
The Renown Almakhadie

In the year of 2060, a billion people eagerly joined a cutting-edge virtual reality game that mirrored real life. However, after logging in, they discovered a shocking truth: they couldn't log out. This wasn't a glitch but a deliberate feature, plunging the game into chaos. The only ways to escape were to beat the game, die in the virtual world, or take their own lives, risking death in reality. Amidst this turmoil, a unique young boy, who seemed misplaced in this world, stood out. Driven by an insatiable thirst for power since childhood, he possessed immense knowledge, strength, and survival skills. This story delves into the challenges faced by someone with unparalleled capabilities in a foreign world and explores the contrast between ordinary individuals, some confined to their rooms, and someone who has honed themselves to be the most capable and strongest. In this unforgiving virtual realm, life took on a brutal and unpredictable nature. The contrast between the ordinary, civilized life they once knew and the harsh reality of a world teeming with monsters was stark. Normal concerns were replaced by constant vigilance, as any moment could bring peril or the loss of a loved one. The once-comfortable routines of everyday life were shattered, replaced by the relentless struggle for survival. Gone were the days of secure homes and predictable schedules. Now, every step held the potential for a life-or-death encounter with the monstrous inhabitants of this digital realm.

Almakhadie · Action
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119 Chs

The Scream

 Velios completely stopped chewing, he didn't think he heard her right the first time so he asked for her to repeat it, but her answer was the same every time. What she said the first time was that Velios had been unconscious for close to three days. His stare was locked forwards. His mouth was slightly open and his whole body had completely stopped moving. He couldn't think of the answer to it, there were too many options and they still don't know much about how the world functions. Why? Was it too much training, is there some sort of limit? Did my healing completely stop working? I mean, I hadn't eaten food since I killed that bear. Maybe the healing becomes ineffective if you don't eat? Or maybe it was overused? But still, three days of being unconscious? That's too much, even for my standards. How many days have I not been training then? This is too much to think about at the same time, I'll just think about this later when I have time. "Hey, Velios, are you feeling good? You've just gone silent from nowhere." The girl asked worryingly, looking at him. "Oh, I'm fine actually. In fact, I'm feeling so fine that I think you won't need to take care of me anymore." He tried to sound as convincing as possible but the fact that he couldn't even walk properly was a sign that he may still need a night or more.

 "Velios, not to break your bubble but you can barely walk straight. I don't think your fully healed enough to get back to that training of yours." Velios was immediately about to respond but before he had the chance the waiter had come to the table to collect the bill. "The bill will be 864.5 karon." All of the people looked at the amount and let out a little sigh except Velios that was super confused on what a "karon" was. "What is a karon?" The other people tried to hold in their laughter as he finished his sentence. "Ah, karon is the currency used in this world, it's used as payment for everything except goods by trade and can be earned from quests and commissions alike." Velios was sitting there confused as if he was supposed to know about it in someway. "Velios, how would you not know? What happened to the adventure book that we all received in the start, did you not get it?" Velios' face became completely silent. He had remembered a certain book that he had giving absolutely no attention to. "Oh, that book that we received in the beginning. Yeah I kinda have a funny story about that. So, the first day when I was running to the edge of the city. I might have thrown it out without reading it." The entirety of the group looked at him like he was some sort of idiot. "I was worrying about you but it almost seems that everything that's happened to you so far is all your fault." 

 Leonardo had paid for the bill and they had walked back to their inn. This time however Velios could actually walk thanks to his natural healing working again but he still had to be restrained so that he would not flee even though it would have been no problem if he actually decided to go into the forest now that he was fully healed. They had done him a favor by taking care of him during his time unconscious and even treating him to a big meal. Velios could still appreciate their gesture of friendliness even though communications never were his strong suit. "Velios, could you stay here while we go out hunting? It seems like all of the monsters in the forest have almost grouped together near the entry to the city. We're safe here of course but we need access to the forest before the situation gets out of hand. So all of us capable adventurers will be quite busy for the rest of the day." Lia had a subtle look on her face that Velios noticed fairly quickly. He saw that she was worried and probably also afraid of what could be out there. "Take care Lia, stay safe out there." Was said just before Lia closed the door to the room.

There is not much I can do stuck in this room. I can train my senses to try and level them up, I can also focus more on bodyweight training. I can train for the 10,000 handstand pushups that I still need to finish as soon as possible or I can train in something else? I do believe that I will be able to finish it on my next try now that I'm fully healed. Let's just do what I can while I'm here. Might as well focus on speed and explosiveness specifically. I do think that It's a little annoying being able to hear and see everything around my surroundings quite far away but I don't yet have the mastery or experience to specifically control who or what to focus on but I guess this will do. I can still see them walking, Lia, Leon, Akanji, Edward and that quiet one. Let's get to training before I get too carried away. Time kept on passing and everything seemed fine. Velios could focus on training and he hadn't needed to stop since he started. Only about an hour had passed and it seemed to be going great. Since the inn was really close to one of the entries, Velios could still sense them and hearing them was almost easier. Velios wasn't focused on what they said but he still heard his own name a few times which didn't really make him curious since he was busy training.

 Hours had passed from Velios training, he was now extremely tired and the simplest of exercises were now hard even for him and the floor was almost soaking in Velios' sweat. He decided to switch to pull up exercises instead with what equipment he had. "HELP!" The scream came out of nowhere, it was super high-pitched and blood-curling. Velios would probably be able to hear it normally with how loud it was. But Velios' face turned serious and his eyes widened. He could sense that something was wrong even before the scream which confirmed the seriousness of the situation. Why did I sense that one person suddenly disappeared? What happened? Are they okay? They said that there were only a few low-level monsters. It can't be one of those bears that I met before can it? But that wasn't even that strong, what could have happened?! Velios couldn't stop thinking, the thoughts rushed into his brain and stayed there. But he knew exactly who it was that let out that horrible scream. "Lia!"