
The Rendezvous: Pompeii

this is a pretty short story with time as batter, a few youngsters as ingredients who get mixed by a blender known as Pompeii. note: some parts of the story might be facts while others are just made up. There might be some grammatical errors in between, please don't mind them?.

Megha2625 · History
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36 Chs

my escape

~Pricsilla~( January 19 79AD)

If I did travel through time, then which date am I in?! I sat and thought for a while... Herculaneum... It was destroyed due to the eruption of Vesuvius... But the city is still intact... Then I travelled back almost 2000 years?!!! WTH!!

I need to find a way out... Well how did I end up here in the first place?! F***!

What was I doing before I fainted?? I merely beautified myself... Hmm... No idea why am here...

I have no money now... Guess I have to sell that choker... Sorry dude... What was his name again, the guy with silver eyes...

The choker!! It's GONE!! Great!! I can starve to death now...

"It's time for bed!!", A lady called out to me...

"Yeah.. Coming..."

Just then my benefactor came,"Hey ladies!! Drink this, it's made of herbs and can boost your energy!"

He gave us all one cup and poured some of the... Juice?? Tonic?? That green thing.

I took a sip. Eewww!! It was soo bitter!! The others drank it somehow... I could get it down my throat...

They all looked at me. Guess I was making a weird face. I forced a smile. They smiled back. I pretended to take another sip, but spat what was in my mouth back.

I pushed the tent cloth (or leather) slightly and silently poured the liquid down. I turned around to see if anyone noticed, but I found all the ladies sleeping in their positions... That quite creeped me out... What the hell was happening!! Was he going to kidnap me?!

I shoved the thought aside and tried to wake them up... But they didn't budge.

Just then my saviour (or should I say killer?) appeared into the tent with another man in armor. I closed my eyes and acted as if I was asleep.

"I am sure they won't wake up for 18 hours. We should sell them to the slave merchant soon. The copper redhead will be priced higher, for she is a rare beauty. So then, let's pack up!! First go and bring down other tents. Let this be the last.", I heard them talking.

Oh my gosh!! They are going to sell me into slavery!! It would be fine if some young handsome and kind man buys me... But what if it was some old perverted geezer?!

I had to escape... I wanted to save the others, but I knew I wasn't that capable. I knew archery, I learnt it when I was 15. I was pretty good at it! But how many men can I possibly take down?!

As soon as they left the tent, I got up, stole some money from the other ladies and sneaked out of the tent, unnoticed. I am sure they let their guard down because they believed we were all asleep..

I started to move away from the camp, then I noticed it. The horses!! I approached them, and had a small debate in my mind, whether to take the white one or the brown one or the black one.

"HEY THERE!!", I heard someone shout.

I untied the rope of the pitch black one, got on it and started my ride... Hmph smart choice!! I can camouflage into the darkness.

My aunt lived in a small town and she had a horse. It was her who taught me how to ride it.

I heard other horses coming after me... I took a 'U' turn (a very big one... Of radius 10m) and rode back a little and stopped and waited silently without making a sound. I just hoped they won't spot me.