
The Restoration Mission for the Fallen Soledad Empire

Tabitha is given the responsibility to use time travelling magic in order to complete her listed missions and generally prevent the destruction of the Sacred Tree that supplements the Empire's growth. [Fusion Fiction]

SoldierWriter · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Welcome Banquet (Part 1)

Welcome Banquet (Part 1)

For sure the time had been some time before midnight struck when I got home. Unlike the first day when I just slept comfortably on my own, I realized that Khiel had used an advanced-technology magic on my room to drown out the sounds from the outside using his own mana.

It made me feel happy that he thought so much of me even though we've only known each other for two days.

Supposedly, I should be doing my missions right now and moving from place to place to finish quickly to go home. But I tend to find myself in situations where I can't act on my own.

Just like now.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rougeus, heir to the Malafur Duchy.

"Welcome to the Duchy, Tabitha. My name is Hanzen Zarosa."

"You know that I'm Lanessa Guisen already."

And many more introductions to various mana-blessed children the entrance to other portions of the hall.

Rakhiel was as I've expected a sweet person had I not known from last night that the attendants were busy preparing the party hall in the gardens for this event, I probably would have frowned the whole evening.

'I didn't like crowded places after all.'

In the barely two days that we've met, he was able to gather fresh vegetables, meat and poultry ingredients from the neighboring towns to prepare for dishes I have never seen before. It was delicious, of course.

The grand hall was designed much extravagant than ever. I don't think I'd have to emphasize the details on it either, for I can't even if I tried.

Unlike Khiel's first impression in my timeline he was extroverted and popular with others, never missing a single smile to anyone else.

As for the center of the occasion, me, I exiled myself to an empty balcony and closed the door.

It should be better to drag at least one person here so that I'd look busy interacting with someone too but the only other person I've met here, Lady Lanessa, was giving me the cold shoulder. Now I look like a loner.

Might as well sort out all the people of importance right now.

There was no one else aside from Khiel and I of the Obiel Duchy here. The Malafur Duchy had Lord Rougeus and Sir Suri Mardok. Aside from Lady Lanessa, there was her younger sister Polisha. Lastly Lady Mariah and Lord Hanzen of Zarosa was able to attend but not their older sister Ingrid who was conducting a research outside of the Empire.

There were also someone my age like Clerifa F'yoras from the family known to have hair-based magic.

Glowing bushes, colorful variants of flowers, and simple porcelain statues that compliments the garden surrounding the grand hall.

A small clearing was cut off from the garden, only to be noticed on a higher level.

I turned back to observe the situation inside the hall and when no one was paying attention to whether I was actually there or not, I jumped down.

Utilizing my gravity magic, of course.

It only took a meager foot to get a whiff of the familiar rosemary scent. Flowing down slowly, not to ruin my overall appearance, the picturesque small garden of only rosemary shrubs.


A portion of the garden wall cave in and letting Lord Hanzen Zarosa inside. "How did you find this area?"

"I saw it from the hall balcony. And if I may, how did you find this area on your own?"

He smiled calmly, looking as if he was familiar with this area than what meets the eye. "Actually, this is a secret spot and it's covered in mana. No ordinary blessed person can even see this zone however it is an amazing feat that you did, Lady Tabitha."

Being much younger than might I've seen for the first time, I can assure that his face's prime was at this age.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It is no simple compliment really."

We stood there awkwardly after. Taking in the sight of the garden rather than talking.

Ah. It seems he's more uncomfortable than I thought, he shifted his weight from time to time before finally speaking, "Excuse me for seeming like I want you to leave but I forgot to tell you Lady Lilith arrived a few moments ago and she was looking for you."

"It is understandable. I'll take my leave now." We bowed to each other and poured some mana on the wall he just came from. Luckily, it was the way to do it.

I can't just use my gravity magic in this timeline after all.

"Enjoy the view, Lord Hanzen."

"Ah. Yes. And welcome to the duchy, Lady Tabitha." We paid respects before moving about our own way.

I took a quick peek at him before leaving. He was crouching as he let his finger get tickled by the swaying rosemary flowers. I made sure to snuff the scent properly.

'Rosemary is officially my favorite plant now.'

Maybe this is the reason why people get greedy over power or freedom, to get the chance to figure things out like favorite food, flower, soap, clothes or others.

'Or was that a weird thought? Well whatever.'

"Where were you?" Lady Lilith was standing by the main door of the grand hall with her usual expressionless appearance. Her short hair was longer than I remember, actually it looks like she was wearing a wig or using magic to make it longer.

The blazing hair had been softly curled down to her waist and a magnificent off-shoulder maroon dress hugged at her figure. "Master, you look stunning tonight." She didn't look like any sixteen.

"Well, I didn't want to go but I had to because you're my subordinate" She smiled brilliantly and I swore that she looked expensive than her regular look. "And there's also my grandfather who yells at me to find a partner."

'I think the main reason of her attendance was the latter'

"Well you definitely look like someone who can snatch up anyone you want, Master."

"Fufufu. You're really getting used to calling me master now. Anyway I don't like brats, that's why I only attend work parties or meetings." Rolling her eyes, a small magic circle appeared beside her and she grabbed a fan from inside. That was inventory. So that's what it looks like for the others. "Walk with me."

"Have you met Lord Suri Mardok? He's the third cousin of Rouge and a competitive heir for the Malafur Duchy."

"Isn't Lord Rougeus the heir already?"

"Is that what it looks like outside? They're both heirs and at a neck-to-neck level in abilities. You might like Suri, he's sweet."

Is she bored? Why is she gossiping and playing cupid right now?

"I'm not trying to find anyone right now. I'm only sixteen."

She stopped walking right outside the balcony of the Duchess Patricia Obiel. "The woman in here wants to sell you off already. She's nasty woman. Did you not know?"

I knew about the nasty part but.

"How did you know she was trying to sell me off?"

"She was asking for a list of marriageable males in the Empire for you. It seems like she didn't know we're close."

"I see." Irritation surged within. That old hag really didn't like an outsider getting inside her own playhouse.

"Don't get her wrong, you may think it's because you're an outsider or was a hidden child. She just wanted to be the only queen in the house."

"I thought so." I whispered to myself and frowned.

"Fufufu. Seems like you're good at reading people, I need that talent. It was fortunate that I was handed the letter earlier." Or so she says, a flicker of dread passed through her face.

"What would you have done if I didn't?"

"I would've put you in your place, especially after knowing the talent you harbor to observe and read entities was your specialty. It's a dangerous political weapon."

"Is politics the basis of power here?" a question of pure curiosity bloomed.

"For the system and government of the empire, yes. However not for those who follow the temple and the Duchy families, as they obviously believe that someone with greater magic abilities is superior."

"You can even challenge the Duchess for the right to the Duchy Head, if you emerge victorious a side effect of unbreakable loyalty will be given to her. That's also the case for heirs. This act is what I meant about putting you in your place before." Master shrugged as if what she just told was a small thing.

I shivered at the thought. Will I win if I actually challenge Lady Lilith?

Even if I tried it against the duchess and win, she was still a high-tier mage and it is possible that I'll use my gravity magic on her. Too risky, I didn't want to show my special tricks although it's not the only one.

I still have to hide my magic abilities so it would be best for me to avoid any unnecessary trouble. It was crucial to be secretive since I haven't made any progress in the mission.

According to the mana strength of everyone here, there were a couple of people I have a chance of losing to. Besides the main family of the duchy including master, there were five others.

Suri Mardok, Clerifa F'yoras, Seraphim Vox, Jean Ponce, and Adraya Kurtis.

"Hey you!" There was a woman older than us and visibly tipsy, marching to where we were standing.

My energy was slowly draining at the site of grinning idiots beside her and a bunch more people from the party flooding in the vicinity.

"Oh dear." A disaster had come knocking on my door.