
The Resilient Clarke

"When someone seems too good to be true they usually are" I bet you this Is the most interesting and the sweetest autobiography you've ever seen or heard, it's totally not a sob story but a motivation,i wasn't born with silver spoon but I will never stop chasing until I get the silver spoon, it is good I wasn't born with it so that I can get it myself, I was born the only male child of my parents with three kid sisters and one elder sister who is too churchy. I was born in a poor home but my parents did their best to give me all the good training every good parent should give their children for example going to church one of the most sacred rules in my house, going to any kind of work as long as it will pay money was part of the house itself for everyone in the house, my father was a security man and a subsistent farmer while my mother was Jack of all trades,there was no kind of work she does not do, I never had any pleasant experience with my parents or my family in quote, we were always at war, always disagreeing to agree, my father was very far from me so I grew up with my mother and it was indeed a terrible experience, cat and rat, every day fight and unending quarrell

Wisdom_Ndukwe1 · Realistic
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40 Chs

Chapter 31 My Personal Hell

One of the worst experiences I've had so far in my life is living currently in this compound that I'm living in.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, I'm not better than anyone, I don't look down on people but I respect myself always.

The compound I'm currently living in here in the city is a native compound, I just packed in newly on July 7th 2021 after being sent out of the house by my best friend that accommodated me after I was evicted from my self contained apartment that I was living in just because I made a fish pond in one of the nearby plantation.

The caretaker ask me to close it and I refused because it wasn't causing any blockage to anything and moreover that plantation was formally been used as a dumping site until I went cleared it up so clean to so I can utilize it for fish farm.

So the caretaker said I shouldn't do anything there and every one is asking why he should say that, but he was insistent but then I'm so determined to do anything to prove my right, I refused to close the pond so the highest thing he could do was to evict me from the apartment, which he did finally but it was after I over stayed my rent and over stayed the quick notice they brought to me from court 3 times, after one year I then packed out, It's a story for another day.

The devil which is human beings did all they could to throw me off balance but at the end they did hit me so so hard but I was already in God's hands so I was covered and none of those blows could blow me off God's hands.

After much much, after everything I managed to get a room apartment in the nearby native compound still in that same street where I was evicted from my self contained apartment, I managed to get a room apartment with public conveniences.

It was so difficult for me to accept it that I'm moving from a self contained apartment to a public compound with public conveniences, like bathing room and the toilet.

But instead of facing the kind of insults that I was facing in my best friends house I rather go back to trenches, so it was a prayer answered at first for escaping that level of depression in the hands of my best friend and his siblings.

But even when I thought it was over I didn't know it was a beginning of another level of challenges, the worst of them all seduction, gossiping and backbiting, native compound is just like a place of business where jealousy and envy is rooted deep in every one's heart while they even sit and chat and still laugh with one another.

The level of jealousy and envy that runs in the veins of the people living in this compound is immeasurable and incomparable.

Now why I added it to one of my worst experiences in life is because of the level of seduction threat I face from everyone woman in the compound, it's as if I'm in a lions den and all of them are just furiously looking at me to make a little mistakes and they will grab me and devour me.

I have seen shit in this compound, every woman in this compound is doing everything possible to seduce me, the worst part is both the little ones, the unmarried ones and the worst is the married ones, oh my God, I so much regret coming into this compound but however I've found it so interesting to pen it down.

I thought if I could pen it down and share the experiences with someone who has either had similar experience or someone who is in the process of having such experience, maybe that could be the reason for allowing me to get into that kind of compound.

Almost all of them has uncovered their breast just for me to see it mistakenly and then fall for them, but to me that's very stupid of them all, especially the married ones, I see them as the most stupid creatures alive, even before I packed into that compound I have always disgust adultery like hell, I have always hated any person involved in such atrocious act.

Furthermore, It is a great taboo in my village to sleep with another man's wife, so we grew up with that mindset and fear of the implications that follows that holy precepts.

So before I packed into the compound I had already vowed long ago not to involve myself mistakenly or not in such atrocity.

But the enemy will never stop tempting you, the enemy will never stop trying to drag you down by all means, and most times the enemy will try you or tempt you with your worst nightmare or in sweetest moment.

I have always hated adultery like nothing else, to me it is one of the worst sins any young guy can commit, and naturally it Is against the rule of nature to sleep with another man's wife, it kills someone, it drags you down, it brings you from nothing to nothing, it is a great taboo, it is a dangerous part to walk on.

No young should ever think of getting involved in such atrocious and deadliest act, it ruins a better future, and breaks a flourishing home down, it kills the brightness of stars in you, say no to adultery, say no to sleeping with someone's wife, marriage is a holy matrimony, A blessed union between a man a woman.