
The Reticent Girl

Sarah Christi is a teenager girl who was once a jolly and the most friendly girl in the whole school. But after the death of her beloved best friend/boy friend Ainsley she fall into silence even after one year since his death she didn't spoke a slightest word from her mouth. And after that one year something happened in her life which shook her even more than before. Join the thrilled life of sarah.

Vaneeza_Ghori · Teen
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25 Chs

The Silence

Let me start with giving her character sketch so, that it become easy to know her. Sarah Christi a teenager who was 17years old, she was really passionate about her talents such as singing and poetry. I still remember her unfaded smile which tells thousands of word lying beneath. Her smile was just as beautiful as it was fake, As a psychiatrist i was urging to know about Sarah and to know about what happened to her that is making her feel lame. But, before i could do anything for her a news came from her school "Ainsley Richie committed suicide in her own class by taking overdose of sleeping pills." This news was the one which attracted really great attention and engagements of society. Still, at that time i didn't really know about Ainsley and i just visited school to give condolence and to find another chance to meet Sarah. But then an idea strike in my head to work at "Jesus Christ High School." (Sarah's school) and so, i prepared myself for an unknown interview which i was going to give to principle.

As i stepped in the school the first thing which i saw was principle's face which was turned blue due to anxiety i go to him in his office, greeted him and then said

"Is everything alright sir?"

"Who are you? another reporter i guess." He said.

"No sir, didn't you remember am a psychiatrist i was here for student's mental health check up." I said.

"oh ya, Ms. Jessica Davis? its you huh! He said with a question.

"Yes, its me. I hope i didn't gave you more anxiety in this troublesome situation." I said.

"No, you didn't but what took you here suddenly?" He asked.

"Nothing much but i just want to study about Ainsley as i think that committing suicide is the decision of your mind and it can be only taken by a person when he/she is truly fed up." I said while hiding the half truth of that am just here to see what Sarah is doing.

"I wish you will get what you want. Can i help you in this by doing any favour?" He asked

"I actually need a little favour from you. I will be grateful of you if you allow me to do a part time here so that i can get enough with the students and their minds. And from this we can easily get rid from cases like this in future." I requested as it was the only way to meet Sarah.

"This will be good. I will inform you about this after taking this request to the trusties. But as long as i know in this situation our school really needs a mental health teacher. Specially For Sarah Christi." He said with a calm voice.

"Why she?" I asked in surprise.

"Didn't you know? Sarah and Ainsley were best friends since their primary standards. And probably they were even in a relationship since the last three years. So, after the death of Ainsley she came into silence. This is the only thing that am anxious about. I hope you will take care of this." He said.

"Yes, i will. Let me leave now i hole i will come here soon as a teacher." I said.

"Yes, i hope too." He said and then i left the school. The words of principle sir were hitting me like a train like Ainsley was the one who was a peaceful sound in Sarah's offbeat mind? If this is so, then Sarah really needs someone for her to console her properly before she fall down in proper silence.