
The Restoration Mission for the Fallen Soledad Empire

Tabitha is given the responsibility to use time travelling magic in order to complete her listed missions and generally prevent the destruction of the Sacred Tree that supplements the Empire's growth. [Fusion Fiction]

SoldierWriter · Fantasy
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39 Chs

This Strange Feeling (Part 3)

This Strange Feeling (Part 3)

Dorm L-311. Once you open the door there was the indistinct pastel yellow walls, the common glass table and white desk with a chair found in every room in the dormitory.

It should have been decorated already just like the other students', but the owner didn't want to do anything.

It looked dull despite its bright colors.

If I were to be asked before on what the owner seems like once I view this room, I would have answered. 'The owner probably had no taste in fashion so they gave up. Or that person only likes to study so they didn't bother decorating since they stay outside anyway'.

But with the current affairs happening, an answer that was out of the ordinary to come out of mouth, had sprung up without rethinking it. "The owner didn't want to leave attachments."

Lanessa didn't move forward. I didn't come in either.

We just stood by the doorway and examined the room by our eyes. "When did you say she went missing?"

She seemed reluctant, "About two days ago..."

"What happened during those days?"

"At first I thought she was just with you. That was until I visited her room to find you in a semi-coma state. It was the first day she went missing. When the headmasters checked up on the nurse-in-charge, she said that Tabitha had left six hours or so before finding you like that."

She left.

She wasn't missing.

It was something that I could infer best with that look in her eyes just before she left me to sleep.

The question was why.

"What about the guardian Timothy? Does he know something?"

"He said he didn't."

"I'm sure he lied. That guy… I don't know what's with him but he always stayed by Taby's side even when she was unconscious. He probably saw her at least once that evening."



"Please calm down." Lanessa reached for my hand and I just noticed that my fingers were digging through my palms already.

When she opened it and blood had ran down my fist, it had just occurred to me what I was truly feeling.

She was right. I can't calm down. Tabitha… She…

"…She abandoned us." My voice broke.

It sounded as broken as it did during my parents' funeral.

We had searched all day.

The sun was going down already.

It was this same sky the last time she was here and now she's somewhere we can't find her.

She had left.

We didn't know why, that was bad.

It was even worse that I could have prevented it before I fell into that deep sleep but I didn't.

I had just remembered what she told me in my sleep that day.

'I can't be your true family, Khiel. This fact will hurt you. I can't choose any of you here. Goodbye.'

It was a sudden, determined, and heartless confession.

The sister that I had found was rejecting to be my family.

I should've known. She never said anything about becoming one.

'I understand my current situation and the trouble that my appearance had caused you, in which case I apologize.'

'As I've mentioned earlier, my name is Tabitha and I'll be in your care'

'Today was fun. I am grateful for everyone's attendance and welcome as I officially join the Obiel Household.'

'Thank you for taking care of me.'

Her words from the past few months echoed inside me. Tabitha had always regarded me and the others as other people.

She never mentioned about being a family nor officially joining as a household member. She felt like she was pushed at the center of everything where she didn't want to.

There was only one time she mentioned it too, but…

'I'm sorry for being a bad family but I really want to help.'

It was to stop me from dragging her down.

I didn't know if it was because of a persistently climbing resentment started bubbling out of me about being abandoned or was… was Tabitha such a cold-hearted person?

There was always a wall.

An invisible unmarked wall. A wall that I chose not to touch so that it wouldn't trigger her, but it also kept her like a trapped rat inside.

She once told me she trusted me.

But it didn't feel like it. Maybe it was just one time that she chose to trust me.

Like she said it but she didn't mean it.

If I had betrayed that trust and told a professor about Tabitha, would she have gotten rid of me?

Was our Tabitha that kind of person?

Someone who can cut off others whom they deem useless.

There was an inkling at the back of my head I tried not to gaze at... It was our difference as a mage.

Tabitha wasn't normal as a person either but she changes into a completely different person as a battle mage. It was like she becomes a soldier. Someone with a task, a determination to fulfill that mission, and the mental strength to overcome it.

A whole different person even though it wasn't relatively opposite of her.

During my first encounter with her havoc phase, it had always occurred to me how powerful Tabitha truly was. It wasn't something that I should have overlooked. Someone who suddenly popped out at the center of powerful mages should be investigated thoroughly.

As the future head of the Obiel Clan, it was unsettling to find someone as powerful as her. Someone who has able to hold down three heirs and a couple Circle Five mages.

Logically speaking, even if she could have held down all of us, she should have difficulty in doing so and maybe barely holding on for a mere few minutes while being injured left to right but...

That wasn't what happened.

Instead the other mages exhausted their own mana although we were at the sanctuary of the Sacred Tree and us, the heirs, were injured quite a lot.

But now we've lost Tabitha.

The unknown powerful being just like this.

My cousin and only direct family.

"Did we mean nothing to you...?"

Lanessa flinched beside me but didn't talk much after that as we headed straight to the headmasters' office.

Before we could come inside, the door opened and revealed a professor from the Magic Department.

"Good! You're here. I was about to ask for you two, Student Rakhiel and Student Lanessa." The guy said and ushered us inside to find the headmasters, Sacred Guardian, and Guardian Timothy.

"Ah, where are my manners… I am Psyfier Voughn. I am handling the case of Lady Tabitha's assassination attempt during the opening of the dungeon."

I stopped by the doorway at the unexpected statement.

"What do you mean assassination attempt?" I tried to question him. As he was eyeing Lanessa, I turned to her to ask but she had completely shut her mouth.

"Maybe Lady Tabitha didn't tell you but she did receive such ill-intention attempt. I was going to carry out investigations and consult you about it but unfortunately so, you've been in a semi-coma state. It was a pit–"

"Psyfi. Get to the point." It was the Sacred Guardian that stopped him saying any more useless remarks.

It was a good thing his majesty stopped him.

His voice sounded obnoxious by the minute.

"As you order, your majesty." Instructor Voughn lowered his head and focused back on me.

"It appears that a lot of those events are connected with her missing stature. Events such as encountering the secret group Ribbons. Aside from everything that concerns the lady, Student Janiva and Mauval were found in her room dead." I couldn't understand much of Instructor Voughn's words.

It felt like I stopped breathing.


What was he getting at?

Did he tell us to come here for an interrogation because Taby killed someone? No. Impossible.

Even if Taby was the type of person who rebelled against nobles, she wasn't the type to kill someone. That's right. She becomes level-headed in battles as I've seen her, sometimes reckless but it was all in her plan.

It was already impossible for Taby to use violence just because she's pissed at some nobles.

That's right.

No matter how much I thought about it, Taby had a portion in her attitude that mocked the nobles that follow etiquette from medieval royalty times.

She didn't have a disposition to kill just because of it.

Whether she truly kills someone or had done it before was not of my concern however in this case where it connects to the siblings of one of her friend and classmate, Clerifa F'yoras... I can't deny that it's even more impossible.

These headmasters who favored her should be mildly aware of her attitude already.

So why....

"Oh no. You're not here because of the students' deaths. It is true that they were found in her room but it seems to be awhile since they died already..." Instructor Lyka clarified.

Instructor Pedrio cleared his throat, "That's also a different investigation but unrelated for now."

Nessa and I felt the tension in us disappear at those statements.

"In any case a lot of things happened and we needed Student Tabitha's explanation on these but..." Instructor Weiss continued. "We've received an even more confusing letter besides the case full of files."

"What files and letter?" Nessa spoke.

"To make the explanation short, Lady Tabitha went on a journey regarding her roots and the connections of it with Ribbons. It is all in here." Grandmaster Dragon handed me a paper.

Before opening the letter I glanced at the people inside the office one by one. I only trusted Lanessa, that's for sure but... the people here were beings far powerful than I thought.

They were powerful and cold and unusually spiteful on some students. However, all of them were caring and welcoming to Tabitha.

So I wanted to make sure before opening this letter.

"Do you..." It makes me feel ridiculous for feeling this way.

Even the logical side of my brain tells me I shouldn't trust Taby that much. It was crazy to think that Taby's already a family in just a few mere months.

"Do you trust Tabitha...?" Lanessa slightly trembled at the question. I don't know if it was because it didn't fit the situation or maybe she was worried I was being overly-emotional.

"Yes. We do." The headmasters replied with no hesitation. The Sacred Guardian smiled and nodded his head slowly.

The quiet Timothy stood up and yelled, with no regard to his status at all, "Yes! Of course, I believe in her!"

It was weird how emotional I got the more I discerned the look of trust in their eyes.

"Why..." Lanessa had an agitated and frustrated look as she muttered that.

I could understand.

These people were powerful beings.

My eyes noticed the smiling Instructor Voughn at the side, "Oh you want my opinion? Hmmm let's see... As for me, I'm just looking for something before trusting her completely? Kind of like that? But yes, to some extent I do trust Lady Tabitha if even the two guardians trust her."

The Grandmaster Dragon walked closer and patted both my head and Nessa's, a soft smile was plastered on his face. "We can't explain why but we do trust her."

"Even if she chose to destroy the world I might still trust and follow her hahaha!" Instructor Lyka laughed by the side which the other headmasters shared the excitement.

The glint in their eyes as she said that didn't seem to be joking despite their laughing though.

"So you should trust Tabitha. On how you know her even if she's not completely showing her every card." The Sacred Guardian nodded at me. "Go on. Open the letter."

As he turned my attention back to the letter, I finally gained the courage to open it.

[Good evening Headmaster Constance,

Forgive me for the informal way of communicating with you. Circumstances had led my feet too far from the academy as I'm writing this, although a messenger bird will definitely drop this in your office table.

First of all, I would like to request that you drop me from the school registry. If you insist on taking me back then I ask that you'll put my learning credentials on pause.

I am currently out in a journey with Erazubeth Kalil. She will aid me in hunting down the roots of my personal issues. I can't say anything specific now but I assure you and the people who may come looking for me that I am safe and sound.

Second, since I am asking too many favors, I have included a case full of amazing mages from all over the Empire that will surely bring glory to the academy. You should assess them one by one.

Third and lastly, Please take care of my cousin Rakhiel and my friend Lanessa. I understand this may be a personal matter that I am placing on you but even if it's just a simple check on them in the classrooms will be fine.

As a bonus, I can share the most important aspect that needs to be done during my journey.

I am finding a panacea. That is all.

Honestly, I don't know when I'll be back however it probably won't take long. Just a few months at most.


If you meet Rakhiel, please tell him to trust a woman named Maine. No matter what she says, trust her. This is only for Rakhiel though.

That is all. Let's meet again when I've gathered every information I needed.

- Tabitha Obiel ]

End of Volume 2

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Anyways that is all for the author's note. Thank you once again and may you be blessed with abundance in life.

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