
The Resilient Clarke

"When someone seems too good to be true they usually are" I bet you this Is the most interesting and the sweetest autobiography you've ever seen or heard, it's totally not a sob story but a motivation,i wasn't born with silver spoon but I will never stop chasing until I get the silver spoon, it is good I wasn't born with it so that I can get it myself, I was born the only male child of my parents with three kid sisters and one elder sister who is too churchy. I was born in a poor home but my parents did their best to give me all the good training every good parent should give their children for example going to church one of the most sacred rules in my house, going to any kind of work as long as it will pay money was part of the house itself for everyone in the house, my father was a security man and a subsistent farmer while my mother was Jack of all trades,there was no kind of work she does not do, I never had any pleasant experience with my parents or my family in quote, we were always at war, always disagreeing to agree, my father was very far from me so I grew up with my mother and it was indeed a terrible experience, cat and rat, every day fight and unending quarrell

Wisdom_Ndukwe1 · Realistic
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40 Chs


For two Sundays now since I came back to the city and I've not gone to church and I wasn't working on Sunday I had told them that I go to church on Sundays so we agreed that I won't be coming to work on Sundays.

So I decided to go church, remember I had a big target in the church I was attending in my formal place, but I was a little bit afraid of going to the church since it was very close to the house I ran away from, so as a kid I was a little bit afraid but I asked myself if there's any reason to be afraid of them.

Since I didn't steal from them before running out, since I'm not owing them and since they are not the one that created me or created the state and the city so what do I need to be afraid of.

I summoned courage with clear conscience and I decided to go church the next Sunday.

It was Sunday already I had finished preparing for church but the little money I have with me will not be enough to convey me to the church and back.

So I trekked to the church though it was a bit far but It wasn't anything for me then and I had no other option, it's either I pay for ride with my offering money or I can trek to church and pay my offering.

I chose the formal, I trekked to church and I payed my offering but while coming back I got a free lift from our church member who was going my way.

It was a Miracle, while I was in church I had seen the joy in everyone's face for my return, it was as if they've heard the story of my escape, one of our member was a family friend to my formal boss, moreover the wife of the pastor that brought me to the church must have shared the news, because the way every one was looking at me was suspicious, but it wasn't my concern anyways but whatever maybe the stories my hands are clean

I was amazed to see the queen look at me and smiled it was unbelievable, I couldn't get it at all, I couldn't smile back at her because I must have been hallucinating again, I looked at her direction again and she was still starring at me.

I became very uncomfortable with that smile that I didn't give her back but I couldn't imagine myself smiling with her, so instead I stopped looking at her...