
The Restoration Mission for the Fallen Soledad Empire

Tabitha is given the responsibility to use time travelling magic in order to complete her listed missions and generally prevent the destruction of the Sacred Tree that supplements the Empire's growth. [Fusion Fiction]

SoldierWriter · Fantasy
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39 Chs

New Home (Part 2)

New Home (Part 2)

I didn't know how I managed to stay alive after meeting the person I've been secretly idolizing for years. Shit. She's actually real.

After all her ramblings, she guided me out the dungeon and healing the scratches on the knees and hands. "Lady Lilith where are we going?"

She snickered at me, "Now you're being respectful. It's fine if you call me Lilith from now though, I don't mind since you don't really know me."

'I want to be friends too and call you without any meddlesome titles but my uncle would chop my head off if I did!'.

Either way, Lady Lilith seems to be in good spirits as she didn't stop smiling after realizing I didn't know her well.

'I do know you! But I need to act like I don't! I'm a fan, really!!!'

I coughed my thoughts away and even that she noticed, "Are you hungry or thirsty? We're almost outside where Khiel and his carriage is waiting."

"About that…" I started.


"Why do you use carriages when you can teleport?" I finally blurted out the question I wanted to ask.

"You don't know how to use magic properly but you have the knowledge, I see." She hummed, her face slowly shifting to an expressionless face.

"The answer to that is mana."

"What do you mean mana?"

"When mages like us, mana-blessed children, are close to the Sacred Tree that steadily provides mana, we are able to unlock higher-level magic spells or circles." She started.

"Anyone can try to cast the magic spell and even draw the magic circle, however if the mana is insufficient and the extent of their mana circle level is unqualified, then it still wouldn't work."

I bobbed my head in understanding. Mana. Mana Circles. System. Database. And she mentioned something about mana storage as well.

Unconsciously I bit my lip. It somehow seems unfair. There are so many things in this timeline that I don't understand.

Uncle Gabe had showered us stories about how different; advanced, powerful, and efficient, the Empire was compared to my own timeline but this…

This is just stupendous.

The dungeons was the same as ours, of course. In spite of that with only our brief interactions, I was bombarded with words I didn't understand.

I haven't even seen the real thing yet as I've been put into areas I've only known such as the sanctuary where I woke up from and the dungeon.

How was I supposed to control this stifling feeling of being dominated by something that did not exist for me?

"Are you okay? Did your memories come back?" Lady Lilith suddenly talked.

"What? No, it's nothing."

"You were frowning for a while and mana leaked out doubly." I could feel my face grimace at her words.

'Mana Leakage'

"How can I control it, so it won't leak out?" my voice came out weakly than intended. The defection inside couldn't help but come out through my actions.

Her face remained expressionless but her eyes was observing me down to my soul. She was probably using the 'system' she mentioned to analyze my well-being.

"I can share information about the basics within the Empire if you'd like. But even if you earn things about magic, you have to practice it to actually know."

"Thank you, Lady Lilith." Gratitude. It was an unnerving feeling that had tormented my pride deep inside, due to my position in my timeline, however it was fleeting and beautiful as of this moment.

"Well then, please don't mind my manners." The mana distorted and her body was covered with gentle glow of sunset as she leaned in to me and kissed my forehead.

Damn it. My blood was surging inside and even if I couldn't see it, my face was definitely, unfortunately, flushed right now.

"What was that?" I whispered to myself.

"Since you don't have the Mana System yet, I'd have to transfer information physically. I apologize if I offended you".

I turned my head, averting her gaze "Hahaha no no. Rather than offend, I was merely surprise. Please don't mind me."

"Fufufu. As I though, you're really fun Lady Tabitha."

'Another semblance to the Cromwell Lady. I'm getting much curious as to who that woman is, since I painstakingly forgot to ask her name.'

"You're finally here. Really you, you had me missing my beauty sleep." There stood the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on… again but younger this time.

An 18-year old Rakhiel Obiel stood tall, arms crossed, and a playful tugging at his lips presented himself. What caught my eye the most was his untied overly long hair, compared to what I saw him as a mana spirit was as long as his chest, is now evidently had reached his buttocks.

Did I mention he was wearing a white flowy dress covered by a trench coat? Woah. How'd I know these words?

So this was the information she passed on. I haven't realized that it will automatically sync within my knowledge.

'I'm kinda getting weirded out by the quick jump of my internal dictionary. Gotta get used to it soon.'

"You're much quieter when awake, huh?" He chuckled on his own and as my confusion grew to the comment, I heard a soft snicker beside me.

"Did I do something weird when I was knocked out?" I tried to shake some answers out of Lady Lilith who was next to me but her usual expressionless face gazed back at me.

"If you want explanations I can give it to you while we move along, I really wanna get going now." Khiel walked towards me, walking like an aggressive man unlike his princess appearance. "Let's move along. We'll get going now Lili."

"Safe travels, Lord Khiel."

He dragged me to the carriage roughly, grumbling on his own, as I popped my head out the window, "Thank you".

Lady Lilith gave me a smile as the carriage dragged our bodies away from where she stood.

"So… Who are you really?"

Khiel sat brusquely in front of me, his head leaning to the side, looking bored despite the goading question. "I can't say you're a fake Obiel but truthfully I can't say you're an actual Obiel either. Does that sound right?"

"Yes." I breathed out and properly rested myself on the — much comfier chair than our timeline's carriage. Absurd. Absurd, really!

His brow creased making me cough lightly, "I understand my current situation and the trouble that my appearance had caused you, in which case I apologize." I can't even count on a one hand the times I've lowered my head to people in just a couple of hours.

If Regan were here, my brother would've already made a fuss countless times about the absurdity of the situation.

'I miss Regan and my family's comfort.'

"You're used to this. I can tell by the way you speak, walk and your overall body language. The eyes and aura, too. A noble through thick and thin and back to back."

"M-my apology?"

"No, idiot. You."

How brutal. I've never been called before.

"You talk harshly." I retaliated before calmly stretching and laying back on the soft padding. "For a noble, that is."

Trying to act comfortably is the best way to have a friendly relationship with someone, it worked with the older Khiel still I wonder if it works on the younger one too.

He chortled. "Well we're family now so no need to sweet talk with each other. And you're the same as me, even though we're aristocrats, we don't act like one."

I can understand what he meant. Boundary that nobles put against each other was nonexistent for those at the top after all.

Especially for the heirs who are young and unbounded by the obligations of a Clan Head or a Duchy Leader position.

"Tabitha." He called and I stared. "I'll call you Taby, so call me Khiel. We're the only unique ones in the family."

"Do you mean…"

"Yes. Besides me, you're the only one who's blessed by mana."

I wanted to tell him that I was blessed by the Golden Throne too but the Cromwell Lady made sure to hide my other special characteristics for it can cause further confusion in this timeline.

Plus in just a year an extended family member will birth my ancestral kin side of the Obiel Clan. Aliara Obiel, who would have succeeded the head position because Khiel died earlier in my original history.

"Okay. By the way Khiel, will you teach me basic mana usage?"

At the sudden request he finally roared a laughter, "Hahaha! You're really… really." He continued to do so until we reach the mansion. Although I do say 'mansion', it looks like a palace.

"Wow!" my amazement was beyond limit and Khiel had to guide me out the carriage since my eyes were glued in scrutinizing the beautiful landscape in front of me.

For sure the Sacred Temple might have looked incredible as well but since I was passed out, I couldn't even spectate the Sacred Tree properly nor check if the leaves were actually crystal-like.

"Welcome to Palace Obiel." An old man in a butler suit walked over me with countless other servants in proper uniforms then bowed to the waist.

"I am the main butler mostly serving the Duchess, you can call me Butler Loyd. These two maids will be temporarily assigned to you, Lady Tabitha." He gestured at the other girls who lowered their heads while smiling at me.

"I understand. Thank you for welcoming me. I am grateful and pleased that you'll treat me well during my stay." I lowered my head to them which caused various flustered reactions from the others.

"Pri-Princess, you don't have to do that." One of my personal maids countered, panicked and the other one acknowledged those words. I only smiled gleefully at them.

"She already captivated the public's hearts." Khiel whispered quietly behind me. It wasn't supposed to be a public stunt but I can't deny my underhanded tactic to not get bullied at least by the ones serving me.

'Besides me, you're the only one who's blessed by mana' those words had managed to catch my attention and worry.

Just as I've been angered, awed, and felt envious about their mana dynamics in this timeline, I am also quite sure that the people who are close to such blessed children would feel hostile to someone like me, who they haven't served nor acknowledge yet, and popped up out of nowhere.

As long as the servants like me, I am already at an advantage position against other family members or relatives that knows this timeline's political tactics better than me.

'Ugh. I get so inhumane when dealing with people outside my family and main circle.'

"What good manners, this child has. I wonder what etiquette school you popped out from." As soon as I felt the tug of Khiel when he knelt behind me, I positioned myself in a semi-kneeling position too.

With my head lowered I introduced myself. "I greet the Duchess of the Obiel Family. I am someone called Tabitha."

"Yes. You may rise."

I raised my body up and looked at her respectfully, making sure not to stare as I did with Lady Lilith from earlier. She wasn't looking at me this time though, "What a surprise for Khiel to kneel too. I guess you didn't want little Tabitha to feel lonely when she greets me like a peasant."

'Fuck. I hate her already.'

I lowered my eyes that slowly turned hostile to the ground and the corner of my lips were slowly twitching, ready to retort at the provocation.

'Please calm down, temper. The Empire in these times were distinctly stricter than what we're used to, especially for the ones on top. I can't just dominate her.'

The fact that she couldn't feel my eyes scanning her mana's strength level using the mana of the Golden Throne meant that she wasn't as strong as Lady Lilith.

Meaning, she's not any stronger than me either. But I really can't show the tricks up my sleeve right now, it will be dangerous— the pebbles on where she stood was vibrating already.

'Damn it. Was I that stressed out, to the point I couldn't control my own mana? Or is this the result of having too much mana?'

The trembling of the rocks died down, hopefully unnoticed by others. I wasn't even aware that the two main figures of the Obiel Duchy were talking on their own, having an inside war on nerves with each other as far as I'm aware.

Some servants gave me pitying glances but I didn't mind. I was having my own issues to deal with the old lady either way.

"So, Tabitha." Just in time she turned her attention back to me. "As much as I'd like to free more of my busy time just to welcome you, I hope you understand that I'll let Butler Loyd deal with how you fare with things in here."

"I happily oblige and understand the circumstances, Duchess." I lowered my again as respect. I heard her scoff quietly and she finally went away.

I was aware that the public have unintentionally held their breaths every time the Duchess gave provocative words.

"As I've mentioned earlier, my name is Tabitha and I'll be in your care." I lowered my heard slightly this time hence not to cause the servants' discomfort.

They gave me a smile and led me to my room with Khiel tailing behind silently. 'This is definitely a palace'.

The hallway was majestic and if the colors wasn't sorted to befit the area then rose gold colored materials or curtains were. Everywhere glowed like a ballroom lounge in my timeline.

'It's sickening to compare but this is what nobility should be. The hallway or living room alone was the half the size of our mansion.'

I was ushered to a room on the second floor a few meters from the grand staircase. I don't know if that old hag actually want me to leave but it is discourteous to provide a room for a guest near the staircase.

Steps of everyone walking back and forth tend to become noisy in the morning especially during the early hours when maids clean the stairs.

"Cough." Butler Loyd definitely faked that one, he might have notice the distasteful look I had when my gaze moved back and forth from my bedroom door and the stairwell. "Your temporary room was decided by the Madam arbitrarily due to her busy schedule, I hope you excuse it, Lady Tabitha."

I slapped myself mentally and gave what I felt like a warm smile to the butler, "I understand. It is already an honor if the Duchess herself gave me a room to stay in."

He looked very sorry but we all don't have a choice as it was decided by the highest-ranked person in the house.

"Well, this is but a temporary room, of course. You will certainly be moved to a quieter area in the house at the end of the week." He bowed, "Also regarding that, we hope you lend us your time tomorrow to give us directions on your ideal room." Butler Loyd gave me a grandfather-like smile.

"I understand." I smiled back.

"Time for you to sleep properly. The dungeon wasn't such a good place even for a nap." Rakhiel was the one who opened the door for me and pushed me inside.

"Du-dungeon?!" The servants who went with us paled in an instant but I disregarded them as I saw my room. If the hallway was half the size of my house, then this room is the other half.

'Oh my god! Just thinking about it! This palace is twenty times bigger before the tragedy struck and my family eventually taking it. We're a disgrace to the Obiel lineage.'

"You should try the bed, it's really comfy." Khiel was already laying down my bed with his cardigan off and he looked even more princess-like.

I moved over at the opposite side of the bed and sat down.

'Ahhhh! I feel like I'm sitting on marshmallows!!!'

stood up from the bed, "Okay! You people go away now." He shooed the servants away, leaving us.

"Lay down properly, child." and he flicked his wrist seemingly activating a spell. My body levitated and pushed to the bed horizontally.

"Sleep now. Sleeeeeep!" He hushed to me before I could reply, and my vision blurred almost immediately.

"By the way, Lili contacted me saying she needs you to go to her office tomorrow. Just ignore it and relax for now though, I'll cover for you." Khiel explained before opening the bedroom door and my eyes finally closed.

"Thanks, Khiel."

The door clicked close.