
The replacement brother

When everything goes wrong with him he let goes, but when it comes to his love, he won't leave anyone unpunished for hurting his mate

Stroyteller_1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The angel infront me

" Dad, how could you..."

I stormed in the room to confront my dad. The moment I my eyes found the stranger in the room, my jaw dropped !

Oh. My. God. Is he the owner of the wonderful voice ? He is damn sexy. He is wearing a fine Black suit, with an ocean blue tie matching his eyes ! His face is holding the most soothing and charming smile with shiny white teeth.

His trimmed beard running across his chin and jaw like the soft breez along the bay. His moustache surrounding his marvelous lips, which I am unable to take my eyes off !

He is definitely at least 6 feet, I could barely reach his chest ! Though he is not heavily built, but he definitely works out and it's visible even from his completely covered body.

His shiny brown and silky hair reaching his neck, in which he is running his slender fingers through. He is looking like a greek god standing in my house and I can't take my eyes off him ! He gave me a very polite and friendly smile,

" Hello, beautiful lady. Let me introduce myself, I am Petric Diggory. "

Petric said introducing himself.

" Um... I am ..."

I was lost of words.

" Jenifer Brown, I know. From the way you just reacted, I suppose you heard what we were talking about, didn't you ? "

Petric asked me with a gentle smile.

" Are you a fool ? How many times should I tell you to behave yourself, Jenifer ? Why did you interrupted our meeting ? "

Dad scolded me as expected.

" Uh-uh Mr. Brown, this is no way to treat or talk to a young lady, doesn't matter even if she is your daughter ! Calm down, let her speak. I am sorry, you were saying ? "

Petric asked my Dad to behave himself and turned towards me. He just drained me out of words. What was I gonna say ? What was it ?

" Um... I... What you just... "

I stumbled on my words.

" Um... If you don't mind, can I talk to you alone for a bit my dear ? "

Petric asked.

What should I say ? Say something stupid ! Anything but say at least something ! I know I am staring at him blankly, but he is the one responsible for that !

" Ofcourse you can Mr. Diggory ! That's not even a question to ask. "

Dad answered for me.

" Well, let her decide if she wants to talk to me or not. "

Petric politely denied my Dad to answer for me.

When I didn't say anything, Dad nudged me with his elbow to say something.

" Um... Yes, I mean if my Dad is ok with it... I guess... "

I said.

" She is ready, as I already said. You can talk to her. "

Dad said.

" Well, I need some privacy to talk to her, Mr. Brown. "

Petric said signaling my Dad to leave us alone.

" Yes ofcourse, nobody is here. "

Dad refused to leave, wanting to be present in the room while we talked.

" I need you to leave us alone for a while or shall I take her on a small walk ? What would you prefer my dear ? "

As Dad refused to take the signal, Petric said clearly what he meant and asked me.

" Whatever you please. "

I answered.

" No no, my dear. Tell me what do you want ? We'd do that. "

Petric insisted on me taking the decision.

" She can't decide. So, I am telling you talk here itself. "

Dad said impatiently.

" I think I asked the question to your daughter, Mr. Brown so, I expect her to answer not anyone else. "

Petric again cut off my Dad.

" I am ok with anything you are fine. I am used to walk but you... "

I said what came to my mind.

" Walk it is then ! Let's go. We'll be back soon, Mr. Brown. Don't worry about her safety. After you, my dear. "

Petric told Dad and indirectly told him not to follow us.

Oh my god, he is so well mannered ! I am not used to any of this behaviour. My father nor my brother treats me more than a maid of our house and he ? He already is making me fall for him with his small gestures and well behaviour. I wonder what does he want to talk to me about ?

" Well, please lead me Jenifer. I am not aware of the paths here, I am sorry for that. "

Petric said sheepishly.

" You don't have to apologise for not knowing the minute things, you know. "

I said genuinely.

" Can't help, sorry. So, I guess you heard what was I talking to your father. What do you think about it ? "

Petric said coming to his point.