

I stood there with my brother, the two of us standing next to Boden .A Vehicle approaching caused my head to finally look up from the ground. Car door slamming, and a single pair of footsteps approaching. After Boden and Voight shook hands, he looked towards my brother and I. "So what are we looking are here"

"The suspect you are looking for, struck again. We got here in time to pull the girl out of the fire, the last we knew she was on her way to the hospital". Confirming with what my brother said, Kelly turned to me.

"From what I could tell, it's the same guy we dealt with a year ago. I almost got caught in one the fail triggers. I need to go back in and see if I can find that device". Noticing Boden nod at me, I turned on my heel, walking up the stairs to the still warm house. Feeling my brother tap my shoulder, we made our way inside. "Kelly go towards the kitchen, I will check the back room".

Going our separate ways, we both were cautious and light on our feet. Shining my flashlight along the burnt walls, I was careful where I stepped. Talking was heard outside the house, mostly Boden and Voight. Carefully, moving things things with my foot, I made it into the room.

Nothing inside the room was salvageable, the room burnt to a crisp. Definitely the starting place, like the other cases. The white light moved across the room, trying to find the point where the device went off. Spotting something reflecting back as the light moved over it, I bent down. Checking the area around it, seeing if there was anymore, I made my way over.

I stood there in shock, seeing part of a phone. "Kelly, I think i got something" I called out. Not touching it just in case, I waited for him to get to my side. Moving out of the way so he could see, his own face held surprise. Gingerly picking up the remnants of the burner phone, a small smile was shared between the two of us. Hopefully there was enough of the phone to get something.

Taking a picture of the detonated home made bomb, we ventured out of the house. Taking off the gloves that were on my hands, I followed Kelly to where Voight was waiting with Boden. "Blake found this in the backroom, same place where the other detonation devices would go off."

As Voight inspected the small piece of the phone, a sense of someone watching me peaked my interest. Trying not to gain anyone's attention, I acted like I was just glancing around. After not finding something unusual, I directed my attention to the people I was surrounded with. "I would send someone to Med, if that victim is still alive, your suspect might go after her." I spoke out softly. Briefly spotting my brother nodding in agreement, he could tell I was tense about being here.

Shaking hands with Voight once again, I headed towards the Squad Truck. Cruz starting to cheer me on causing me to laugh slightly at his stupidity. Doing our signature handshake, we climbed our way into the truck. Once I closed the door, Cruz turned away to look at me. "You ok"

Not giving him a verbal response, I just smiled softly. Seeming to be enough, he started the truck engine as Severide got inside. Squeezing my hand before he buckled up, we left. "Voight says he is going to update us if he finds anything out."

Leaning my head on his seat, Severide grabbed my hand in his. "I really didn't want this case to start up again"

"Yeah, I know. Just think of it this was Blake. With Intelligence on it, that bastard ain't getting away with it". A face of agreement passed through all the members of Squad 3. I remember Matt telling me about Voight, when they weren't on good terms. He was a man of power, and still is. Now it seems he will truly do anything to put bastards away.

———I once again sat on one of the chairs, reading my book when a person sat on the chair next to me. Slightly lowering book, there sat Sylvie. The internal struggle very real in her eyes, allowing the energetic blonde a minute to gather her thoughts, I started to mark the spot I was on in my book. Already knowing I wasn't going to be able to continue reading it.

Not a second later, she turns me, a pleading look in her eye. "I need your help". Giving her a nod to continue, she spilled all her thoughts. Although the cute blonde rambled, and got off track a few times, she eventually got to her point. One Captain Matt Casey.

"So let me get this straight. You want me, the best friend, to try and see where Casey's head is at". Raising my eyebrow, she nodded slowly. Showing her my smirk, I winked in her direction. "From what I know, or observe. There is definitely some connection between the two of you, my idea for you to do, is just talk to him"

She tried to speak but instantly got flustered. Chuckling at the girl, I laid a hand on her shoulder. "But I get nervous Blake."

"That's a good sign. Shows you truly like him. Now stop procrastinating and go talk to him". A sense of determination was shown in her eyes, I watched as she started to make her way over to him. Only to bail at the last second and head to the kitchen, to raid the candy cabinet. I mean it's progress.

Hands clasped my shoulders, and I leaned back to see my brother. "You know she is never going to openly admit that to him right"

Swirling the chair to face him, I smirked. "I mean the advice you gave Matt doesn't seem to be working either". His eyes widened in shock that I knew about the secret boy band meeting. Standing up from the seat I tapped his shoulder. "They will get their eventually. It's going to be a slow burn."

Sauntering away before he can question me about how I know about his secret meeting with Matt, I headed towards the locker room to change out. Hearing my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out surprised by the text.

Standing there for a second, mildly surprised, I responded. Quickly changing out, I kissed my brother's cheek, before jogging to the car.

Why would she want to talk to me?