
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 63: Martial Arts Conference Part 4

The Budo Tournament is finally about to officially begin.

  After three days of selection, a total of 30 people stood out, and they will be eligible to challenge the masters on the Tianjiao list.

  On this day, the arena at the foot of the mountain was already crowded with people.

  And this time the arena has been remodeled to become stronger and stronger.

  After all, coming to the stage again this time is not only about winning or losing, but also about life and death.   "Isn't that Muay Thai champion Chen Tong who is ranked nineteenth on the Tianjiao

  list? He's here too?"

You don't show your face!"

  "There is also Fairy Yuehua Xiang Bing, Sword Kong San with a smile, and Blood Scorpion Leng Yun, these are all top-ranked masters, what happened to this year's Martial Arts Conference?" Followed the

  audience After bursts of exclamation, this year's martial arts conference gradually kicked off.

  When Xue An came to the stands, almost everyone had already arrived.

  Many potbellied men sat on the chairs in the stands, often accompanied by a good-looking female secretary.

  These are rich people from all over.

  After all, every master who can be ranked in the Tianjiao list has a deep background and influence behind him, so this martial arts conference is not just a gathering of warriors, but also has a lot to do with the interests of heaven.

  Xue An's arrival also attracted the attention of many people.

  However, after most people noticed that Xue An was dressed in ordinary clothes and did not look like a master warrior, no one was interested in him.

  Xue An looked around the audience, and happened to see Shi Hao sitting in the back, but at the moment he was concentrating on courting an elegant woman in a green dress beside him.

  "Xiang Xianzi, I followed my master to visit you once, but I didn't expect to see you again at the Martial Arts Conference today!

  " Xiang Bing.

  Xiang Bing looked indifferent, and didn't pay much attention to Shi Hao.

  In previous years, she would not come to the Martial Arts Conference.

  Only this time, old man Zhitian came out of the mountain again, which aroused her interest, so she came to watch the excitement.

  She also saw Xue An's arrival, but she just glanced at him lightly, and after realizing that he was not a martial arts master, she stopped paying attention, and instead turned her attention to Xue Lan who was beside Xue An.

  "Hey! This girl has a pure temperament, and she is a good seed for martial arts!" Xiang Bing's eyes lit up.

  Shi Hao noticed Xiang Bing's eyes, turned his head and saw that it was Xue An, his expression became gloomy.

  But seeing Hua Tingting also came, Shi Hao regained his smile, stood up and said, "Miss Hua, this way!"

  Hua Tingting didn't want to talk to Shi Hao at first, but Xue An walked over directly.

  Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu glanced at each other, so they had no choice but to follow behind.

  "Miss Hua, sit down!" Shi Hao greeted very warmly, and then introduced.

  "This is Xiang Bing, Fairy Yuehua!" Hearing

  this name, Tan Dong and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.

  The master ranked eighteenth in the Tianjiao list is actually an elegant woman?

  Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Shi Hao felt quite proud, and then smiled flatteringly at Xiang Bing: "Xiang Xianzi, this is Miss Hua Ting Tinghua, her grandfather is the well-known doctor Hua in Beijiang, this is Zhenbei Director Tan of the martial arts hall..."

  Xiang Bing waved his hand to stop Shi Hao from continuing, then looked at Xue Lan and said indifferently: "Little girl, are you interested in practicing martial arts with me?"

  These words It shocked everyone around.

  Fairy Yuehua is going to accept disciples?

  Shi Zhuli at the side turned blue with jealousy.


  Why is she?

  Just a girl from the mountains, how can she compare to me?

  And Tan Dong and Tan Xiaoyu were also shocked.

  Especially Tan Dong, he knew how powerful this Yuehua Fairy was, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

  But in the eyes of everyone, the somewhat shy Xue Lan shook her head resolutely.

  "I'm not interested!"

  This sentence surprised Xiang Bing, and he couldn't help saying lightly: "Little girl, do you know who I am?"

  Xue Lan continued to shake her head, "I don't know, and I don't want to know, even if I If you want to practice martial arts, you will only follow Brother An!"

  Brother Xiao An?

  Everyone was taken aback, then looked at Xue An.

  Could it be him?

  But there is nothing unusual about this man, he looks like an ordinary person!

  Xiang Bing's expression was a little uneasy, and he couldn't help snorting coldly.

  "Little girl, you have to think it through."

  "I think it through!" Xue Lan said firmly.

  Shi Hao and Shi Zhuli secretly glanced at each other, and then they were filled with joy.

  This is all right, let Fairy Yuehua bear the grudge, Xue An and this little girl are finished!

  Xiang Bing took another deep look at Xue An, and found that apart from being very calm, there was nothing unusual about this man, so he looked towards the ring with a frosty face.

  Xue An smiled calmly, ignoring this so-called Fairy Yuehua.

  It's ridiculous that a mere woman who has just stepped into the Happy Realm calls herself a fairy.

  But Tan Dong was a little worried. After he sat down, he whispered in Xue An's ear: "The Fairy Yuehua is notoriously stingy, and the incident just now obviously has a grudge. Mr. Xue should be more careful."

  Xue An nodded.

  At this moment, the Martial Arts Conference finally officially started.

  Shi Hao tidied up his clothes and entered the stage confidently.

  His grades are considered mid-level, so he is ranked in the front.

  And what he wants to challenge is a Nanquan master who ranks eighty-eight on the Tianjiao list.

  After the competition between the two started, Xue An only took a look and ignored it.

  Because he could tell at a glance that although this Nanquan master had good skills, he was obviously not Shi Hao's opponent.


  Within a few minutes, this Nanquan master was kicked off the ring by Shi Hao, and then he struggled on the ground a few times before dying.

  There was a commotion in the field.

  Shi Hao stood on the stage with a proud face, and then a referee announced the result of the match.

  Shi Hao won, and he finally got his wish and entered the Tianjiao List.

  Shi Zhuli was naturally overjoyed, and then gave Xue An a hard look, thinking in her heart, when the conference is over, I will clean you up!

  Shi Hao even stood on the stage, and made a throat-slitting gesture to Xue An from a distance.

  The imaginable panic did not appear, only the mocking look in Xue An's eyes.

  Shi Hao sneered in his heart, I see how long you can pretend.

  The competition continued, because it was a matter of huge interests and honor, so no one dared to release water, and it was a killer move at every turn.

  The brutal competition made many spectators turn pale.

  Finally, the challenge of the newly selected warriors is over.

  Two-thirds of them failed, and the price of failure was death!

  Blood stained the arena red.

  But everyone knew that the main event was next, because what was about to appear was a duel between the top 50 players on the Tianjiao list.

  The first person to come on stage caused a low exclamation from the audience.