
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 26 - The everyday bloody beginning

— "I hate this world ..." — I said softly to myself, continuing to watch this slowly wandering man. He himself was dressed in an academy uniform, also had a bite mark on his arm, and walked very clumsily, which indicated that he was unlikely to be very fast. His whole appearance spoke of some serious illness and that it was better not to approach such a thing. And what is the worst thing is that other infected people were slowly walking behind him ... well, or they have a hangover that is unlikely to be much.

As if noticing my condition, Saeko turned to me and asked with her face what was wrong with me.

— "Ahm... teacher Wakisaka." — I raised my hand. — "There are some strange=looking people wandering around." — I said.

— "Strange people?" — the teacher was surprised and went to the window. During this time, they managed to get closer, and he was able to see them. — "Hmm... really." — he looked out the window, and other curious students followed him, but Saeko... she clutched her desk with force and stared at me intently, so I nodded to her, as if saying "Yes, this is it."

— "I need to go home right away." — I got up from my desk, taking my backpack with me. —" And... I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible." — I told the class, but Saeko took the girls she knew from the Kendo club, of which there were two in our class, without any questions.

— "Hey, Felix-kun, where are you going?" — the teacher asked the question, seeing how I got up and went to the door with Saeko.

— "Home. Teacher, I won't beat around the bush... I advise you either to go home as soon as possible, or to hide here. It's a virus. " — I said and nodded towards the window. — "More precisely, infected with a virus that somewhat resembles rabies. People under its influence rush at each other and bite. If you get bitten, you will also get infected." — I expressed my assumptions and, without saying anything more, went out into the corridor.

—"Aren't you going to tell them and try to help them?" — Saeko asked.

— "Telling what? And where are we going? We have a test today." — asked a slightly worried girl who is listed as a member of the Kendo club. The other girl, judging by her face, has similar questions.

— "No, I'm not going to... I feel bad about it myself and... that's how…. I have a call." — I groped for the phone. —" Let's go to the girls' class". — purposefully we went to class 2-A, and while we were walking, I answered the call. —" Uncle?"

— "Felix, a friend contacted me... there was some kind of leapfrog in Tokyo... it seems that what we suspected happened. There were strange people attacking other people, it all looks like a fit of rage. I already told your parents the same thing, so we sent a car to you. Come home as soon as possible." — he told us.

— "Uncle... this isn't just happening in Tokyo. I just saw infected people near the academy, so we have them too."

— "Your mother..." — he drawled.

— "Uncle, try to call all the employees of the company who are still with us and call them to our estate…"

—" I'm not a fool and guessed it myself... then I'll go call my friends, I'll warn your parents... Felix, damn it, get out of the academy and go home!" — he shouted at the end, and I heard a sound as if he was struggling with someone.

—"Is everything all right there?" — I asked a question ... and initially I chose the call acceptance mode in the phone through the loudspeakers of the phone, that is, Saeko heard our conversation perfectly.

— "Damn... how did they appear so abruptly in different parts of the city? And yes, I'm fine. I'm near the airport now and there are a lot of these... infected, as you called them. Take care of yourself and your sister, Felix, and put the phone on silent so as not to attract attention at the most inopportune moment. I'll send you an SMS as soon as I get in touch with everyone." — he dropped the conversation.

— "W-what's all this about? What kind of infected?" — two girls walking with us started asking questions. —" I don't like all this! Busujima-san, what's going on?"

—" Have you heard about mutants and the rabies virus? In something like this... people will attack others, trying to transmit the virus. That's why we're leaving, do you need to contact your parents? "— she asked them a question.

— "A v-virus? R-rabies?" — the girl turned pale. —" I don't believe you! What nonsense are you talking about, I'm going back. Miyu, are you with me?" — she turned to another girl, who somehow awkwardly smiled at us and nodded to her friend. Saeko wanted to talk some sense into them… but as soon as they reached the turn, the body of a schoolboy jumped out of there, and he immediately clung to the neck of an incredulous girl. The second one immediately screamed... but the same fate overtook her, as a couple more infected appeared.

—" We're leaving ... now"— I said. —" I'm disgusted by all this myself, but we have no time to waste. The most important thing for me is the safety of people close to me." — I said, looking into the girl's eyes, she was confused at first, but quickly gathered herself and nodded. The infected did not pay attention to us and continued to bite the two girls.

— "Draw your katana, I'll get a weapon too." —I did what I said, that is, I took out my folding short blade and immediately pressed the button so that the blade came out. Along the way, I also sent a message to Shizuka to close in medical office that she didn't let anyone in.

It was a lesson now, so the corridor we were walking along was empty. But behind us, from where the infected actually came out, there was an entrance to the gym, where there was a lesson in the first grades now, perhaps it was from there that these infected people came out. Of course, it's a pity for the girls, but I don't have time for self-flagellation, since they are already at the academy, then we need to get out of here faster with our friends.

— "Alicia..." — I said as I opened the door to their classroom. The cabinet had a 2-A sign on top, so it was difficult to make a mistake. The little sister was now sitting and reading something on the phone and, judging by the pallor, her parents or uncle had already written to her.

—" B-brother?" — she looked at me. And in general, many in the class also threw strange looks at me, but the teacher... now it was Koichi Shido who was the teacher here, that he wanted, judging by his grin, to start reprimanding me for such behavior.

— "We're leaving." — I told her and my sister started packing without any questions and seeing this, Rei seemed to understand something and also began to pack things in a backpack.

—" Young people, I'm not..." — the teacher wanted to say something, but then Rei, seeing something in the window, exhaled, walked up to him and slapped his face with her palm. The students covered their mouths from such shamelessness of the girl.

— "Rei! What are you doing?" — Takashi was outraged by the act of his former best friend... well, or the only friend, I just didn't notice that he was communicating with the opposite sex.

— "Saya, come with us." — I looked at the pink-haired girl.

—" Felix, what the hell are you doing, so you also raised your hand against the teacher... you…"

—" Saya!" — I raised my voice so much that the girl shuddered. —" Come with us. Some incomprehensible shit is happening outside, and people are rushing at each other ..." — I began to speak, as I heard the screeching of the speakers in the classroom and the voice of the director sounded.

— "Attention Academy students! Be careful, I was informed that some students look very painful and attack their classmates ... teacher Khoyasi what is wrong with you ... ah-ra-aar, leave me alone, I say! Not... ah-ah." — wet sounds were heard, as if someone was chewing something.

— "Saya, quickly!" — I shouted again and the girl, even forgetting about her briefcase, jumped up to me.

—" What is it? " — Takashi asked excitedly, who also got up from the table. —"Is that... are they eating each other?" — he said in a kind of lost tone, looking out the window.

—" Why are there so many academy students on the street?" — Rei muttered.

— "Preparation for the festival... there were a lot of assistants on the sports field." Alicia said softly.

— "W—what is this?" — Saya shrieked, her voice notes just rose too sharply due to stress. —" Who are they? Why are they attacking… this b-blood? " — she continued to ask questions, so I took her by the shoulders and shook her, forcing her to look into my eyes, I had already taken off the blindfold to be ready for anything.

— "Saya, calm down, breathe deeply." — surprisingly, the girl listened to me, although I wanted to say something caustic.

—"W-why do you have a sword in your hand?" — Takashi asked, looking apprehensively at the weapon in my hand

— "Because I want to get out of the academy alive and preferably healthy together with my loved ones, that's why." — I said and felt movement from behind. As soon as I turned around, I saw a girl entering the office with a strange gait and growling something.

— "She doesn't look healthy..." — Rei muttered softly... and that was a mistake. When the infected girl entered the office, it suddenly became quiet and she began to look around, as if she did not understand where to go, and after the girl's words, she found a goal.

— "Rei, motherf... "— I whispered and after that the infected chose me as a target, as I got closer and attracted her with my voice. The girl opened her mouth, where she saw a piece of someone's bloody flesh, and, stretching out her hands, was clearly going to taste my body. But as soon as she got closer, I simply dodged her clumsy grip and pushed her aside with my foot. And it so happened that she fell just in front of the teacher, who did not understand what was happening at all and looked at what was happening in shock.

— "D-don't come closer!." — Koichi said, jumping away from the infected one, thereby substituting some chubby guy who was sitting closest to what was happening at that time.

And because of fright, he dropped his pencil case and the girl immediately rushed to him ... but I already prevented her and pierced her side with a sword and nailed her to the floor. The infected twitched even more actively, wanting to tear me and everyone in the class apart. So, I pinned her head to the floor with my foot, pulled the sword out of her side and stuck it back in her head.