
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 48 - Everyday freedom

The conversation was awkward, since it's rather awkward to talk about the sex of your son with your daughter ... fortunately, the parents really didn't try to reason with us somehow, apparently, they understood that there was no point. But here's my jamb related to Alice's infection… Yes, it's an unpleasant moment after a pleasant night. Of course, there was also the possibility that she, like me, could mutate without me... but no one bit her and everything happened the next night after our sex, so... the conclusion is obvious.

—" I love Felix and have always loved him, no need to look at us like that!" — the girl couldn't stand it. —" Now the whole world has collapsed, and no one cares what we are doing here. There is no society that could look askance at us, now everyone has more serious problems. "— Alicia said, and again her eyes changed their color to blood red for a moment. And after that, everyone in the room, except me, grabbed his head.

—"W-what is it?" — Alice was surprised that everyone grabbed their heads, and the color of her eyes returned to normal again.

—" I have... a sharp headache. "— my uncle confessed.

—" The same thing... as if the blood began to boil inside." — Eric added.

— "Okay, stop hitting on us... and Alicia better not get mad yet, until we determine what kind of powers she has."

—" Strength?" — my sister stared at me, like everyone else.

—" My mutation was innate, but initially very weak and it lacked the development... that the virus gave him in these infected. I have already started to examine our blood, and it has a similar double-stranded RNA virus that changes our DNA. In general, the virus inside me, apparently, has a completely different effect when compared with ordinary infected. Your physical strength has already increased, and also... do you think everyone grabbed their heads at a time when you were emotionally tense, just like that?"

—" Oh, the virus again... it's kind of magical, since it gives strange abilities." — Uncle complained and leaned against the door.

—" I don't know about magic, but it changes muscle fibers, making them stronger, more flexible and more resilient. But with the brain ... the abilities of the brain are not yet fully understood by a person, and if there is a virus capable of creating ... almost like a zombie, then this virus should also have other capabilities. In general... for now you need to accept it and not worry. "— I finished my thoughts.

—" Have I become stronger?" — Alicia asked with interest and went to the big closet…

— "Honey, can you experiment outside?" — asked her mother, who crossed her arms under her chest. —" Let's get dressed and go outside... the virus, superpowers... the world has gone completely crazy." — the woman muttered, and her father began to calm her down.

In general, we did so. My sister got dressed, and we all went outside together, where a girl weighing fifty-two kilograms was able to lift a cargo wheel weighing under a hundred kilograms without any problems. Her gentle hands, when strained, were able to leave a handprint on the steel beam ... in general, the girl clearly became stronger. If we compare our physical strength with her, then I'm somewhere almost twice as strong, which I actually also checked.

After making sure that everything was more or less normal with Alicia, the parents went to deal with the new refugees who were able to survive. Yes, and it is necessary to organize a rescue operation and help people in the district by genocide of the infected ... yes, this is not really a rescue operation.

But our task with Roma is to turn off what is jamming the signal near Tokyo. The way there to the car is about twice as long as before the recent airport, but this is a very important matter on which the connection as a whole depends and you can not linger. So we agreed to leave tomorrow morning, but this night... Alice came to my room again.

—"Brother..." — the girl said, looking at me with loving eyes.

— "Alicia ... after our first intimacy, I almost lost you ..." — I said, looking at this beauty with some doubt.(Picture)

— "Well, brother, don't be a bugger... this won't happen anymore." — she spoke confidently and lay down on me, immediately kissed me. Her pen began to stroke my Felix Jr. and he, of course, reacted. — "Tomorrow… I want to go with you. I don't want to watch you leave anymore and you may not come back... and brother, enter me already. "— she turned her sweet ass to me and spoke impatiently.(Picture)

—" How lustful you are, little sister." — I commented ... in general, Alicia is right and if she didn't get infected the first time, then she won't get infected now. My strengthened rod hurried to be inside such a tight girl's interior.

— "Mm-hmm." — she moaned when I started to enter her. —"Brother... brother... brother ... "— she said while I began to make progressive movements and give us both pleasure. The girl still had two gorgeous unoccupied breasts, so I hurried to fix it and started sucking them.

I clearly felt that Alicia became more resilient, as we played with each other for several hours and still could not get enough. In the morning I woke up in an embrace with the most beautiful girl, who, smiling sweetly in her sleep, was snoring on me.

— "No. "— my mother categorically declared when she heard that Alicia was going to come with us.

— "And I say yes, and I'm not asking for your opinion." — Alicia answered her sullenly and stamped her foot. —"I won't leave my brother again... ever." — she said seriously.

— "God... why do I have such children? "— Alice said. — "Daughter, Felix is a boy and has a suitable... um... ability."

—" Me too." — the girl nodded and demonstrated the change of color of her eyes.

—" Changing eye color is not considered a useful ability." — Alice said, crossing her arms over her chest.

—" Mom, it's not the whole ability, I think it's related to the human body... maybe I can increase the pressure?" — Alicia said uncertainly. —" But even without these powers, I became stronger!" — and for the demonstration, she took a rebar and made a bagel out of it.

—" Don't worry, I'll look after her. "— I went up to my mother. —" Everything will be fine with us. I assured her."

— "I heard her talking to you yesterday. "— the woman looked at me and was embarrassed by her words.

— "Mom... did you really eavesdrop? "— Alicia stared at Alice with all her eyes.

—"Wh—what? Of course not! I just walked past your room... you could have been quieter. "— the woman muttered.

—" I'm going too." — Saeko, who came up, spoke out. " My father would agree, this is my way and it's up to me to decide. Felix will need my blade." — said the girl.

— "There will be hundreds of dead people, and you want to take a katana with you?" — Eric asked as he approached.

— "It's fast and silent. Will not attract the attention of the other infected. "— the girl expressed her point of view and looked at me with a look that said: "Say something!"

— "We were going to go with a small company anyway." — I said. —" I think with my telekinesis, we just won't need a lot of people, so I don't see a problem. "— I said, and Busujima nodded.

— "Are you collecting a combat hare... ahm, for what?" — Eric looked at his wife, who charged him with an elbow.

—" Language." — she told him and straightened her hair. — "No longer little girl... decide for yourself." — she relented.