
The reset

The destruction of the world through a gas emitted from the North Pole and killing everyone on Earth within a few days, two scientists at the Arctic Climate Control Center are the first to discover the matter, but to no avail. A secret organization that was prepared for similar events prepared secret shelters and selected elite humans to live inside these shelters as the last safe haven for humans from extinction Will they survive inside these shelters?

MrRAE · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 28

Mr. Manson asked the Communications and Media Officer, Mrs. Mi Yoon, to prepare for the broadcast of Mr. Douglas's trial on all floors and to compel everyone to be present in the main halls of each floor to view it. Cameras were set up in the Boardroom on the Administration Floor in the presence of the directors of all departments, Mr. Douglas as defendant and Mr. Manson as judge. With counsel for Mr. Douglas.


Mr. Douglas, you are here now as a defendant in the case of arson on the eighth floor and endangering the lives of your crew and everyone in the shelter to death. What is your position on the accusation?

MR. DOUGLAS: I am very sorry, Mr. Manson, for my behavior, but I could not accept the fact that my parents died on the roof. I know my behavior is unjustified, but I am very sorry.

MR. MANSON: Do you deny that this is not your first act of being completely drunk and endangering the lives of your crew before this day?

Mr. Douglas: I've never done that before, Mr. Manson.Mr. Manson: You should address the court, Your Honor. I am a judge in the Ministry of Defense and a general with practical and scientific experience.Mr. Douglas: I am sorry, Your Honor, if I have not done so before.Mr. Manson shows the audience videos showing Mr. Douglas in a drunken state, attacking members of his team, and damaging some paintings that his team then replaces. Everyone bowed their heads to the ground, including Mr. Douglas, who tried to apologize and threaten not to do so again.

MR. MANSON: As everyone has seen, Mr. Manson has caused a lot of damage and if it wasn't for his crew members to cover up, it wouldn't have come to that and Mr. Douglas's attempt to deny it and evade responsibility shows that he has no regrets at all for what he did and will repeat it again and again and I will not allow anyone, no matter how much His rank and his job is to endanger the life of any person here, so that my judgment will be a sermon and a lesson through it for everyone who thinks that he will carry out what he does and for everyone who thinks that there is no law here and that the absence of the police and judges means the absence of punishment (In the meantime, the security personnel around the meeting hall reconstructed their weapons) must For everyone to know that I am the judge and the punishment for everyone who tries to tamper with our lives will cast Mr. Douglas' fate of exile out of the sanctuary, and all here and in all the other sanctuaries will witness the horrific, slow and agonizing death of Mr. Douglas, may he consider the rest. Guards, take him to the gate room, and for the rest of his team members who cover him with 60 lashes in public, let everyone in the shelter and the rest of the shelters know that any cover-up of a life-threatening behavior for everyone is punishable by flogging the first time and exile in the second.