
The Resilient Heiress

Zara Adam, who willingly went abroad because of some issues, finally returns home after enduring a grueling 11 years to ensure her family's happiness. However, her adopted sister Olivia is far from thrilled about her comeback. Olivia has been trying everything in her power to erase Zara from her life, but all her attempts have either failed or backfired on her. Zara couldn't care less about Olivia's antics. To make matters more complicated, Zara quickly gets involved with Ethan Anderson, the heir to a wealthy and influential family who is rumored to be her fiancé. This infuriates Olivia, leading her to spread malicious rumors about them. As time goes by, society starts believing that the Adam family's upbringing is more virtuous and noble compared to those raised overseas, all thanks to the rumors. Olivia becomes green with envy, but everyone gets a rude awakening when Zara's true identity is revealed. Throughout her journey, Zara faces various challenges that she overcomes with the unwavering support of Ethan by her side. Along the way, she also makes new friends while cherishing her old ones. When false rumors start targeting Zara, her four brothers, who have an intense sister complex, step up and confront anyone who dares to criticize their beloved sibling. This leads to clashes with those who try to harm Zara, and when Ethan uses his influence to protect his fiancée, the Adam brothers become furious and tell him, "We don't need your help taking care of our sister." With a calm smile, Ethan responds, "It's my duty to protect the one I love." The brothers roll their eyes at his response.

NandyGrace · Urban
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96 Chs

Teared Up

 "Olivia, let Ava speak," Kylie said, glancing at Olivia. "Keep quiet." The thought of someone going into her daughter's room when she wasn't there actually made Kylie's insides boil.

 Andrew may be a competent and efficient businessman. But when it came to his daughter or something concerning her, he would lose his cool so quickly. He therefore lost all control over his rage and icily remarked, "Get someone to bring that person down quickly!"

 Kylie knew her hubby well. So she weakly shook her head and remained silent. She also wanted to see the person who had the audacity to enter that place without others' consent.

 Ava was astonished, but before she could say anything, Gia responded, "Master, let me do it. I'll get some security to shove her out as quickly as possible."

 Gia was overjoyed and swiftly brought two bodyguards to the third floor. Ava spoke: "Master..."

 But before she could finish her sentence, Olivia interrupted her again, adding, "Dad, don't be upset. It is not good for your health."

 Kylie and Andrew stood there without saying anything; just looking at them, anyone could tell they were in a bad mood. Olivia kept chatting to Kylie and Andrew, without giving Ava a chance to speak.

 At this point, a loud noise erupted from the third floor. Everyone was startled by the sound of something cracking. Olivia, however, was unconcerned by the noise and assumed that they had broken something valuable.

 She was so angry thinking "Couldn't they bring the down without breaking anything, waste fellows." Kylie and Andrew looked at each other, but before they could say anything, Ava who was already very anxious couldn't control anymore and said loudly, "Madam! Master! It's Ms. Zara!"

 Olivia didn't think much of it, thinking, "Whoever it was, my parents wouldn't even let me enter that room." "Would they let an outsider go easily? Just dream on!!"

 But what she didn't realize was that Kylie and Andrew were taken aback by what Ava said, and they assumed they were hearing things. Kylie and Andrew exchanged a perplexed gaze.

 Kylie looked to Ava and questioned, perplexed, "Ava, who did you say is up there?" Again, with anxiety, Ava responded, "Madam, it's Ms. Zara. She arrived this morning."

 Kylie and Andrew exchanged a delighted smile. Olivia was taken aback by their abrupt shift in attitude, but she still didn't understand what was going on.

 Zara was painting in her drawing room on the third floor when the door burst open unexpectedly. When she saw people gathered outside, she realized what they were up to.

 The drawing room is very big, with a sliding door separating the painting room from the resting room. Zara exited the painting studio and stood in the resting room, looking at the people in front of her.

 Gia mockingly grinned at her, saying, "You little child. Your nice time is over. Just wait to be kicked out of this house. Grab her and throw her downstairs." Gia said without thinking.

 Zara lifted her brow and glanced at her without saying anything, with a sly smile. Gia was taken aback when she saw the stunning girl in front of her, smiling. The girl resembled a fairy who had descended to earth.

 Gia quickly shook her mind and returned to her wits, looking at the bodyguards and yelling, "What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear what the Master said?"

 The bodyguards soon approached Zara, and Gia smiled maliciously. However, before she could feel delighted, she heard something crack.

 When she turned, she noticed the bodyguard's unconscious state, and they had also broken the table in front of the sofa.

 Gia was so angered that she went forward and raised her hand to slap Zara. But before she could do it and a sudden and force slap was landed on her cheek.

 Gia was so stunned and afraid that she hurried out of the room and went down the stairs. When she saw others in the living room, she said, "Master, Madam, that girl is so crazy. She didn't even realize she was in another person's house, yet she still beat the workers of this house."

 Only then did the couple remember what they had done, but before they could react, a kind and quiet voice from the stairs said, "Oh, so Mom, Dad. This is how you both welcome me, right?" Zara spoke as she got down the stairs.

 Kylie and Andrew turned their head and looked at the girl, walking down the stairs. Kylie's eyes were already crimson with tears. Kylie embraced Zara as she arrived downstairs, and tears streamed down her face.

 Andrew stared at the two and moved to embrace them, but he was careful not to hurt the ladies of his life. Andrew was overjoyed to be embracing the two women he loved with his whole heart.

 Olivia, Gia, and the other maids were astonished by the scene. Olivia felt as though she had been hit by lightning. But she couldn't say a thing.

 Even though her mother held her frequently and spoke lovingly with her throughout her childhood, her father has never embraced her or kissed her. He only smiled periodically when her mother asked him to.

 But the person she is seeing today was a completely different person from what she knew. She felt that she did not know this person who was told as her father till now.

 Zara said nothing and let her parents hug her as much as they wished. But when she was embraced by Andrew, Kylie said "Enough, enough. Don't let Lia suffocate."

 Hearing Kylie's remarks, Andrew freed the two persons in his arms. Kylie touched her daughter's face and gazed at her intently. After looking at her daughter, Kylie sighed and stated, "Lia, you've lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you."

 Even though Zara had not returned to Elbonia in all these years, the family members could not endure without seeing her. So the members would follow their schedules and spend some quality time with her.