
370. Red Knife

Ever since Hewitt learned of the existence of the Goddess of Force, he had sped up his actions. Although Hewitt still needed to rely on the Heart of Frost Giant inside his body for power, he had retrieved many things that once belonged to him, as well as some more primal powers.

First, he took back some Sands of Time, which he had in storage. In the past, these things had made him a fortune.

Then he went to many places through the Time Gap, places he once found hard to reach, and retrieved many things he had hidden. Some of these were from his demon hunting days, while others were from even more distant times.

In the past, he didn't need to rely on Sands of Time to recover some of his treasures. But, his past self never thought he would fall so low and still not die.

Power was gradually coming back to him, but Hewitt wasn't happy about it.

He had disrupted the balance.