
The Resilient Lady Collins

Scarlet Collins's life is flipped upside down after news of her divorce from her husband, Jack Humphrey, spreads around town. Despite her husband’s affairs being brought to light, Scarlet finds herself the topic of gossip as the town tries to find the answer to why Jack would leave the young heiress. Already burdened with having to take care of her family, Scarlet now finds herself being forced to listen to the many reasons why her marriage failed. Said to be a woman with a heart made of black ice, the people in town believed their opinions would not affect her so they had no reason to stop voicing them. During an afternoon out seeking peace, she finds herself starting an unlikely relationship with Lord Kingsley's bastard son, Ian Kingsley.

Violet_167 · History
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274 Chs

Contract relationship (1)

"Milady," Florence said, nervous to take the flowers and letter in her hands to Scarlet. "You've received another bouquet. This one is from Patrick-"

"Burn it right now," Scarlet ordered, annoyed that the pig of a man was sending her flowers again.

He was twelve years her senior and hardly a man she would waste time with. 

"I know that I have no room to speak, but the man has been married three times and all three wives cursed his name. What makes him think that I would want to have him? To care for his child who is old enough to be a sibling of mine?" Scarlet questioned.

The town had such a poor opinion of women getting divorced that men who would never have a chance with Scarlet were trying to court her now as there was some sort of belief that she was desperate to have any men around her so she could wed again. 

Florence handed the flowers and letter to another maid for them to be burned. "If I may speak freely."