
Trap (1)

"You look at me like this and then wonder why I always want to touch you. If you keep looking at me like this, I can't help but think that you want me like I want you," Ian said, resisting his desire to kiss her.

It was a bit complicated now with their current predicament. He might want something more if he kissed her now. 

"I am looking at you like normal," Scarlet replied.

Ian smiled as she was far from looking at him normally. There was the look she gave when she was annoyed, humoured, and angry with him. Then it was this look which let him know that she had feelings for him. 

Those feelings might be small but they were there.

"Should I take you before a mirror and show you how wrong you are? This is hardly normal," Ian said, gazing at her lips which he would love to have messing up his again. 

He would give anything to have her initiate another kiss. He needed it right now and from the look of it, Scarlet had it on her mind as well.