
Chapter 3

I touched the hand. Blue fire formed around our hands.

'Deal.' The voice said.

Then the rock floated up. I tried to remove my hand, but it was stuck to its hand.

The rock started to crack open. There was light shining through the cracks. I used my other hand to shield my eyes. Then a voice spoke up.

"At last I have returned!" It said. I removed my hand and saw a floating Dorito before me. "Hey, I am not a Dorito."

'How did he-!?' I asked myself.

"I can read minds, kid. That's how." He lit up as he spoke. Then he sunk to the ground. "Whew, how much energy did I use? I actually feel tired..."

'Who is he...?'

"The name's Bill. Bill Cipher." He said. "Do you talk out loud or are you deaf or something?"

Oh no he didn't...

"Excuse me? I am not deaf, I am selectively mute, thank you very much." I said.

"Ooo, this one has some sass to her, doesn't she?" He asked no one in particular.


"Okay... I can see you're selectively mute now. Listen, kid, can you help me out?"


"Well, it's too late for that, kid. I'm bound to you now."


"You... made a deal with mwa. So, I'm bound to you up until the point where you die."

'Harsh... are you like... immortal or something?' I asked him.

"You could say that. I'm a dream demon. I go into people's dreams."

'So... you're a creep.'

"Wha-? No..."

Then he noticed the blood seeping from my leg and ankle.

"Ouch, what happened there?" He asked.

"I tripped over your statue or whatever," I said.

"Here, let me do something. Sit down." He ordered.

I sat down on a nearby rock. He hopped over and looked at the wound.

"Wow, can't believe my statue did that." He said and summoned a cloth with something on it. The cloth was yellow and had a picture of a triangle with one eye on it. "Looks like this is the only cloth I have..."

He dabbed the cloth where the blood was coming out from. I tried hard not to hiss in pain.

Once it was clean, he tied the cloth around my leg.

"There. Good as new." He said and backed away.

'Thank you, I guess...'

"You're welcome, princess." He shrugged. I glared at him. "What?"

"Don't call me princess," I said, sternly.

"Okay, okay, fine."

"I need to go back... to the Mystery Shack." (That rhymed)

"Did you just say... Mystery Shack?"

"Um... yes? What about it?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing..." He said.

"Okay? See you then."

"Make sure to give me food in the morning."

"But how do you... nevermind." I just walked away.

'How does he even eat?' I asked myself.

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