. A part of him even felt that Luffy was the one who would have whined to join the missions.

Marco took a deep sigh. The past is past and he knows it too well. The past can't be changed but the future can be. He swears to keep an eye on the boy from now on.


Okay... So, I know this chapter had a very bad rushed ending. I'm terribly sorry for that. I didn't how what to do make it better and the fact that the chapter got longer and longer.

Anyways, Luffy starts his journey from the next chapter! Hope you will enjoy that chapter!