
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 9: Heaven and Man Means!

Qin Yuan immediately took out a card with gold letters on a black background, and handed it over respectfully.

  "Master Xue, this card is my heart, it is not a respect!"

  Xue An did not refuse, took it and put it in his pocket, and then said to the two little girls who were fascinated by watching TV in the distance: "Let's go!" Come home with Dad!"

  But at this moment, Qin Yuan suddenly turned pale, his figure shook, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell down on the sofa.

  "Grandpa!" Qin Yu was shocked and rushed over.

  Qin Yuan's eyes were blank, and even his breathing became weak.

  "What happened to my grandfather?" Qin Yu asked anxiously.

  Hua Xingyu hurried forward to feel Qin Yuan's pulse, then frowned.

  "Grandpa Qin's pulse is vague, his yang qi is weak, and he is dying!"

  Qin Yu shouted at Xue An, "What's going on? Didn't you say to save my grandfather?"

  Xue An said lightly: " He has been possessed by the ghost for so long, and his yang energy has been exhausted! Now that the ghost is gone, he will die soon!"

  "Then what should I do? Master Hua, can my grandfather be saved?" Qin Yu burst into tears .

  Hua Xingyu shook his head, "In this situation, even if there is a hundred-year-old ginseng, he can't hold his breath anymore! Prepare for the funeral!"

  Qin Yu plopped and knelt in front of Xue An, "Mr. , I know how much I have been neglecting you, but please save my grandpa! As long as you save my grandpa, I will promise you anything!"

  Xue An looked calm, and he didn't have a good impression of Qin Yu.

  He also knew what happened today, it must have been caused by this bitch.

  But at this moment, Xue Xiang secretly pulled Xue An's clothes, and then whispered: "Papa, this sister is so pitiful!"

  Xue An only showed tenderness when facing his two daughters.

  "Then think about what you plan to do?"

  Xue Nian who was concentrating on eating oranges suddenly said, "Papa, please help this sister, she is crying so badly!"

  Qin Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he said this.

  But to Xue An, the words of his daughter are the imperial decree. He casually took out the Peiyuan Pill that was refined from the remaining medicinal residues, "Eat it and you'll be fine!"

  Hua Xingyu's eyes widened when he saw the Peiyuan Pill They all stared round, and their breathing became short of breath.

  "This... this...."

  Hua Tingting was a little puzzled, "Grandpa, what's wrong?"

  "This elixir, can you let me have a look?" Hua Xingyu seemed to see a child with a favorite toy.

  Xue An nodded, and casually threw the pill over.

  Hua Xingyu caught it in a hurry, staring at the Peiyuan Pill almost greedily, and only marveled after a while.

  "The means of heaven and man, really is the means of heaven and man!"

  Then Hua Xingyu cupped his hands at Xue An, "Mr. They are not convinced, but only today, I am convinced!"

  "Oh, you are a smart person!" Xue An said.

  After feeding the pill to Qin Yuan, after a few minutes, Qin Yuan's pale cheeks became rosy again.

  Soon, Qin Yuan returned to normal.

  Not only that, even the wrinkles on the face and the white hair are reduced by half.

  If Qin Yuan was an old man in his seventies before, he now looks like a middle-aged man in his fifties.

  This kind of spectacle also made Hua Xingyu very excited.

  As for Hua Tingting, she was even more dumbfounded.


  If before today, someone had told Hua Tingting that someone could do this with a humble elixir.

  Then Hua Tingting will definitely think this person is a liar.

  But the real scene happening in front of her eyes left Hua Tingting speechless.

  The three views established by science from childhood to adulthood collapsed.

  Thinking of the many ridicules he had just made towards Xue An.

  Hua Tingting's face couldn't stop the fever.

  She couldn't help but peek at Xue An.

  Only then did Hua Tingting realize...

  This man is so handsome!

  The main reason is that Xue An has an air of calm and prestige, which makes him look like a high-ranking emperor, making people afraid to approach him easily.

  Hua Tingting's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

  But at this moment, Qin Yuan gave Xue An a deep salute after he knew what happened just now and noticed the strangeness in himself.

  "Mr. Xue! From now on, as long as you say a word, Longtai Group will go all out and dare not neglect!"

  This promise is so heavy that Qin Yu, Hua Tingting and others can't bear it. Live discoloration.

  Only Hua Xingyu looked at Qin Yuan enviously.

  He knew it wasn't enough.

  As for the Peiyuan Pill just now, Hua Xingyu believed that if it appeared in Zhongdu, or if those aristocratic families knew about it, it would definitely set off a bloodbath.

  After all, it can make a gray-haired old man look younger. Hua Xingyu thought he could not do such a pill, nor could that doctor Gao in Zhongdu, or even the masters of medicine in the world.

  Now it is not an exaggeration for Qin Yuan to send Longtai Group directly to Xue An.

  After all, compared with fate, wealth is nothing!

  But Xue An just nodded slightly.


  Then Xue An said to Qin Yu: "You just said that as long as I save your grandfather, you can do anything?"

  Qin Yu's heart tightened, and he said bravely: "Yes!"

  "Then Okay, you drive us home!"

  Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

  Hua Xingyu was in a hurry, "Master, master, have you forgotten our bet? You said that as long as I lose, you will accept me or my granddaughter as an apprentice!"

  Xue An said flatly: "Really? I said that?"

  Hua Xingyu nodded vigorously, "I have said it!"

  "But I have changed my mind now, you are too old, and your granddaughter... is too poor in medical qualifications! And too stupid! "After saying that, Xue An walked away.

  Hua Tingting stood there blankly. She had never been told that she was stupid in her life.

  "Grandpa, don't pay attention to him, why are you dragging him like that?"

  Hua Xingyu shook his head, cupped his hands at Qin Yuan and left the room.   After walking into the courtyard, Hua

  Xingyu sighed and said, "Tingting, you don't understand. This man's background may be more powerful than we imagined!"

Tingting was silent.

  Hua Xingyu picked off a leaf casually, "In this life, I can see such methods and people, and my life is not in vain! It's a pity, there is still no fate!"

  Qin Yu personally He drove and sent Xue An, father and daughter back to the community.

  People in the community were all overwhelmed by this heroic Maybach, and they all watched secretly from a distance.

  Just as Xue An was about to get off the car, he suddenly asked, "Did your Qin family offend someone?"

  Qin Yu immediately understood, "Mr. Xue, you mean..."

  "That ghost is manipulated!" Xue An said Get out of the car and leave.

  Qin Yu sat in the car for a while, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  "Old Hei, order people to start investigating. The old man's illness is caused by someone behind the scenes!"