
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 67: The Mountain Pear Blossoms

Are Blooming All Over It's Him?

  how is this possible? Isn't he already dead?

  The girl looked shocked, and then quickly searched all the photos about Xue An in the forum.

  Finally, she was sure.

  This man was indeed Xue An who had been missing for four years.

  She couldn't help but fly into a rage.

  "Sure enough, he is a scumbag. Not only did he disappear for no reason, but he even killed his sister who escaped into the empty door for you, and when she came back, she didn't know to look for her!" The

  girl was full of anger. Said: "Come here." The

  door opened silently, and a respectful old man walked in.

  "Second Miss."

  "Get ready for the car!"

  "Okay, where are you going?"

  "Qingmang!" The

  martial arts conference is over.

  The death of Elder Zhitian terrified many people, and made it impossible for the subsequent competitions to continue.

  Many people quietly left Qingmang Town, but Xue An did not.

  Because he still has some things to deal with.

  He didn't leave, and Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu also stayed behind.

  Only Tan Dong had something to do temporarily and left Qingmang Town to return to Beijiang.

  On this day, Xue An took his two daughters to climb a mountain.

  Tan Xiaoyu and Hua Tingting also followed.

  The air in the mountains is so pure that it seems to have been washed.

  It was almost Qingming at this moment, and it was drizzling almost every day near Qingmang Mountain.

  But this couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the two little girls at all. Along the way, the two little girls were laughing and chattering.

  Looking at the two eccentric daughters, Xue An's heart was filled with warmth.

  "Babababa, look what that is!" Xue Xiang asked, pointing to the valley in the distance.

  Xue An took a look, "Oh, that's a pear tree!"

  "Pear tree? Are there any pears to eat?" Xue Nian regained his energy.

  Xue An smiled, "It hasn't bloomed yet, how can I eat it?"

  "Then when will it bloom?" Xue Xiang asked.

  "Should... soon!"

  "If it blooms, it must be very beautiful!" Xue Xiang said with some longing.

  Xue An smiled lightly, and then made a magic decision calmly.

  Their destination is also that pear orchard.

  But this year, because of the cold weather, it has not bloomed yet.

  But when they came to the valley, an amazing scene happened.

  The pear blossoms all over the mountain, as if welcoming their arrival, bloomed in an instant.

  The pure white pear blossoms seem to have caused another heavy snowfall in this valley.

  Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were taken aback for a moment, then they rushed into the pear forest happily.

  Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu looked at each other with shock and doubt in their eyes.

  How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

  When my group of people came, the pear blossoms were in full bloom.

  Could it be... Xue An did this too?

  Hua Tingting suddenly remembered that when she was in Qin's house, Xue An turned the flowers and plants in the courtyard into green overnight.

  Who the hell is he?

  Why can order flowers and plants? Let the pear blossoms all over the mountain bloom?

  Xue An led the crowd to the middle of the valley.

  There is actually a Taoist temple here.

  It's just in disrepair for a long time, and it looks a little dilapidated.

  Xue An walked into the Taoist temple, maybe the sound of footsteps disturbed the cleanliness here.

  An old and lazy voice came from the house.

  "Followers, just go and see. If you want to donate, you can just scan the QR code for cash."

  A smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth, "Old Taoist Zhai, you are not dead yet?" The

  room was quiet for a moment, and then the door creaked After being pushed away, an old man in gray clothes came out from the inside, and said in a babbling voice: "Who! The voice is so familiar?"

  When he looked up, he happened to see Xue An with a smile on his lips, and couldn't help being stunned. .

  "You...you are..."

  Xue An nodded, "Old Dao Zhai, don't you recognize me?

  " Does it mean that you are no longer alive?"

  Xue An smiled, "Maybe your hexagrams are not accurate!"

  Zhai Laodao shook his head, and said very confidently: "My hexagrams have always been accurate, how strange!"

  Then When Zhai Laodao saw the two little girls following Xue An, he couldn't help showing a loving smile on his face.

  "Two beautiful and pure girls."

  "My daughter!" Xue An said proudly.

  Zhai Laodao nodded, "It can be seen."

  Then he turned and entered the room. After a while, he took out two small bracelets.

  "This is a bracelet blessed by my chanting scriptures day and night. It can dispel all evils!"

  "Thank you, grandpa!" The two little girls shouted in unison.

  "Mmm, good!" Zhai Laodao laughed until his beard was raised.

  Only then did he notice the strangeness around him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a puzzled face, "It's strange, when I just came out, the pear blossoms hadn't even bloomed yet! Why did they all bloom in the blink of an eye? Xue An smiled, "

  Maybe we are welcome!"

  Xue An took out a bank card from his pocket, "This is the pear money I owed you many years ago."

  Old Taoist Zhai took it without hesitation. Then he said with a smile: "At the beginning you swore that you would pay back the money one day, but I still didn't believe it. Now it seems that you have really done it!

  How much money is there?" Not too sure." Xue An said lightly.

  Zhai Laodao, who was originally excited, froze, "You...how much do you say?"

  "Tens of millions!"

  "You...have you robbed a bank?" Zhai Laodao said.

  Xue An was annoyed and said with a smile: "Do you think it's still possible to pay for robbing a bank these days?


  It can be seen that he is very happy.

  Not because of money, but because of Xue An's arrival.

  Xue An also sighed in his heart at this moment.

  When he was young, his family suffered major changes. In order to earn money, he often went to the mountains to collect herbs. He came to this pear blossom valley by chance, and then met Zhai Laodao, who was still in his prime at that time.

  Although this old Taoist Zhai sometimes chatters, he still sympathizes with Xue An, and often donates money from Taoist temples to Xue An.

  Xue An said at the time that he would come back to repay his kindness.

  Now he does.

  Xue An walked into the hall.

  The main hall has also been in disrepair for a long time, and it looks a little dim, but the statue is still intact.

  The gods enshrined here are very messy, including the Jade Emperor of the Three Qing Dynasties, and gods from all walks of life.

  There is even a fox fairy enshrined in the corner.

  Xue An smiled, picked up a stick of fresh incense, lit it, and inserted it into the incense burner.

  "Why are you all plugged into one incense burner? Let's divide it!" Zhai Laodao said.

  Xue An smiled, "No need, let them divide it themselves!"

  Zhai Laodao didn't think so, but when he turned to leave.

  All the statues in the hall were trembling slightly, as if... they were paying respects to Xue An.

  Xue An stood with his hands behind his back, looking at these god statues with a faint smile on his face.

  These gods are real.

  Xue An even dealt with them.

  But compared to Xue An, who was walking against the sky and cultivated to the fairy world step by step.

  One of the biggest flaws of these local gods is that they can only survive by relying on the power of faith.

  Once you lose your faith, it is equivalent to death.

  And Xue An's fragrance is enough to give these gods face.

  That's why he said let them divide it by themselves.