
The Remains of a Burnt Noble Man's Dreams (Hold)

With all the nobels dead a new law and democrats are created. The Order of Orian, named after the commoner that started the rebellion. Most people that were involved in the rape of the kwoman continued to pursue the same crime in the new order. A justice system implemented by one of the right hand man was made, the Knights of Laris. As they were called by the towns people. Knights of Dorchadas they were known by the wanted. p.s - I'm planning on rewriting the first couple chapters, so give some leeway. -dotDot I DO own the cover artwork. So I got no copyright. https://pin.it/5dXKVwt ( More accurate depiction of Urza )

dotDot · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Hope fails you

"The fuckers leading this country are the reason for your low wealth and unstable health conditions. Will you join me in slaying this Insect fucks! what have you got to lose, they've taken it already!"

The crowd of peasants and commoners cheer.

All: "Get ready you upright bastards!"


The mansions and castles are in panic all over the country, this riot in the eyes of nobels is equal to the end of time.

The children and men slaughtered the women raped by those in a unstable condition. Pure chaos. :)

The screams were deafening.

Covered by the sound a 6 year old young master named Urza escaped from the massacre.

He ran through the back door close to the kitchen near the side of the house. Luckily there was a cart by the side of the house from the food deliveries. He hid for 8 hours while he heard his mother's screams from the second floor the only thing he could do to keep his sanity intact was sing a lullaby he heard from his mother as a baby.
