
The Prodigal Genius

It was a fine morning in the Li house hold and everyone was admiring the talents and the elegance of the Elder lady of the house,Li Xiao.So no one noticed the hatred and vengeful gaze that was coming from an unknown intruder behind the crowd.

It was a busy morning for Lin Xiao after all she had a breakthrough in her Qi level, and was currently in level 8.She was considered a prodigy since at a young age of 18,she was able to hold a Qi level of 8 and she was also kind-hearted.

A letter came to inform Li Xiao that her sister, Lin Fei and her beloved, Ling Tan had called for her. Lin Xiao loved her younger sister very much so she ran off to meet her.

But what she didn't know was that it was a trap for her!!!

When she reached the place that the letter had mentioned she found no one there.She called them for several times but couldn't find them suddenly she was hit from behind and fell unconscious, before falling unconscious the last thing she saw a hand with a tattoo of a dragon that she was very familiar with bult couldn't identify and soon everything was blurry.

The next time she woke was to the feeling of her flying in the air only to find that she was thrown of a cliff.She soon hit her head on a branch and fell in to the sea where a hand caught her.