
The replacement brother

When everything goes wrong with him he let goes, but when it comes to his love, he won't leave anyone unpunished for hurting his mate

Stroyteller_1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

That's not my master !

It's been a month and half Petric went missing. We've filed a missing case in police.

They promised us to find him anyhow.

I don't know exactly what am I feeling about it ?

Am I happy that he finally isn't here to torcher me ?

Or am I frustrated that, he isn't here yet he is haunting me !

Yes he is not physically present here, but whenever I hear anything, a chill runs down my spine in the fear that, it might be him !

Is he back ?

Is he going to torcher me again ?

Sometimes I feel, it was better when he was here.

At least I knew what he was planning.

When was he going to hurt me ?

But now ?

Now I don't know when will he return ?

When will he torcher me ?

I am sick and tired of living in this fear !

Everytime I close my eyes, I think now he'll open the door and punish me for sleeping in his bed without his permission !

Everytime I get out of the room, I feel he'll get me inside the room and punish me for doing it without his permission.

Everytime I walk, I feel like he'll get his hunter and whip me for not kneeling infront of him and not calling him master !

I can't focus on anything !

I was seeking the freedom from him and now that he isn't here, I still can't enjoy my freedom !

I am leaving in a constant fear of him returning anytime and punishing me !

And all the butlers think I am missing my lovely and loving husband !

Are they out of their minds ?

Why in the hell would I miss him ?

The devil ?

The master...

Master ?


Is he...

Oh my god is he...

Is he really standing there or am I hallucinating again ?

No, he is definitely standing right infront of my eyes there !

The glass vase in my hands fell on the and broke into pieces.

Fuck !

Isn't this the thing exactly what was missing now ?

He is back after a month and a half and I gave him the reason to punish me right away !

At least I should...

I must kneel or he'll start hurting me the moment we enter his room.

I kneeled and...

Fuck !

Oh god.

What is this man doing to me !

I kneeld on the pieces of the broken vase and they cut entered my knee !

Wow, and I thought, breaking it was the most awaited thing to happen !

" Are you alright ?

Oh my god ! "

Petric said panicked.

And what ?

Did he just...

How could he...


I am definitely hallucinating !

How is this possible for him to cross two huge as hell rooms in a blink of eye ?

No, no, I am in shock and my brain is showing me impossible things !

Like, he came running to see me hurt !

That's next to impossible thing to happen !

He know that, nobody comes here in any time of the day.

He becomes very happy to see me hurt, how can he look real hurt to see me in pain ?

He picked me up in his arms and ran to his room.

Again, this is impossible !

He doesn't touch me to help me ever and secondly, he never lets me even touch his bed and now he is putting me on it himself ?

" Are you alright ?

What were you thinking ?

Look how badly are you hurt !

Wait, I'll get the first aid kit.

Oh god, you are bleeding too much.

I'll be right back ! "

Petric said.

I need help.

Like right now !

He is panicking to see me hurt ?

And he ran to get the first aid kit ?

For me ?

For ME !

What is happening...

Ohhhh god !

It hurts to even move my leg.

I guess they got stuck deep and I need to get to the doctor; if he'd let me !

" Here, let me see. "

Petric said reaching for my leg.

Is he really going to do the first aid ?

He've never treated my injuries after the first time; he told Cathy my father hurted me so bad that, the injuries aren't healing !

And from that day, she is the one who cleans the mess he creates everytime.

And now, he is doing it !

What happened in a month ?

Or is he back with a master paln and different ways to punish me ?

" Ahh... "

I moaned in pain when he cleaned the wound.

" I am sorry.

Does it hurts too much ? "

Petric said.

What ?

Did he just...

Did he just said SORRY ?

He wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks.

" I am so sorry, I know it hurts !

Let me clean the blood and have a look what happened here.

I'll try to be as gentle as I can, ok ? "

Petric said gently.

" Ok, master. "

I replied as usual.

" Huh, what ? "

Petric said confused.

" Master....


Are you planning on...

Pressing the pieces deeper, master ?

Please forgive me, I won't forget to... "

I said panicked and scared for what he would do. I started crying and shaking in fear.

" Hey, hey !

Calm down.

What are you talking about ?

Why would I press them deeper, when they need to be taken out ?

And why are you apologising for ?

Just, relax and let me take them out, ok ?

Hold on. "

Petric said confused.

What ?

Is he...

Is he really Petric ?

I mean no matter what happens in the world, he can never be this gentle with me when we are alone !

Something is wrong.

I think he is...

But how can it be...

Ofcourse it can !

I am guessing he is someone else.

He can't be the Petric I know !


It hurts !

He is taking the pieces ever so slowly out and wiping the oozing blood with the cotton.

I tried to pull my leg back in the reflex action, but he grabbed it before even I could move it a bit !

" Don't !

Don't fold it, it'll hurt you. "

Petric said concerned.

Didn't he got way too fast in his moves ?

My brain can't fool me for this long !

He did crossed the two huge rooms within a blink of eye and now he stopped me from doing something I wasn't even planning about or did it half way !

Something is really very wrong !

When Shan came to call us for the dinner, he saw me hurt.

" Oh my god, mam !

What happened ?

Your leg is covered with blood ! "

Shane was shocked and concerned for me.

" I accidentally kneeled on the broken pieces of vase. "

I said.

" What ?

Al... Alright, I'll call the doctor right away... "

Shane said hurriedly.

" There's no need for that. "

Petric said blankly.

May be I was thinking way too much.

Here is the old, heartless and sadist Petric !

" But sir... "

Shane was surprised at his words for not letting him call the doctor.

" I've treated her wound, she'll be fine.

Don't worry. "

Petric said.

May be not !

He is sounding genuine with his words.

That's definitely not the Petric I've known for months now !

" Do one thing, bring our dinner here itself.

She can't move her leg.

It'll hurt her to come to the dining table. "

Petric said calmly.

This is going to give me a heart attack !

This much compassion ?

That too for me ?

I looked at Shane and he looks as surprised as I am...

Actually more than me !

" You need anything ? "

Petric asked Shane who was standing still like a statue.

" Huh ?

N... No sir.

I'll have your plates here right away. "

Shane said and finally went out of the room.

" Listen, give it a night and I promise it'll be alright.

You won't feel the pain tomorrow.

I'll feed you.

Take some medicine and rest and you'll be fine tomorrow. "

Petric said with a warm smile.

Does he takes me for fool ?

My knees; KNEES got pieces of glass vase.

They've cut deep and he is saying, tomorrow I won't feel any pain...

Oh god, is he planning on killing me by giving me poisonous medicine ?

Otherwise how is it possible not to feel the pain in the morning ?

I won't take the medicine he'll give me, I agree I am fade up of this life, but I don't want to end it either !

" Here sir, your favourite spaghetti... "

Shane brought our dinner.

He is true personal butler, he knows what his master likes...

" I hate spaghetti !

Take it away and if you haven't prepared anything else, just get me some milk. "

Petric said getting irritated.

What ?

He hates spaghetti ?

Since when ?

I've heard him saying once that, he can eat spaghetti everyday !

He is definitely not Petric.

" Sir but... "

Shane was shocked at his words as well.

" I said take it away !

And listen, get chocolate muffins for her and few for me as well.

Get them quick. "

Petric told Shane.

What ?

Chocolate muffins !

For me and HIMSELF ?

Confirmed, he isn't Petric, he is someone else. Shane was completely shocked with his words.

But he anyway got the muffins.

I must admit, I enjoyed them.

I haven't tasted them like forever now.

He ate them too !

I can't put a finger on it, but something is very different in his vibes !

I never felt safe and comfortable around Petric, but today I am feeling way too safe and comfortable having him around.

Since he was away for a month and a half, I got Silvester to live with me.

And the moment he saw Petric now, he is whining and scared of him.

Silvester was never afraid of him then, why is he afraid of him now ?

He hide behind me now that Petric is close to us.

And one more shocking thing, Petric isn't mad for Silvester being here in his room.

He reached his hand towards him and Silvester hid more behind my back.

" Hey, don't be afraid of me, lill one.

I am not going to hurt you.

Come here... "

Petric said.

What ?

He is allergic to cat's fur and he is asking him to come closer to him ?

He looked into Silvester's eyes for a moment and he literally jumped into his arms !

What ?

Though, Silvester was never afraid of Petric, but wasn't a fan of him as well !

What on the earth is happening ?

I should now focus on my aching leg.

I asked him to let me use the washroom.

He called Cathy to help me in there.

I let Cathy go and got a scissor with me.

I opened the door of washroom, he was standing his back at me.

He is way to big, strong and huge.

I can't hurt him, even if I tried !

He is getting worried about me being hurt, let's try this out,

" Who are you ? "

I asked him.

He turned and saw me holding the scissor in my hand,

" Jenifer, what are doing ?

You'll hurt yourself, darling.

Keep it away. "

Petric said getting panicked.

" Tell me who are you ? "

I asked him again.

" I...

I am Petric... "

Petric replied.

" Don't lie to me !

I know you are not my master !

Tell me who are you ? "

I asked him again.

" No, I am not !

I am not your master, I am your husband ! "

Petric said.

" Both are same and you aren't him !

Tell me who are you ?

I know I can't hurt you, but I can definitely hurt myself !

Tell me who are you, or I'll cut myself ! "

I said touching the scissor to my throat.

Pure horror spread on his face.

He is looking like he is about loose something dear to him.

" No, no, no.

Please don't !

Please don't do it.

Please, don't hurt yourself !

I will tell you, but please keep it away.

If you want, I will go stand behind the bed and won't try to reach you but please keep the scissor away, please ! "

He almost begged.

He is looking like he is about to cry, if I didn't put it away !

I didn't took it away from my throat,

" Please Jenifer, don't do this to me !

Please keep it away, I beg you. "

He said and kneeld infront of me !

What ?

He badly want me to take it away, huh ?

" I'll take it away, but first tell me who are you ? "

I said determined.

" How do I tell you now ?


You know me Jenifer ! "

He said helplessly.

What is he talking about ?

I don't know him.

" No, I don't !

Just tell me ! "

I said eagerly.

" I am...

Petric's twin brother...

Cedric Diggory.

And you know me as...

Your angel ! "

He finally said.


What ?

What did he just said ?

He is my...

Angel ?

But how can I trust him ?

" You are lying ! "

I said.

" No, I am not !

If you want test me.

Ask me something you only told your angle. "

He said.

He's got a point.


What should I ask him...

" A month ago you came to forest to meet me but, you met two men, Robert and Daniel.

Then you heard purring and you told me that your husband hurts you too much.

He have burnt you on waist because someone touched you there while dancing ! "

When I didn't said anything he told me.

He is...

Oh my god...

He is really my angel...


" You could have heard me talking and now telling me what you heard !

Do something so that I could trust you ! "

I said still doubting him.

He thought for a moment and then started purring !

My anxiety started fading away and a familiar and soothing feeling took it's place.

He really is my angel !

" So, you are for real !

I wasn't taking to air all the time ! "

I said getting happy and excited.

" Yes, I am !

Now please, keep the scissor away.

Please ? "

He said.

I placed it away.

I don't know what to do.

I am just staring at him blankly.

He looks exactly like Petric...

With some differences !

He is much taller than Petric.

His eyes are green and Petric's were ocean blue.

His hair are long and Petric's were short.

He have a sexy and dense beard and moustache while, Petric had a well maintained and trimmed beard.

His presence makes me feel safe even in most dangerous situations and Petric made me feel haunted in the safest place !

" Can...

Can I come closer ? "

Cedric asked hesitant.

What should I do ?

Shall I let him or not ?

What'll he do ?

Won't hurt me for sure !

I guess...

I noded at him.

He rose to his feet slowly and approached me.

He reached his hand out and I placed mine in his without even thinking.

It feels natural, like this is the most right thing in the world.

I stepped towards the bed and severe pain made me stop midway.

" Ahh...

Oh god... "

I moaned in pain.

He picked me in his arms and put me on the bed and covered me in the blanket.

The secret door opened and Petric's lover came in !

Oh god, what will happen now ?

He'll know he is not Petric !

What if he declared this and...

" Oh darling, I missed you so much !

Where were you ?

I've searched for you everywhere but I couldn't find you.

But I knew, you were alright and nothing would happen to you.

You can't imagine how relieved and happy I am to have you back with me ! "

Jeremy came and hugged him.

Cedric formally patted on his back and pushed him away.

" What's wrong ?

Don't you want me close to you after being parted from eachothers this long ?

Please, let me be in your arms baby, don't push me away like this ! "

Jeremy pleaded and again tried to hug him but he stepped away and turned his back on him.

Jeremy was looking surprised and hurt as well.

" Not now, Jeremy.

I can't do this anymore !

I am sorry, we need to stop this. "

Cedric said without looking at him.

" Wha... What ?

You can't do this anymore ?

What do you mean we need stop this ?

Are you drunk ?

What are you talking about ? "

Jeremy was shocked at his words.

" No I am not drunk.

I just can't hurt her anymore ! "

Cedric said calmly.

" And you can hurt me ?

What do you think of yourself ?

You can't do this to me Petric... "

Jeremy said raising his voice feeling hurt. But he calmed him down.

" Baby what's wrong ?

Did anyone blackmailed you to stay away from me ?

We'll figure out something don't give up like this. We are together, remember that ! "

Jeremy said and wrapped his arms around Cedric from behind but he pushed him away.

" Baby !

Please don't push me away like this !

I've been craving for your touch, don't do this to me.

I beg you, please stop kidding ! "

Jeremy said getting panicked at his lover's reaction !

" Do I look like I am kidding ?

I said, I am done hurting her, she have been through so much because of me and I want to amend my mistake !

I can't hurt her anymore. "

Cedric said firmly.

" Please baby... "

Jeremy was feeling helpless.

" Don't baby me and leave us alone !

And please don't come to me from now onwards, do you understand ? "

Cedric said raising his voice.

" No I don't !

And I won't go away !

I am not some dog that you can kick and expect him to stay away !

I love you and I won't give up on you; ever !

I'll come to you every single night and... "

Jeremy was talking to him but he didn't let him finish.

" I'll slam the door at your face !

I am being very polite, don't taste my patience I am not very good at it ! "

Cedric said getting irritated.

" I know that !

I've known you forever and loved like no one did.

You don't have to tell me that you are not a patient person.

But you know me as well, I am stubborn and I won't give up on you just like that no matter what ! "

Jeremy said firmly.

His voice was shaking and I feel he is about to cry. His eyes are wet but he is not letting them fall.

He glared at me and stormed out of the room.

Oh my god, the gentle and sweetheart Jeremy just died infront of me !

Cedric looked at me,

" You knew who he is was ? "

I asked surprised.

" I know everyone and their jobs. "

Cedric replied calmly.

" How ?

And where were you till now ?

Why did nobody told me a single thing about you ?

I've never heard anyone even calling your name. And most importantly, where is Petric ?

Why are you here at his place ? "

I have got so many questions for him now !