
The replacement brother

When everything goes wrong with him he let goes, but when it comes to his love, he won't leave anyone unpunished for hurting his mate

Stroyteller_1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A glimpse of what's about to come

I got panicked when Robert attacked Dani.

I just realised, I love him more than I think !

My heart almost came out of my mouth when, I heard his pained screams.

I wanted to run to him but that moment Katherine brought Jenifer home and the pack members helped Dani out so I stayed.

I know Jenifer is back in the villa, but she didn't came to see me in our room.

I am eagerly waiting for her to talk to me and tell me exactly what is she feeling ?

I don't want to be intimidating to her, so I guess facing out from the window would be the best when she'll talk...


The intoxicating scent of my love !

There she is.

She is coming to the room.

I must turn around now and keep my back at her.

I heard her foot steps slowing and coming to a complete halt.

I am getting anxious to listen what she have to say.

She delebrated for few moments and finally spoke.

" What should I do now ? "

Jenifer said plainly without any emotions.

" I thought you ran away to think exactly that ! "

I said calmly.

" Yes, I did.

But I couldn't reach any conclusion.

So... "

Jenifer was getting irritated.

" What did you thought about ?

What did you think about me ? "

I asked her trying to help her getting the answer she is seeking

" You killed my family.

You killed your own brother...

But you haven't been bad to me.

You hurted those people who once hurted me !

So you are an angel and a devil all at once ! "

Jeni said slowly.

" That's not possible. "

I said.

" Yes it is !

I've seen someone who is good to some and bad to some. "

Jenifer said denying what I said.

" What do you want do about it then ? "

I asked.

" I hate you for what you did to others; but I love you for everything you did for me ! "

Jenifer said getting to some conclusion.

" I don't think of it as a solution for anything at all. Either you can love me or you can hate me. "

I pressed for getting any solution from her.

" No I can't !

I can't hate you for you have always been my angel and I can't love you for you killed my family ! "

Jenifer said irritated.

" You have to... "

I tried to get her to select one side.

" For god's sake can you turn around and look me in the eye ?

I feel I am taking to a wall ! "

Jenifer almost screamed in irritation for I have been talking to her with my back at her.

She is clearly pissed off.

I better turn and look at her.

I slowly turned to face her.

" That's much better ! "

Jenifer said still irritated a bit.

" You must choose one side, Jenifer !

You can't be on both side together. "

I finally said what was on my mind.

" That's the fucking question, what should I choose ? "

Jenifer was getting frustrated for she couldn't come to a final solution.

" Love me and be mine ! "

I said getting her choose what I wanted her to.

" I haven't hurted you.

Nor did I hurt the innocent ones !

I killed those who were evil and hurting you.

I won't say I did that FOR you or BECAUSE you.

I did that, because I couldn't see you hurt !

And practically thinking, you have got no one but me !

So, forgive me for what you think I was wrong for; but I don't think so.

So, forgive me and love me.

We both will be happy because of your decision.

I won't manipulate your decision.

You are free to make one as you wish. "

I said concluding my opinion.

" Huh !

Very easy for you to say so.

But it isn't. And I..."

Jenifer was still thinking wheather to choose to me or not.

" Why can't you ?

Answer my questions.

Don't lie, because you can lie to me but not to yourself !

Do you really think your family loved you ?

Your mother ?

Father ?

Brother ? "

I asked her clearing her mind.

" Your real father loved you more than his life but Petric had him killed and then, he torched you as hell.

Do you really think what I did was wrong ?

That I am the evil one ? "

I asked her irritated for she still thinks I am the evil ?

She looked at me with quivering lips and watery eyes for a moment and then came running to me and hugged me tigh.

It was not what I had expected, so I couldn't process what happened.

Then I slowly wrapped my arms around her and she tightened her grip and tried to become one with my body.

She is so tiny, she can't even reach my heart.

I picked her up and crushed on me.

She let herself loose in my arms and rested her cheek on my chest.

I placed my head on hers.

She barely wispered on my skin,

" I love you...

I love you so much.

I can't hate you even if I decided to !

You are right, no body loved me.

But now I have you, the person who loves me the most !

I am so sorry I ran away from you.

I am so sorry. "

Jenifer said sobbing.

I pressed my lips on top of her head and that's how her apology was accepted without any word.

She clung to me tightly.

As the passion slowed down, I can feel her body temperature is falling.

" Oh my god, Jenifer you are cold.

Let's warm you up.

And we need to inspect your wound. "

I said.

" This is weird, the burning bleeding wound have stopped bleeding completely and doesn't even hurt to the extent a few hours old deep injury should ! "

She said amused and surprised.

" The paste you have on your injury are from the forest and have magically healing properties. "

I told her half truth and took her to the bed and made her lay there.

I put the covers on her and slide under the covers with her.

She was moving away from me.

I know she must be uncomfortable with being this close to an unknown man, for she have never felt the touchof a man before !

But getting her warmed up is the priority right now.

I pulled her onto my chest; which is bare.

Yes, I took my shirt off to provide her more heat.

I must maintain my body temperature.

It mustn't be too high that she might get burnt. But it shouldn't be too low that instead of heating her up, I'd end up freezing her !

When I warmed my body up she pressed herself onto me and snuggled close and fell asleep.

She needs to sleep well.

She didn't had a peaceful and good sleep with Petric torching her !

As the days are passing, we are spending much time knowing eachothers.

We are discovering new things about eachothers everyday and enjoying them.

We don't have any problem or awkwardness between us, except for we haven't become physically yet !

Actually I don't mind it or I can say, I don't want to, until she discovers my secret !

I want her to know what it means to be the mate of a wolf and then we should take the next step !

I have nothing to worry about.

I've told everyone here that, I am a bit in trauma after something happened to me when I disappeared so, I can't join the work yet.

Jenifer is doing it for me and Petric's loyal ones are helping her out.

Everything is excellent except for that fucking Jeremy !

He keeps on coming to me every night and tells how much do he loves me and how much I; Petric used to love him !

He might have but I don't !

He was gay not me !

Not that I hate him because he is gay; but I love my mate and I don't want anyone else !

He thinks because of the trauma I faced, I don't want him.

But he doesn't know the reality.

Every night I have to drive him away out of my room, literally !

He doesn't listen to me.

I have a very less patience and he is testing it. Once I loose it, he isn't gonna like it !

He fucking gives death glares to my love !

How dare he ?

I am seriously holding it in only because Dani keeps me in control from loosing my mind !

I go to my pack every night and do my duties as the Alpha of my pack.

I make sure Jenifer is fast asleep and then go to my pack and return before she wakes up.

So, she doesn't get I wasn't in the room the whole night.

Robert is becoming more and more rebellious day by day and there's nothing I can do about it; except killing him !

But it isn't the solution.

I can't kill my own pack members !

But I need to do something about it.

I should now start to give Jenifer few hints about me.

I can't revel everything in one go, she won't be able to take it !

I decided to take her to the walk towards my pack. I won't take her to the pack directly.

Closer, just for an idea !

" Jeni, would you like to come for a long walk with me ? "

I asked her.

" When ? "

Jeni asked.

" Now. "

I told her.

" Now ?

This late ? "

Jeni asked surprised.

It was late actually; half past 1 am !

" Don't you trust me that I'd protect you ?

I've done it for a long time now. "

I said teasing her.

" I didn't said I don't trust you !

I am just saying it's late now. "

Jeni explained herself.

" Are you sleepy ? "

I asked.

" No. Not at all. "

Jeni said.

" Then what's the problem ? "

I asked.

I must take her tonight.

I have got everything planned.

" Ok fine !

You are way too stubborn Rick.

You always get what you want. "

Jeni said shaking her head like I was impossible !

" Well, I'll take it as a compliment ! "

I said with a smile.

We left the villa and I turned towards my pack's way.

We chatted our way and she didn't realised how far and where did we came.

When she finally realised,

" Rick ! We are way too far from the villa.

And this area is very dangerous.

The cops don't allow anyone to come here.

Let's just go back, I am getting a bit nervous. "

Jeni said scared.

" Don't worry dear, I am with you.

Let's just go a bit further and then we'll leave for the villa, I promise. "

I promised her.

" But... "

Jeni tried to change my mind; as if I would !

" Please ?

Don't worry. Nothing will happen.

I am with you. If you are too scared, you can hold my hand. "

I said.

She did what I asked and we proceeded further.

I had already told my pack members what to do. They were just waiting for me.

' Dani, your turn. '

I told Dani when we reached close to them.

' On the way Alpha.

Guys, show time ! '

Dani said to the pack members.

We walked a bit further when they started growling low and rustling in the trees and Jeni held my hand tight.

I can listen to her heart pounding in her chest. She was scanning the surrounding, as if she could spot my members ; silly girl !

" Rick, something is wrong.

Let's turn back and leave.


I don't want to continue the walk anymore. "

Jeni said getting panicked.

Ok, but I can't leave until they come infront of us and I can shove them away !

' Dani ! '

I called for him.

And slowly all of them appeared infront of us. Jenifer gasped and let out a shaky breath after she saw the beasts.

As humans, we couldn't even reach half of their leg and she is already so tiny !

She became pale and dug her nails in my arms as she couldn't speak or even wisper anything at all.

" Relax, Jeni.

They won't hurt us. "

I said assuringly.

" They... They are so...

So huge... I... I can't believe my... My eyes... "

Jenifer was beyond shocked now.

She barely wispered under her breath, as if was talking to herself.

I started growling low and they growled high and she shivered completely.

I growled louder than them and they started stepping back bit by bit.

Dani hauled and I snarled at him and all of them backed off slowly and disappeared in the dark.

Jenifer was shocked to see the gaint beasts for the first time.

She was still looking in the empty space where the beasts stood.

I literary shook her and she looked at me,

" What... What were they ?

They were so... So huge...

Like... Like some beasts... "

Jeni said her eyes wide in shock.

" They were the wolves.

Don't worry, they are gone now.

Let's get back to the villa. "

I said like nothing happened.

" But they were so...

How... Where did they came from ?

It means...

It means what we heard about...

Gaint wolves was...

Wasn't a myth afterall !

And they do... "

Jenifer was realising now what the reality was.

" Certainly it wasn't !

Now, let's go back before they come for us again. Can you walk my dear ?

You are shivering and pale ! "

I said concerned.

" Yes I can... "

She said and took a step.

" Oops... "

She lost her balance.

" I think I can't... "

Jeni said and almost fell, I grabbed her beforeshe did.

I know she won't be able to walk, so I picked her up in my arms and left for the villa.