
The Resilient Clarke

"When someone seems too good to be true they usually are" I bet you this Is the most interesting and the sweetest autobiography you've ever seen or heard, it's totally not a sob story but a motivation,i wasn't born with silver spoon but I will never stop chasing until I get the silver spoon, it is good I wasn't born with it so that I can get it myself, I was born the only male child of my parents with three kid sisters and one elder sister who is too churchy. I was born in a poor home but my parents did their best to give me all the good training every good parent should give their children for example going to church one of the most sacred rules in my house, going to any kind of work as long as it will pay money was part of the house itself for everyone in the house, my father was a security man and a subsistent farmer while my mother was Jack of all trades,there was no kind of work she does not do, I never had any pleasant experience with my parents or my family in quote, we were always at war, always disagreeing to agree, my father was very far from me so I grew up with my mother and it was indeed a terrible experience, cat and rat, every day fight and unending quarrell

Wisdom_Ndukwe1 · Realistic
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40 Chs

Chapter 23 My daily Experiences

Growing up as a kid a had done so many things, so many things that I regret in so many ways and so many things I cherish in so many ways.

A conducive Environment contributes 50% positively to a child upbringing while A hazardous Environment contributes 70% negatively to a child upbringing

A conducive Environment is an environment that has everything a child could need, example is proper feeding for the 20th century children, proper childs care constantly, proper education especially when you see the child has bigger future, then first and last good parenting which includes leading the child to God the creator, discipline, parental advice, emotional support and physical support, then have enough time for your child.

There is nothing that could be compared to ones in a family, "A family that stays together prays together" A child's first best friend is the mother, A child's first friend is the father" just my personal theory though.

Mothers love are the greatest and mother's words are the sweetest, mother's tears are the most painful but when a father cries the earth quakes, the pride of a home is the children but a rich parents is the pride of a child, A wealthy home gives comfort and confidence to the children but a poor home train soldiers and builders.

I would say that it is better to come from a poor home than to come from a wealthy home because I came from a poor home, If I had come from a wealthy home I wouldn't choose otherwise.

"Children that are born in a wealthy home are opportuned but children that are born in a poor home are fortunate"

There is a difference between knowledge and experience, knowledge is what you know and experience is what you have done, and it is easier to know all the things you have done but you can't do all the things you know.

The reason why I know everything that I know now is because I came from a poor home and i ask too many questions about how and why did I come from a poor home and I'm getting all the answers but yet more questions, I was born to solve that mystery and I'm gradually doing it.

To me I don't see any other purpose of living if not saving my family from hardship and liberating Africa entirely from her bondage completely.

How you treat your child is probably the way the child is going to treat you, if you treat your child good he wouldn't stop bragging with it outside, but if you treat your child bad when others are celebrating their parents outside yours will stand behind the scene feeling guilty with a heavy heart of what if my parents were treating me good, believe it or not but that's the truth, I have seen it and I've confirmed it.

There are lots of things parents need to understand for their children instead of expecting a child to understand something he can not handle as a child, sometimes you understand it for them and