
The Resilient Heiress

Zara Adam, who willingly went abroad because of some issues, finally returns home after enduring a grueling 11 years to ensure her family's happiness. However, her adopted sister Olivia is far from thrilled about her comeback. Olivia has been trying everything in her power to erase Zara from her life, but all her attempts have either failed or backfired on her. Zara couldn't care less about Olivia's antics. To make matters more complicated, Zara quickly gets involved with Ethan Anderson, the heir to a wealthy and influential family who is rumored to be her fiancé. This infuriates Olivia, leading her to spread malicious rumors about them. As time goes by, society starts believing that the Adam family's upbringing is more virtuous and noble compared to those raised overseas, all thanks to the rumors. Olivia becomes green with envy, but everyone gets a rude awakening when Zara's true identity is revealed. Throughout her journey, Zara faces various challenges that she overcomes with the unwavering support of Ethan by her side. Along the way, she also makes new friends while cherishing her old ones. When false rumors start targeting Zara, her four brothers, who have an intense sister complex, step up and confront anyone who dares to criticize their beloved sibling. This leads to clashes with those who try to harm Zara, and when Ethan uses his influence to protect his fiancée, the Adam brothers become furious and tell him, "We don't need your help taking care of our sister." With a calm smile, Ethan responds, "It's my duty to protect the one I love." The brothers roll their eyes at his response.

NandyGrace · Urban
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66 Chs

Got The Details

 At noon, in the hospital room in Averna, Thomas was taking the prescription given to him for his recovery. Ethan was preoccupied with work, so he returned to his office at the Averna branch, with David accompanying him.

 Thomas glanced at the time and then at his room door, waiting anxiously for someone. Thomas angrily murmured to the butler Beau, "What is it taking this David so long to come here with the information I asked for?" 

 Butler Beau is an elderly guy in his mid-sixties who has been looking after Thomas Anderson for many years and is a devoted member of the family. "Is there anything I can help you with, Sir?" he inquired, perplexed, after hearing his Master's comments.

 Thomas looked at Beau and said, "Call David!" Hearing his master's words, Beau immediately dialed and called David.

 On the other side of the city, David was sitting in an office conference room taking notes on the meeting when his phone rang. It's not that he lacks common sense in putting his phone on quiet, but he set a default call for his boss and everyone closely related to his boss.

 So, when the call came in, everyone turned their gaze at David in disbelief. It's because no one has the nerve to bring their phones into the conference room, mainly when Mr. Ethan comes for the meeting.

 David quickly took his phone out and glanced at the called ID. Then he raised his head at looked to his left side at his boss, who was staring at him coldly.

 David hastily wiped the sweat from his brow and replied, scared "Boss, it's Old Master." Ethan waved his hand at David and motioned for him to go. As David opened the door to go, he heard his boss remark, "Remember who you are working for."

 David understood what that meant and nodded before heading out to take the call. The meeting resumed inside the room, with David speaking with Butler Beau outside.

 "Butler Beau, I'll send you some information on the mobile. Please show it to Sir." David said before hanging up the call. He didn't even look at the information that Thomas asked him, but just directly sent the information to Thomas's phone.

 Butler Beau received the information in the wardroom and immediately showed it to Thomas. "Sir, Assistant David asked me to show you this." He remarked as he handed the phone to Thomas.

 Thomas swiftly grabbed the phone and went over the contents. He was astonished as he read the facts. Butler Beau became concerned when he saw his Master in this state and called him.

 After reviewing all of the information, Thomas laughed out loud, which confused Butler Beau. But he was nevertheless glad to see his Master smiling.

 Thomas had been so delighted all day that he didn't quarrel with Ethan when he came to see him in the evening. Instead, he cheerfully called Ethan and stated, "Ethan, I won't bother you anymore. I'll go back to Elbonia. I'm missing your grandmother." Thomas replied cheerfully as if he was excited to see his wife.

 Ethan sensed something wrong but answered casually, "Sure, I'll arrange for it." After saying this, he motioned Butler Beau to come out for a moment. Ethan inquired in the lounge, "Butler Beau, is everything alright Grandpa?"

 "Yes, Young Master. Everything's fine." Butler Beau assured him. "Ok, then. I'll make arrangements for you two to return. Take care of Grandpa." Ethan calmly said looking at Butler Beau.

 "Sure, Young Master." Butler Beau spoke as he looked at Ethan. Ethan then motioned for him to return to the room. David had been speaking with the doctor up to this point and was unaware of the situation.

 When he returned to the ward, he found the always-angry Old Master laughing and conversing with Butler Beau. David stepped up and stood by Ethan, saying, "Mr. Ethan, the doctor has said that Sir can be discharged. However, he must continue to follow the prescription. And requires a regular checkup."

 "Alright, arrange for Grandpa and Butler Beau to return by plane. And make arrangements in Elbonia." Ethan without looking up gave instructions. "Ok, Mr. Ethan."

 Without saying anything, David left the room to make the necessary arrangements for Thomas' return. After making the necessary preparations, he came in and informed Ethan.

 "Stay here and send Grandpa personally to the airport." Ethan stated and walked out of the room. David nodded, then followed him to the hospital's entrance.

 When he returned to the room, the first thing he heard was Thomas's joyful voice, "David!!!" "Come! come here!" Thomas joyfully screamed for him and motioned for him to come forward.

 David with a confused look walked forward and stood in front of Thomas. Butler Beau had no idea what made his Master so thrilled that he wanted to return back to Elbonia.

 "David, is the information you sent really accurate?" Thomas inquired again with a serious expression. David couldn't comprehend anything and said, "Yes, Sir. I contacted Anders Networks to find out more about Ms. Zara. They had a tough time learning about her at first, but they eventually obtained the necessary information."

 Thomas thought for some time and nodded with a smile. "Great! !t's really great!" Butler Beau was confused from the start, but when he heard the name Zara he thought of something and was shocked as he looked at the happy Thomas.

 "Sir, the Ms. that Assistant David is talking about is not the same Ms., right?" Butler Beau asked with both confusion and shock. Thomas looked at Beau and smiled as he nodded, "Yes! Yes! It's what you think."

 Butler Beau was shocked to hear this, but also thrilled, so he smiled and replied, "Congratulations, Sir. Finally, you won't have to worry about anything else." "Yes, yes. I can now have a good time with my wife without worrying." Thomas replied with a grin.

 Now it's David's time to get confused. David was puzzled by the two persons in front of him who were overjoyed to learn more about the lady. And why would the butler even congratulate the Old Master?

 As he was contemplating, Thomas glanced at David and told him, "David, don't tell Ethan about this. Do not allow him see Zara's information. Did you get it?"

 David hesitated for a while, since if his boss learned that he had done something behind his back and concealed it from him, could he continue to exist in this world?

 It's not simple for a little animal to hide in the lion's cave for protection, right? It is not feasible, and the Old Master and Butler make it clear that the matter is not small and it seems it involves his boss.

 Thomas understood David's concern and comforted him, "Don't worry, he won't hurt you if he finds out about this. Because he will not have the time to deal with you."

 After saying this, he looked at Butler Beau, and they both smiled knowingly. Butler Beau understood what his master meant. David didn't understand anything, but when he heard the reassuring words, he replied, "OK. Sir."