
The Return Of Immortal Venerable

Xue An went to cultivation world for three thousand years and cultivated to become the Supreme Immortal Venerable, but when he returned to Earth, only 4 years has passed, he found that he had two more twin daughters. This is journey of Xue An former Immortal Venerable who is reincarnated and came back to earth and from here on he will once again reach the top of the heaven fighting and killing the past enemies and those who will come in his way.

royal_immortal · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 35: With an order, everything bows down!

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

  This Master Wei was even more excited and trembling all over, staring at this strange flower, muttering to himself.

  "The method of heaven and man, it really is the method of heaven and man."

  As for Stephen, his eyes almost popped out at this moment.

  Xue Xiang and Xue Nian cheered.

  "Papa is amazing!"

  Xue An smiled, then looked at Dong Tiancheng and He Ying, who were ashen-faced, and said calmly.

  "Now, are you convinced?"

  Dong Tiancheng moved his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

  Only He Ying said unconvinced: "What! It must be laser projection, I don't believe that a flower can grow out of thin air!"

  Wei Ruyan frowned, and then said to He Ying: "Please Get out!"

  He Ying was taken aback, and then shouted like a shrew, "Why should I go out?"

  Wei Ruyan said coldly: "I don't welcome people who don't understand flowers here! Please go out!"

  Stephen also said at this time : "Master Wei's words are what I mean, please go out immediately, don't talk about the movie!"

  He Ying was stunned, Dong Tiancheng wanted to say something, Stephen waved his hand, "Before I don't get angry Please, you two get out immediately!"

  Dong Tiancheng had no choice but to drag He Ying out who was already hysterical.

  Wei Ruyan walked up to Xue An, and said very respectfully: "Mr. Xue, may I touch this flower?"

  Xue An nodded, "Yes."

  After saying that, Xue An withdrew his hand, and the flower bloomed. Floating in mid-air.

  Wei Ruyan touched the flower lightly with trembling hands, and tears fell down.

  "If I can see such a wonderful flower in this life, I will die without regret!"

  Xue An admired this Wei Ruyan quite a bit. This girl, with a pure heart, dedicated everything to the flower.

  It can be described as the idiot among flowers.

  Referred to as nympho.

  Stephen also came over, but his interest was mainly focused on whether he could buy the flower.

  "Mr. Xue, please make a price. I want this flower!"

  Xue An looked at Stephen, then smiled faintly, "Do you want to buy it?"

  "That's right!"

  "But I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

  Stephen gritted his teeth, "Mr. Xue, for this flower, I will give everything I have!"

  Xue An smiled, and then pointed at Fan Mengxue, "That's not necessary, but I heard that you have a movie to ask for. The filming started, and there is a lack of a leading actress, right?"

  Stephen didn't care much about Fan Mengxue at first, this great director who is proficient in Chinese, once he comes into contact with flowers and plants, he doesn't care about anything.

  But when Xue An reminded him, he noticed Fan Mengxue, and then he was taken aback.

  Fan Mengxue saluted slightly, "Mr. Stephen..."

  "Oh, mygod." Stephen was shocked, "This beautiful lady is just like the heroine in my imagination, even her face is so similar!"

  These words Fan Mengxue, who was already tense, breathed a sigh of relief.

  Han Yao immediately came up to chat with Stephen.

  This gold medal agent in the entertainment industry is quite good at speaking, and he quickly talked hotly with Stephen.

  It's over.

  Xue An squatted down, and said to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian: "Think about it, let's go out and play!"

  "Yeah! Good!" The

  two little girls followed Xue An out of the flower garden.

  At this moment, the heavy snow has stopped, and the sky and the earth are silvery white.

  The flower garden is located in the suburbs of Beijiang City, next to the Yulong River.

  "Papa, Auntie Xuan'er brought the two of us here once, and the Yulong River was so beautiful at that time!" Xue Xiang said standing by the river.

  "Yeah! I remember that too, and I ate a piece of boiled corn by the river, it was delicious!" Xue Nian also said.

  Xue An couldn't help laughing. These two little girls, who were only four years old this year, grew up in an environment without parents, so they talked and behaved like little adults.

  But the more this happened, the more distressed Xue An felt.

  During the four years when I was away, how much hardship my two daughters had suffered!

  At this point, Xue An whispered: "Think about it, Nian Nian, do you want to see the Yulong River at that time?"

  Xue Xiang's eyes lit up, "I want to!"

  But then it dimmed again.

  "But it's winter now, and the river is frozen!"

  Xue An smiled faintly. If he can't even do this, what kind of immortal is he?

  "Close your eyes! Papa will do another magic trick for you!" The

  two little girls covered their eyes obediently.

  Xue An waved his hand and yelled softly, "Ni!"

  The already frozen river cracked open, and then the ice and snow melted extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, the Yulong River resumed its flow.

  At the same time, all the flowers and trees on the bank also began to grow wildly. In an instant, within a radius of ten miles by the river, there was lush greenery, and it seemed that summer had returned in the blink of an eye.

  At one command, all things bow their heads.

  This... is the power of the Immortal Venerable!

  "Alright, open your eyes!" Xue An said softly.

  The two little girls let go of their hands, first looked at everything around them in a daze, and then shouted excitedly, "Papa, did you become this?"

  Xue An smiled and nodded, "How is it? Awesome Is it?"

  "That's amazing! Look, Dad, there are still fish in the river!" Xue Nian never forgot to eat!

  Xue An smiled, "Let's go, let's cross the river!"

  After speaking, Xue An stretched out his hand and pointed at the river, and said calmly, "It's knotted!" As

  soon as the words fell, the calm river boiled, and countless fish rushed to the surface.

  Then a small bridge made of fish was formed on the river.

  Xue Xiang stepped on the fish bridge carefully before walking up, and said excitedly: "Papa, is this also magic?"

  Xue An smiled and nodded, "Yes! This is also magic!"

  "Then I want to learn this magic trick too!"

  "Me too. After learning it, I can conjure a lot of delicious food!" As an authentic snack, Xue Nian's idea is of course different.

  "Okay! Papa will teach you all then!" Xue An smiled faintly.

  He did have this plan, to bring An Yan, his two children, and the people around him to the road of cultivation.

  Because as an immortal, time has no meaning to him.

  That is absolute eternal life.

  But without the company of relatives, it would be an absolute prison.

  That loneliness alone can drive people crazy.

  In his last life, Xue An practiced hard for three thousand years in order to break through time and return to Earth.

  So if there is an opportunity in this life, Xue An will certainly not give up.

  The father and daughter walked on this bridge, which may be unique in the world.

  In the distance, Dong Tiancheng was about to leave with He Ying, who was not convinced, when he saw this scene.

  Both of them were stunned.

  what is this?
