
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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Chapter 6: Egg Fried Rice

Xue An picked up Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, and said to Qin Yuan: "I said you have three days at most to live, do you believe it?"

  Qin Yuan turned pale, bowed his head and remained silent.

  Qin Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and sneered, "Do liars dare to make such a big show these days? My grandfather just had a physical examination in the hospital, and everything is normal. You shouldn't be making a fuss, you..."

  Xue An looked at it lightly. After glancing at Qin Yu, Qin Yu felt that his deep eyes seemed to suck him in, and he couldn't say anything after that.

  Qin Yuan smiled wryly at this moment, "Mr. Xue, you really are not an ordinary person."

  "Grandpa, why do you believe what this violent man says?" Qin Yu was anxious, fearing that her grandfather would be fooled by this man again.

  "Yu'er, don't be rude. What Mr. Xue said was also what I was in Zhongdu last year, and Miracle Doctor Gao told me personally!" Miracle Doctor


  Qin Yu couldn't help being speechless when he heard this name.

  Miracle doctor Gao is the leading medical expert in the capital.

  He wants to say when you die, then you have to die when.

  Qin Yuan smiled wryly and said, "Yu'er, do you know why I called you back from abroad? I'm just afraid that I won't be here one day. You can't control this huge Longtai Group in your own hands!"

  Qin Yu's His eyes were red, and he choked up and said, "Grandpa, let's go to Zhongdu now and find Dr. Gao to treat you!"

  Qin Yuan shook his head, "Silly boy, if it can be cured, Dr. Gao wouldn't say that like that last year. !"

  Qin Yu began to despair, "Then let's go abroad, I know many top doctors abroad, they will definitely be able to cure you!"

  Qin Yuan shook his head, and said in a sad tone: "It's useless! Just like today's physical examination, I can't find anything wrong with me!"

  Xue An suddenly said: "If I say, I can cure you What about my illness?"

  Qin Yuan became excited, "Mr. Xue can really cure my illness?"

  Xue An nodded, "Of course, but you have to pay me enough."

  Before Qin Yuan could speak, Qin Yu had already sneered and said, "Did you really show your fox's tail? Open your mouth and ask for money first?"

  Xue An frowned slightly, "Do you know that you talk a lot of nonsense?"

  Qin Yu was speechless.

  Qin Yuanyuan was very excited, "Okay! Then, Mr. Xue, when will I be treated?"

  "Today is too late, tomorrow!"

  "Well, if it is convenient for Mr. Xue, you can come to my house, after all, it is more convenient there !"

  Xue An nodded after thinking about it, "Okay! But I want to take the child with me!"

  "No problem!" Of course,

  Qin Yuan has a full-time driver.

  After a while, a very low-key Audi A8 drove over.

  Qin Yuan personally opened the car door for Xue An.

  Qin Yu really couldn't stand it anymore. She always felt that this man was unreliable, but her grandfather was very convinced of him, and Qin Yu couldn't help it.

  But Qin Yu thought for a while, and his eyes lit up. Then he secretly took out his phone and sent a message.

  Hmph, wait until tomorrow, you will see me!

  Qin Yuan lives in a large villa in the suburbs.

  It is well guarded and the environment is beautiful.

  After Xue An got off the car, he felt that the aura here seemed to be stronger than the outside world.

  Qin Yuan noticed Xue An's surprise, and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Xue, what can you see?"

  "Your villa has been pointed out by knowledgeable people, no wonder you can live until now!" Xue An said.

  Qin Yuan's heart was shaken, the hope in his eyes couldn't help but grew bigger, and his expression became more respectful.

  "Mr. Xue is indeed a master! I hired a lot of money to build this villa!"

  "Unfortunately, I only know superficially!" Xue An said lightly.

  As for the two little girls Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, their eyes are not enough at the moment, and they are always looking at everything around them curiously.

  "Mr. Xue, you haven't eaten yet. I'll order someone to prepare what you want to eat!" Qin Yuan said.

  It doesn't matter whether Xue An eats or not, but his two daughters can't be hungry.

  "What do you two want to eat?" Xue An asked with a charming smile.

  Qin Yu watched from the side, secretly cursing in her heart, this person is simply schizophrenic, he looks cold and unattainable to everyone else, but he is so gentle to these two little girls.

  Xue Xiang and Xue Nian looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Egg fried rice!"

  "Okay! Then egg fried rice!" Xue An was about to become a slave to his daughter, as long as the two little girls said it, they would agree unconditionally. .

  Qin Principle was a little dumbfounded, "Would you like...egg fried rice?"

  Xue An nodded.

  The egg fried rice came quickly, and from the color and aroma, it can be seen that it is definitely from the chef.

  The two little girls' eyes widened after taking their first mouthful.

  "What? Isn't it delicious?"

  "Papa, it's delicious!" After Xue Xiang finished speaking, he immersed himself in eating.

  Only then did Xue An smile slightly.

  The two little girls ate very quickly. A bowl of fried rice with eggs was eaten very quickly, and the bowl was clean without any leftovers.

  "Are you full?" Xue An asked dotingly.

  "It's so full!" Xue Xiang patted his stomach.

  Xue Nian burped in satisfaction.

  How cute and cute it must be.

  Qin Yu couldn't help laughing, thinking in his heart, this man is cold and annoying, but these two little girls are really cute!

  Qin Yuan ordered someone to arrange the room, and Xue An led the two girls back to the room.

  Only Qin Yuan and Qin Yu were left in the living room.   Qin Yu said: " Grandpa

  , why do you trust this man? I always feel that he is not a good person



Little, I still don't understand many things very well. Although you have studied abroad for many years and met many people, you don't know what a real expert looks like!"

  "The so-called expert must have differences. In terms of ordinary people, although this young man is dressed in ordinary clothes, his behavior is definitely not ordinary, especially his temperament, I have never seen such an outstanding person even in Zhongdu!"

  Qin Yu felt a little disdainful in his heart.

  Hmph, wait until tomorrow, and I'll make you make a big fool of yourself in front of grandpa, and then I'll see how you have the nerve to stay.

  late at night.

  The two little girls fell asleep.

  Xue An stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the moonlight shone in on a winter night, making it as cold as veil.

  Xue An opened the small medicine box.

  That's the ginseng I got today.

  There are also some medicinal materials bought in the market today.

  With Xue Antuo in his hands, the divine light was shining in his eyes. Under the moonlight, these herbs gradually began to melt.

  Soon, it melted into a small ball and swirled in the air.

  A smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

  Although the medicinal materials are not very good, but with his cultivation base and vision, refining Peiyuan Pill is simply too simple, relying on his familiar techniques, he can still refine Peiyuan Pill to a very high level.

  At this moment, even the moonlight seemed to be attracted, and the calm aura of the entire villa also began to stir.