

To say I didn't feel like a queen would be a lie. The past couple days have been amazing. Of course I spilled how the date went with my brother, seeing as he helped Jay make our first date special. Then I spilled it to the girls because we all gossip about our love life so how is this any different.

Jay would pop by from time to time. Coming to check in to see if I was ok, or even to simply see me. Each and every time I would feel like a teen with a high school crush. Today was no different.

Laying across the squad table, I took a deep breath. The common room was a mad house and I needed to get away. Hearing the sound of shoes approaching, I lifted my head so I could rest it on my hands.

Meeting Jay's eyes, I practically flew off the table. Hopping into his arms, he laughed as he pulled me closer to him. Chuckles ringing out in the autumn air. Leaning my chin on his chest so I could look at him, he look down at me, a goofy grin on his face. "How is my Fire-Pop today"

Shaking my head at the nickname, I smiled nonetheless. "Good Ice-Pop. The boys are causing a ruckus and I needed a break". He was going to question it when he was answered by Hermann and Mouch starting an argument out on the apparatus floor.

Sighing in annoyance, the boy holding me in his arms, placed a kiss on my cheek, before leaving one on my forehead. "Date night tonight?". Giving a nod, he squeezed my hand once more before getting into his truck.

Waving him away, I stood there like I lost something. A body jumped on my back, forcing me to quickly catch them. Seeing the blonde paramedic, looking extremely happy, I smiled at her. "You saw the whole thing didn't you".

Her response was nodding her head against my shoulder. "It was cute. Now how are we going to handle Hermann and Mouch. Spinning around so we can both look towards the two men, who were like brothers, arguing.

"We aren't. If we get involved we might as well be signing our death wish". Pointing her finger, I carried her all the way into the common room. I plopped the blonde on the couch, only to have another body thrown on top of me. Letting out a huff, I wave of black covered my vision. That thing being hair.

Before anyone could do anything, the dispatch went off. Winking at Kidd, we hopped into our trucks. Rolling out of the station, we booked it towards the scene. It being a car accident.

All picking a car, we rushed our way over to get people out and to safety. Kidd came towards my side as we pried the car door off. Helping the trapped woman out of the car, we ran off to the next car.

Checking one of the cars, which suspiciously didn't have a person it, a sound caught my attention. Whistling. Widening my eyes and stepping back, I was about to call it out when it exploded.

The impact was severe seeing as I was literally next to the car. Time stopped, and I watched and felt everything, my body twisted in the air before colliding with the bridge's wall.

Flames burned my skin, a few of my ribs breaking at the impact of the wall. Excruciating pain flared through my back and chest, my screams echoing through the quiet. I crumpled to the ground, limp, unable to move.

Cries only causing me more pain. Yelling echoed through the air, my brother's concerned voice being the only thing I could focus on. Blood started to seep through the wounds with glass imbedded in my skin.

A hand touched me, but it only caused me pain. "Blake you need to hang on. I'm right here". I couldn't respond, he knew that. Any type of movement would just hurt. My cries of pain engraving deep inside my brother's mind. His hand laced in mine, I felt my body being lifted on the stretcher by everyone.

Pain intensified, my breathing became shallow, as one of my ribs started to pierce my lung. Not able to hang on much longer, my pain tolerance going down the drain. As much as I wanted to stay awake, I physically couldn't.


Horrified, tear-stained, and concerned faces were on each and everyone of the firefighters. Kelly's sobs for his sister to wake up, his pleads for her to keep fighting pounding deep in everyone's minds. One of their own was down, and had a really big chance of not surviving.

Loading her into the ambulance, with as much care as possible, Foster and Brett raced away, with a severely concerned Kelly Severide in the back holding his sister's hand. The rest of 51, absolutely distraught. Calling in another firehouse to take over, all only concerned about their own, they rushed towards the hospital. At a time of need they stood together, and right now Blake Severide needed their support.

Through pain stricken tears, Kelly had called Jay, knowing the love of his sister's life would want to know what's going on. A pain so deep struck Jay, the idea of losing Blake hitting him harder than anything before. Instinct and impulse ran through the former soldiers mind, and that being to get to the hospital.

A family is not only by blood, it's the sense of belonging and home that make a family. Blake Severide was family to every single person in that waiting room, worried out of their wits end.

As you can tell I brought back this heart breaking scene. I love this scene because you can literally feel the anguish and the pain rushing through Blake. You feel the emotions running through everybody, and I just felt this scene was so impactful in the original that I had to rewrite it.