
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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Chapter 65: One Punch... Divides Yin and Yang!

Everyone looked at the speaker one after another, only to realize that it was a little girl carved in powder and jade.

  And next to him was a little girl who looked almost exactly the same.

  It's actually a pair of twins.

  Many people can't help but think that cute is cute, but it's also... too cheating.

  Shi Hao and Shi Zhuli, brother and sister, even sneered in their hearts, and wanted to see how you would deal with this.

  But what Xue An did next was beyond everyone's expectations.

  Xue An smiled and patted the heads of Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, and said lightly: "Yes! So Dad is going to go on stage."

  "Yeah, come on, Baba!" Xue Xiang and Xue Nian said seriously .

  Shi Hao almost didn't laugh out loud.

  He is Mr. Xue?

  Can he be Mr. Xue?

  Many people looked at Xue An with puzzled or disdainful eyes.

  Xue An was about to get off the stands, but Xue Lan pulled Xue An back with a panicked expression.

  "Brother An..."

  Xue An looked at Xue Lan and smiled slightly, "Good boy, wait for me to come back!"

  Xiang Bing couldn't help laughing at this moment.

  Still waiting for me to come back?

  Do you think you can come back?

  What a joke!

  Xiang Bing thought that Xue An would definitely die if he went.

  This is also the view of most people.

  So when Xue An stepped up to the stands, some people looked at him with sympathy.

  But nothing outside could interfere with Xue An, he stepped off the stands in a leisurely manner, and stepped onto the ring step by step.

  And Yu Ling kept looking at Xue An with curious eyes.

  It wasn't until after he took the stage that Yu Ling said calmly, "You are Mr. Xue?"

  Xue An shook his head, then showed his white teeth, and smiled, "To be precise, my name is Xue An!"

  "It doesn't matter whether it is Xue An, Regardless of Mr. Xue, did my two apprentices die at your hands?" Yu Ling asked forcefully.

  Xue An nodded, "That's right, I killed it!" There was

  an uproar.

  Many people didn't believe it at all, because Xue An looked ordinary, he didn't look like a master at all, he didn't even look like a warrior.

  "Isn't this kid out of his mind?"

  "Maybe he's out of his mind because he wants to show off!"

  There was a lot of discussion among the people below, but Yu Ling's expression gradually became gloomy.

  "Before I came here, I thought that this Mr. Xue must be a great master, but I didn't expect that he was just an ordinary person. In this way, both of my apprentices were killed by your conspiracy?" Yu Ling grieved Said sadly.

  This is also what many people think.

  After all, Yu Qing was considered one of the top 50 masters on the Tianjiao list, but he died at the hands of this seemingly powerless Xue An.

  If it is said that there is no conspiracy, no one will believe it.

  But Xue An shook his head, "Are you talking about Yu Qing? He is too weak, he only received two punches from me!"

  "Zhu Zi dare you!" Yu Ling was furious.

  Xiang Bing sneered even more in the audience, and sneered

  , "You're looking for death!" Xue An sighed slightly, "Why? Don't believe me? Why don't you try it? I also want to know, you as a master... Can you take a few punches from me?"

  Yu Ling sneered, "Okay! Very good! You have successfully angered me, and I will make you die in pain!"

  An extremely cold and murderous aura suddenly emanated from Yu Ling's body. All the people below were shocked.

  Tan Dong, Tan Xiaoyu, Hua Tingting and the others looked even more solemn.

  I knew this Yu Ling was powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

  But in this almost boiling murderous aura.

  Xue An stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly, looked at the gradually gloomy sky, and smiled faintly, "Look! It's windy!"

  Yu Ling snorted coldly, slowly raised his right hand, and then softly drank, "Refer to the sky !" A sword!"

  A white light that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth shot out from Yu Ling's right hand, and then came straight towards Xue An with the momentum of Mount Tai.

  The momentum was so strong that even this incomparably solid arena began to crumble.

  This sword like a fairy made all the warriors turn pale.

  Many people ask themselves that if they are confronted with this sword, they can only wait for death, and they don't even have the ability to fight back.

  But under this turbulent sword, Xue An did not dodge, and even a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

  Then, just when the sword energy was about to hit the top of his head, Xue An suddenly raised his hand, stretched out two fingers, and clamped the mighty rainbow-like sword.

  On one side is Yu Ling's long sword made of Qi, and on the other side are two slender and slender fingers.

  The contrast between the two is stark.

  It even gives people the illusion that these two fingers will be turned into powder in the next second.

  However, Yu Ling's sword could no longer be cut down.

  These two fingers are like two big mountains, and the suppressed sword energy can't advance an inch at all.

  Yu Ling's expression froze.

  Xue An said indifferently: "Although he is stronger than your apprentice, he is still...too weak!"

  Xue An pinched his fingers as he spoke.


  After a crisp sound.

  The qi sword was pinched off and turned into nothing.

  Everyone was shocked!

  Xiang Bing even stood up abruptly, looking at the scene on stage in disbelief.

  Suspicion also flashed in Yu Ling's eyes, but he still sneered and

  said, "Sure enough, you have some skills, but you still have to die!" Yu Ling stretched out all ten fingers, and ten qi swords came straight towards Xue An.

  The speed was so fast that it even exploded the air along the way.

  Xue An still didn't move.

  Yu Ling rejoiced in his heart, because the qi sword was about to be inserted into Xue An's body.

  He even saw Xue An lying on the ground covered in blood in the next second.

  But at this moment, Xue An raised his head, looked at the cloudy sky, and said calmly: "Now...it's my turn!" After speaking

  , Xue An raised his right hand lightly, and said coldly: " Look at me...a fist that moves the world!"

  This was a seemingly ordinary punch.

  Take your time and take your time.

  But just such a punch made Yu Ling's complexion change drastically, and he retreated sharply.

  at the same time.

  Everyone in the audience felt that the world seemed to have turned upside down suddenly, and they all fell to the ground.

  As for the arena...

  This seemingly indestructible arena has been completely turned upside down at this moment.

  As for Yu Ling, he retreated into the distance in embarrassment, panting heavily, and at the same time looked at Xue An with an extremely panicked expression.

  Just now, his intuition as a top martial artist told him the horror of Xue An's punch, so he retreated hastily.

  If he had retreated a little slower, he would have died in it now.

  At the same time, Leng Yun from the audience was looking at Xue An's proud back on the stage, his teeth were chattering.

  That's right!

  it's him!

  The aloof aura I felt before the conference started came from him!

  Leng Yun didn't even hesitate, turned around and left.

  Because she knew that this man was not something she or anyone could match!

  "This... what kind of boxing technique is this?" Yu Ling said dryly, with an imperceptible tremor in his voice.

  Xue An withdrew his fist and smiled slightly, "It's not bad, you can dodge my punch! But... not enough!"

  After finishing speaking, a shocking aura surged into the sky, and the entire Qingmang Mountain seemed to be under this aura. trembling slightly.

  Yu Ling's last sliver of luck also disappeared, and he finally understood that the gap between himself and this man was not just a tiny bit, but a desperate gap.

  So he made a correct decision, soaring into the sky with one stride, wanting to escape.

  At this time, Xue An said calmly: "Want to run? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

  "Look at the second form of my Six God-killing Forms, distinguish Yin and Yang!"