
The replacement brother

When everything goes wrong with him he let goes, but when it comes to his love, he won't leave anyone unpunished for hurting his mate

Stroyteller_1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Lover or Killer ?

It is becoming very hard to be with Rick !

I mean, Katherine did warned me about this, but I underestimated her !

She was so right about the intensity thing between us.

He is at different level and I am at other.

We don't intersect at all !

That's not gonna work if it's gonna be like this forever !

He always overreacts.

He just wants to control my life and I am not liking it !

He feels no man should touch me except him !

He did saved me from Mr. White; he is a pervert and lusty man.

I am ok with it, but he didn't had to be bad with Roger !

He just had asked me for a dance.

He is wise man and I don't feel uncomfortable in his presence.

And now ?

He just crossed all the limits !

Shane saved me from falling on my face and he ? He said to that, Shane should have let me fall instead of touching me ?

He is being unreasonable.

It's very bad behaviour.

What is the obsession with no one else touching me ?

If someone is touching me with bad intesions, it's ok.

But no need to be bad to the good people !

And after doing all this, he is asking me,

' What did I do ? '

Let me tell him.

I can't control my tears !

These fucking tears make me weak every single time !

" Please Jeni, tell me.

What's wrong ?

Why are you crying ? "

Cedric asked desperately.

I don't know where to start ?

And then it striked me !

" You...

You remind me of someone, Rick ! "

I said disgusted.

" Who ? "

Cedric asked confused.

" Your brother; Petric ! "

I spat that name with atmost venom.

" What ? "

He shrieked being compared to his brother.

He thought for a moment and then started calmly, misunderstanding my intention.

" I mean...

Yes we were twins so, we do have same face... "

Cedric said feeling bad for his face makes me remind his brother !

He is so wrong !

" It's not about the face, Rick.

You are just like him ! "

I said irritated.

" What are you talking about, Jeni ? "

Cedric asked horror in his eyes for I called them the same.

" He too was obsessed with me !

He too didn't let anyone come close to me !

He too controlled my life !

He too kept me in the cage !

The only difference between you two is, you don't hurt me; physically ! "

I said glaring at him, tears rolling down my cheeks.

" No ! "

He almost screamed and covered his ears like he couldn't listen to the allegations I was posing on him.

" Please don't say that, Jeni !

That's so not true.

I don't keep you in cage... "

Cedric said defensively.

" So, does that means, you accept all the other allegations are true ? "

I asked him.

" No, I don't !

Because they aren't !

Baby I am not at all like him.

I am not obsessed with you, I am possessive about you and there is a lot of difference between them.

I don't let anyone come close to you, because I want to protect you.

I don't control your life nor do I keep you in a cage; you are free to go anywhere you wish ! "

Cedric said.

" No. That's not true.

You too are obsessed with me ! "

I said firmly.

" Ok, may be I am. "

He said finally accepting it.

" But baby the reason is me being a wolf; and that too an Alpha !

We wolves are possessive about our mate.

Though you aren't my mate yet, but you are my impression ! "

Cedric said helplessly trying to make me understand what he was saying eagerly.

" What the hell is that ? "

I asked irritated and confused.

" It's impossible to explain darling !

I can't explain it to you in words.

An impression for a wolf is like...

Like... Love intensified at 100 level !

I love you more than you think and more than I can express. "

Cedric said desperately.

" You call this obsession love ? "

I asked in disbelief and utterly shocked.

" That's why I said it's impossible to explain in words !

We are different from eachothers baby, that's why it's hard for us to understand.

What you think obsession and controlling, in the wolf world, it is the most adorable thing, to have your mate possessive about you !

Loving you like no other mate love his ! "

Cedric said trying to convince me that he wasn't wrong, just different from me.

" But I don't find it adorable at all Rick !

I find it like restrictions. "

I said sobbing torn between wanting to be with him and unable to accept his way of loving me !

" No baby, I won't ever do that !

See, the difference between a wife and a mate lies here.

Being a wife comes with the privilege of getting seperate from your husband, but mates can never seperate from eachothers !

Being a wife comes with privilege to like some other man than husband, but being a mate, that's impossible !

And it applies to both the mates not only the woman.

Once you mark your mate, you two are together forever and nothing can change it ! "

Cedric said.

" So, it means getting stuck with a same person for a lifetime, even if you don't want to be with them ? "

I asked in disbelief and getting mad at his words and the way their love is.

" After marking the mate, nothing comes between the mates, love !

Once you mark your mate, his/her concern becomes your priority.

You love them with your heart and soul and nothing can make you feel wanting to get separated from your mate !

It's love, baby. "

Cedric said feeling how good and pure their form of love is !

" Dominating your wife; is that what you call love ? "

I asked getting irritated.

" The domination is accepted by the female, willingly.

She surrenders to her male!

It doesn't makes her inferior, it makes sure she'll be protected and loved by her mate; forever ! "

Cedric said telling why it is ok and no problem to get dominated by your male.

" But... "

I was still not convinced to accept this way of loving your partner.

" I know baby, it's all different from what you've seen.

But, our worlds are different and the thing ARE gonna be different, we need to cope up with eachothers !

I am not obsessed with you, I am possessive about you.

I love you and I want to be the only man touching you ! "

He said with adoration and jealousy.

When I didn't replied, he continued.

" And tell me one thing, if you too love me then, no one else touching you other than me shouldn't bother you !

Somebody else touching you isn't a very good or appreciable thing now, is it ? "

Cedric asked.

He do have a point !

Nobody loves me other than him then, why should it bother me if he doesn't let anyone one else come close to me ?

He've saved me many times in the forest and here as well then, why should I doubt his intensions now ?

He loves me, I love him then, what's the problem in submitting to him ?

I didn't realized that while thinking about all this, I was blankly staring at him.

He slowly came close to me and tucked my loose curl behind my ear.

He cupped my face in his palm and I looked into his eyes,

" I love you so much, Jeni.

I love more than you think !

I can do anything for you.

I can kill and die for you.

I can let anything happen to anyone, but you !

I can't see anyone else touching you.

You are mine and mine alone... "

Cedric said staring intensely at me, heat emitting from him and engulfing me in it.

I lost all my senses and could only focus on him so close to me.

I was breathing with much struggle.

His look changed in his eyes.

It was very intense, like some animal eyeing his prey before tearing him apart.

He took a sharp shaky breath and his lips parted a bit.

He leaned in closer to me even more.

My heart started beating wildly in anticipation with what was about to happen.

He looked in my eyes and at lips alternately.

His grip on my face tightened a bit and he closed his eyes while he crossed the aching distance between our eager and desperate lips.

I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

He was about to press his lips to mine, when...

" Stop it ! "

Shane screamed his lungs out.

We whipped our heads in his direction startled at his sudden scream.

He came in from the door Jeremy enters our room.

" What the hell are you doing in here ?

I've told you so many times, I love her and not you !

Get the hell out of here. "

Cedric growled at him in fury.

What ?

Love Shane ?

Why would Shane...

" He isn't Pet Jenifer, can't you see it ? "

Shane yelled at me.

Jenifer ?

He've never called me by my name.

It's quite insulting !

And what does he mean...

Does he know ?

" What do you mean ? "

I asked unsure of what to say.

" Pet can't love you !

And kissing you would be the last thing he'd do ! "

Shane said with disgust at the thought of Rick kissing me !

" Wh...

Why ?

What are talking about ? "

I said getting uneasy at his right guess.

" Oh, don't act so innocent, Jenifer !

You know Petric is gay !

Then how could he kiss you ?

Are you this dumb ? "

Shane said.

How does he...

Oh, he is his childhood friend, ofcourse he knows !

" Shut your dirty mouth and stop calling her by her name ! "

Cedric growled again.

" You shut up !

And tell me, who are you ?

Where is my Petric ? "

Shane asked getting mad.

Why is he sounding different than everyday ?

And though, this voice is familiar, it isn't like his...

" How do you know he is gay ? "

I asked wanting to clear my doubt.

" Because he loves me !

I am Jeremy !

I am the one whom Petric fucked infront of you !

I am the one whom he loves not you; not anyone else in this entire world !

This man over here is being avoiding me since he stepped inside.

And Pet can't live without me even for a day and he is here for months now and still he didn't touched me ? "

Shane said with pain in his voice.

" If this Pet, he would had taken me so many times by now, to compensate the loss !

And he ?

He can't be Petric !

He says he loves you. "

Shane glared at me.

" If he is my Petric and now he loves you; I won't let you live !

If you die, he'll come back to me ! "

He said menacingly.

" I haven't hurted you ever; if anything, I always have tried to save you from his torcher and this is how you pay me back ? "

Shane said feeling betrayed.

He took a few deep breaths, I thought he was cooling himself down.

But what he did was completely opposite of what I thought he would do.

" Get ready to die you lover stealer... "

Shane said coldly.

He came running towards me with an open dagger in his hands pointing at me.

But, before he could reach me, Rick grabbed him in his way and pushed his hand in air and made him let go of the dagger.

" You fucking bastard, how dare you threaten my love ? "

Rick said with his teeth clenched.

" Before hurting her, you'll have to kill me; and that is impossible !

And before you die, I want to enlighten you with few things... "

Cedric said coldly grabbing his throat.

He told Shane, who is he.

How and why did he killed Petric.

And how is he going to kill him.

Shane started struggling against his steel grasp on his throat.

" Rick, please don't kill him ! "

I almost screamed in panic.

" He have to die !

Firstly he dares to try kill my love and secondly, he knows the truth.

So, he must die ! "

He said determined.

" You can close your eyes if, you can't watch ME killing him or HIM getting killed !

In anyway, he is gonna die tonight ! "

Cedric said growling louder.

Though, Rick told me to close my eyes, but he didn't even gave me chance to close my eyes and ripped his heart off !

I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.

" Wha...

Oh god... "

I barely wispered in shock.

Oh god, he just...

His nails turned into claw and he tore his skin and ripped his heart off !

He didn't gave any chance of screaming to Shane.

The moment he let go of him, Shane collapsed on the ground...

Lifeless !

He was covered in his own blood.

His eyes wide open and looking at me, like he was accusing me for his death !

" Oh god, Rick !

Why did you...

Why did you killed him ?

He was...

He was like a little brother to me !

He was always there for me whenever I needed him.

He never treated me bad.

He always tried to save me from Petric... "

I was so shocked even I don't know what was I talking about.

" And that's why he came running towards you with a sharp and naked dagger to put it through your heart ?

What kind of brother does that ?

And if I'd had let him go, he'd had told the reality to everyone.

I had to do this !

And how he fucking dared to threaten you ? "

Cedric was shaking with fury.

I recalled my own words I thought of few moments ago,

' I want to submit to him...'

And he killed him to save me !

I should...

I looked at Rick, he was glaring at Shane's dead body and breathing high.

He growled low and looked at me menacingly,

" The next man tries to touch you, I swear to god, I am gonna rip his heart out and fuck you hard in the pond of his blood ! "

Cedric said coldly.

I shiver ran down my spine.

I took in a shaky breath.

I froze at his words.

Did he just said that ?

The way he is looking at me, completely animalistic face !

Growling and snarling, eyes wide and glaring at Shane and me alternately...

It made my heart running like a horse.

I can't explain what am I exactly feeling.

He is looking like an animal, snarling at his enemy and growling at his...

Wife ?

His words made me freez with fear and a sense of his possessiveness towards me is kinda making me feel proud of myself at the same time !




What the hell is wrong with me ?

He just killed the only person who cared for me infront of eyes and I am having such thoughts ?

He purred out of nowhere and I felt calmness surrounding me.

I ran to him and held him tightly.

" Sometimes your words make me wonder if, I am scared of you more than anyone else in this world ? "

I wispered crying.

He didn't said anything, he just continued purring for comforting me.

" I don't know what happened and I am not sure what to say ?

I just need some time to digest this. "

I said.

" Do you want to stay at pack for some time ?

So that, you get to know what does this means in our pack ? "

Cedric finally said.

" What ? "

I asked confused of what he means.

" Your mate killing someone who dared threatening you ! "

Cedric said what he was talking about.

I didn't said anything, just tighten my grasp on him and he pressed his lips to my head.

" If you want, I can take you there right now.

Or whenever you want. "

Cedric said sensing my scared to death emotions.

" Right now ?

But, Shane... "

I said.

" Don't worry about him, I'll take care of him.

Tell me, when do you want to go ? "

Cedric pressed on me to answer his question rather than thinking about Shane's dead body.

I am very glad he understood what I felt and needed right now !

He didn't asked me to close myself in a room.

And I guess it's the best idea.

With the children in our pack, my heart will feel good and may be I'd get to know a few things about the wolf mates !

" Let's go then. "

I wispered.

" Let me just take him out on a ride.

You get your bag ready, baby. "

Cedric said.

He kissed my head once again.

He took Shane out somewhere and did what god knows !

I have started liking him calling me baby !


I don't know but, I just loved it.

I too can start calling him that !

After a few moments he returned, cleaned the room and took me to the pack.